


The School-Based Family Counseling Program at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is a graduate program within the 特殊教育和咨询司 in the 教育学院.  

The School-Based Family Counseling Program offers comprehensive training in multicultural conjoint family therapy with a strong emphasis on social justice. Our program equips students with the knowledge and skills to meet California's licensure requirements for the Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential, 儿童福利及照顾高级授权书, 持牌婚姻及家庭治疗师(LMFT)证书, 及持牌专业临床咨询师(LPCC)证书. 毕业生为心理健康机构和学校的就业做好了充分的准备. 


  • The clinical skills of an independent marriage/ family therapist and a wide range of competencies of an effective school counselor.  
  • 与成年人一起工作的能力, 家庭, 和孩子们从不同的系统导向的角度和环境.
  • The strategies to develop a collaborative effort between the family and school to maximize the academic and social success of the child.  
  • The challenges of increasing parental involvement in their child’s educational process to assist the child to become successful in school and in the community. 

在完成这个项目的硕士学位后, students not only gain a deep understanding of School-Based Family Counseling Program but also qualify for valuable credentials, 包括:


This specialization in School Counseling includes developing comprehensive counseling and guidance programs encompassing academic, 职业生涯, 个人, 社会发展. 它包括倡导学生的学业成功, 提供全校支援, 并为教育工作者和家长提供咨询和培训. 

儿童福利及考勤服务高级专门化课程: This specialization equips students with the expertise to navigate the intricate landscape of child welfare and attendance services, 让他们在这个关键领域产生有意义的影响. 

For more information on the School-Based Family Counseling Program Internship Credential and other program details, 请联系特殊教育和咨询办公室. Our program is committed to preparing future professionals who can positively influence the lives of children and young adults as they progress through their educational journeys. 


2024年秋季申请提交期将于2023年10月1日开始. 请找到您的程序,以查看其各自的 入学申请截止日期 




除了满足大学研究生课程入学的一般要求外, 准学生必须符合以下标准: 

  • 获得地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位或更高的学位.  

  • A 2.在过去的60个学期中,我的平均成绩是75分. 

  • 两封推荐信. 

  • 参加该司筛选委员会的面试. 


  • 没有特定的本科专业要求. 

  • 没有标准化考试(e.g.(GRE)是必要的. 

  • 唯一的先决条件是咨询或心理学理论课程, 哪些课程必须在秋季课程开始前完成. 

  • COUN 4500 ( 3 units)- Counseling Theories is offered at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 in the 10-week Summer semester before the program begins, 如果你以前没有上过类似的课程. A satisfactory course for the prerequisite must include coverage of major counseling or psychology theories (e.g.,精神分析,行为,格式塔,罗杰斯,认知等.). 心理学入门课程可能没有提供足够的内容. 如果你认为你选择了合适的课程,请发邮件给Dr. 卡特制定了一个评估大纲. 这门课的成绩必须达到“C”或以上, 在项目开始前不能上其他课程. 


The School-Based Family Counseling (SBFC) program at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 admits two cohorts of 12 students annually for the Fall semester. 考虑到竞争激烈, 300多名申请者竞争24个职位, it's essential to bolster your chances of acceptance by gaining experience in the mental health field and understanding the roles of Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) and School Counselors in their work settings. 

从历史上看,申请者的平均绩点为3分.通常会选择0或更高的人参加面试, 虽然这可能会根据申请人的情况而有所不同. Those chosen for interviews undergo a 20-minute individual interview with at least two faculty members. This interview assesses the applicant's knowledge and experience in the MFT and School Counseling professions, 以及他们的人际交往能力和自我意识. 

Successful candidates admitted to the program are assigned to cohort groups and are required to follow a specified sequence of cohort classes. 




Candidates are required to obtain 证书 of Clearance with the California Commission on Teacher  Credentialing (CTC),  提供结核检测呈阴性的证明, and successfully meet the Basic Skills Requirement  (CBEST) to advance from conditional to full admission into the program. 


  • 以学校为基础的家庭咨询项目是一个为期3年的项目, 全日制课程包括73 - 77个单元,不提供兼职学习选择. 学生 should expect most classes to be completed in the evening hours and to be on campus 2-4 days/week. 


M.S. 在咨询, option in School-Based Family Counseling approved by the Board of Behavioral Sciences and accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. 


M.S. 校本家庭辅导的辅导选项



A fully integrated program with an emphasis on clinical training in multicultural conjoint family therapy and social justice that also includes the PPS in School Counseling and Advanced Authorization in Child Walfare and Attendance. 该计划满足加州MFT许可证的所有学术要求, LPCC许可证, PPS和CWA证书, 并使我们的毕业生有资格在心理健康机构和学校就业.

SBFC项目是面对面的, 下午晚些时候, full-time graduate program that is highly structured and typically takes between 2 ½  to 3 years to complete, 这取决于每个学生的生活环境. 在 第一年, 学生们通常每学期上5节课,每周一次, 周一晚上有两节课, 从下午4:30到晚上10点, one course on Wednesday night from 4:30-7:15pm and 2 additional courses taken either on Tuesday or Thursday from 4:30-10 pm, 这取决于分配给他们的诊所课程. These Clinic courses provide the opportunity for students to work in the 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s School-Based Family Counseling Clinic with 家庭 from the community who are referred for family and school-related problems. 学生在有执照的教师的直接监督下在联合治疗小组工作. 在 第二年, students are eligible to begin their fieldwork courses in Marriage and Family Therapy and School Counseling while taking 4 courses each semester over 2-3 days in the same time slots as above. 完成课程后, 学生必须通过综合考试或完成论文或项目. 

由于COVID限制, interviews for admission for those who qualify will be held through Zoom during the last 2 Fridays and Saturdays of February 2023.  For those applicants who are accepted, an orientation and group advisement meeting are held in April.

*根据大学规定,我们将于2022年秋季恢复课堂教学. 这可能会发生变化,取决于安全性和COVID情况的任何变化, 但学生们需要住在洛杉矶地区才能开始这个项目. 该课程没有在线选项.


所有学生必须全面接种疫苗. CSU现在需要COVID-19疫苗和增强剂. 所有学生必须在MyCalStateLA门户网站上完成COVID-19自我认证过程. 有资格获得助推器的学生必须这样做并尽快上传证明. 在校园室内需要戴口罩,在许多室外环境中强烈建议戴口罩. 了解更多足彩外围网站 大学COVID-19要求.

学位的总费用取决于你什么时候能够完成你的实地考察. 学生 are allowed to begin fieldwork during the 第二年 and most finish it in the 3rd year. 这将导致4个学期的全日制费率(目前=每学期4200美元)= $16,800; PLUS 1 summer semester at the end of the 第一年 with 2 classes through Open University (currently $990 per class) = $1980; Plus 2 semesters of 3-6 units of fieldwork in the third year (part time rate currently at $2800 per semester) = $5600 for a Total = $24,380. 目前还不清楚未来3年学费是否会上涨.  有关财政援助信息,请联系 足彩外围网站的财政援助办公室. 



日期:2023年10月23日星期一时间:下午4:30.m. – 5:30 p.m.

从10月20日开始的节目说明会被录制下来. 录制的会议和幻灯片可以在下面找到. 


网站: 特殊教育和咨询司 




迈克尔·J. 卡特
Ph.D.- SBFC学院
办公地点:KH C-1067J
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

丢失的媒体项.艾米丽珍. 埃尔南德斯
Ed.D.- SBFC学院
办公地点:KH A2049
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)