Master's Program

Master’s Degree programs

Degrees Offered:

Master of Arts in Educational Administration

教育领导课程是为有成功教学经验的有抱负的管理人员设计的.  该计划的中心重点是装备候选人的技能和知识,成为有效的教学领导者为幼儿园至12年级的学校.  Grounded in research, 候选人在整个项目中有多种机会将理论和实践联系起来.

该计划的特色之一是学位和服务证书的课程交织在一起. 在成功完成一年的课程和最终评估后, 候选人将获得教育管理硕士学位和加州初级行政服务(一级)证书.  


  • Develop, coordinate, and assess instructional programs;
  • Evaluate certificated and classified personnel;
  • 对学生进行纪律处分,包括但不限于停学和开除;
  • Provide certificated and classified employee discipline, including but not limited to suspension, dismissal, and reinstatement;
  • Supervise certificated and classified personnel;
  • Manage school site, district, or county level fiscal services;
  • Recruit, employ, and assign certificated and classified personnel;
  • Develop, coordinate, and supervise student support services, including but not limited to extracurricular activities, pupil personnel services, health services, library services, and technology support services;
  • 在校内评估教学服务的质素及成效;
  • Evaluate certificated personnel employed at the school site level, with the exception of the site administrator;
  • 学生和持证人员在学校现场的纪律.

Master of Arts in Educational Administration Program Website

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Master of Arts in Educational Technology, Track in Educational Technology Leadership

该教育技术领导硕士学位将为您在教育技术领域担任领导角色做好准备. Our program is aimed at teachers in PK-12 schools, e-learning developers, corporate and government trainers, technology coordinators, media specialists, instructional designers, and technologists in industry and government. In fact, 学士学位的学生可以在任何学科的背景学位进入这个领域, such as, communications, engineering, computer science, business, linguistics, math, science, urban learning, arts, etc. A background in computer programming is not necessary.

Note: 如果你想教PK-12或作为学校或地区级的计算机协调员, a California Teaching Credential is required. 此外,一些地区级别的计算机协调员职位需要行政证书.

As graduates with a Masters of Arts Degree in Educational Technology, Track in Educational Technology Leadership, you may find work as:

  • Educational technology teachers
  • Media development specialists
  • Computer coordinators for a school or school district
  • PK-12 school lab coordinator
  • Technology trainers
  • Instructional designers
  • E-learning designers
  • Web developers
  • Education technology content specialists
  • Interactive designers
  • Educational video producers
  • Instructional technologists
  • E-learning curriculum designers
  • E-learning coordinators
  • Teachers at PK-12 schools who integrate technology into their teaching.
  • Multimedia designers


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Master of Arts in Educational Foundations

文学硕士学位课程在教育基础设想改善教育经验和机会平等提供给学生在文化, linguistically, 而社会经济背景各异的城市学校教育有助于智力的形成, critical understanding, 以及为这些学生服务的教育工作者和教育专业人员的知情实践.  它提供了一个跨学科的学术项目,借鉴了人文学科的概念和方法框架, the social sciences, 以及行为科学,让教育者和教育专业人士做好批判性检查的准备, better understand, 更有效地应对教育公平问题,为城市学校不同背景下的学生提供机会. 33个单元的课程的独特之处在于它允许学生完成多达20个单元的选修课程, enabling students to combine their M.A. 在特许教育学院和其他硕士课程中提供证书和证书课程.A. programs throughout Cal State LA.

Graduates of the M.A. 教育基金会增加他们在以下领域发展的机会: 

  • K-12 teaching in public and private schools. 
  • Community College Instruction  
  • Curriculum development
  • Non –profit organizations with educational components
  • Publicly and privately funded Alternative Education programs
  • Educational consulting
  • Consultants for publishing companies 

Master of Arts in Educational Foundations Program website

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Master of Arts in Educational Technology, Option in E-Learning and New Media Design

教育技术文学硕士学位,可选择电子学习和新媒体设计,为教学设计和技术人员提供各种教育和培训环境,以获得应用和开发新技术的知识和技能, with advanced video, mobile, 和多媒体技术,以提高各级学生的学习体验.

注:计划在加州公立K-12教室任教或担任学校级或地区级计算机协调员的教师必须获得加州教学证书. This program requires a minimum of 33 units.


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Master of Arts in Education研究与评估(暂不接受申请)

The Master of Arts in Education, Option in Research and Evaluation offers candidates the opportunity to examine theory and practice in educational research and evaluation; to participate in research or evaluation projects in school districts, non-profit organizations or at the university, and to assume leadership roles in research and evaluation. 该计划将研究和评估的专业化纳入现有的硕士学位课程. The three semester program consists of courses in program evaluation, evaluation of federal and state programs, assessment, and quantitative and qualitative research methods, 也有机会做实地工作,完成一个最终项目或论文,或参加一次综合考试.

M.A. in Education, Option in Research and Evaluation Program Website

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向其他语言的人教授英语的文学硕士学位(MA TESOL)为教师在美国和英国的各种职位做好准备.S. and abroad.  学生可以选择为他们的职业选择做准备的课程, 包括以下内容:英语作为第二语言(ESL)或英语作为外语(EFL)在美国的教学.S. or in  a non English-speaking setting abroad; K-12, adult education, or post secondary settings; and research in Applied Linguistics. The program emphasizes language acquisition processes, teaching methodology, linguistics, language testing, research, and sociocultural influences.


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