Ph.D. 特殊教育


加州州立大学, Los Angeles (CSULA) and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) offer a unique Joint Doctoral Program 特殊教育 that prepares graduates to be leaders in the field as university faculty engaging in teacher education and research, or as researchers or administrators in federal, 状态, or local education agencies or research organizations. Our Joint Doctoral Program, which has existed since 1970, leads to the degree of Ph.D. 特殊教育. The program combines the resources and expertise of UCLA and CSULA faculty and provides in-depth coursework in special education, 人类发展, 教育研究, and other areas relevant to a student's career goals.


  • 学生 admitted into the program begin their doctoral study at CSULA while working closely with special education faculty in research and teaching activities, and taking small seminars on special education and related topics.
  • 第二年, students move to UCLA and participate in an ongoing research practicum with a faculty advisor and take in-depth courses in research methods and in substantive areas in human studies and psychology. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校, students maintain contact with the CSULA coordinator and faculty, and faculty from both CSULA and UCLA oversee and score their written doctoral examination, 监督研究, and serve on their dissertation committee.

The course work and experiences included in this program directly address the goal of preparing professionals who can assume leadership positions in teacher education and research in special education. A series of seminars provide breadth of knowledge in special education across disability areas. Other courses provide in-depth study of teacher education issues as well as practicum experiences in which experienced faculty provide mentoring for students as they assume instructional roles in the university classroom and supervise the classroom teaching of credential candidates. Seminars or independent studies provide candidates with depth of knowledge in specialization areas such as learning disabilities, 自闭症, 或者法律和政策, 等. 教师 also provides mentoring that involves candidates in faculty-sponsored research or other projects.

Candidates complete statistics and research methodology courses at CSULA and UCLA. Coinciding with this coursework, they participate in research practicum experiences. Candidates take further courses at UCLA to acquire depth and breadth of knowledge in 人类发展 and psychology related to education, including courses on typical and atypical development. Courses in a cognate area outside of education are taken at either campus and complete the candidates' multidisciplinary training at the doctoral level. In total, students must complete a minimum of 19 courses at CSULA and UCLA. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of their class performance, 专业承诺, participation in research and teaching practicums, 第二年的研究项目, a comprehensive written examination, 还有一篇博士论文.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of children with disabilities, including students who attend high poverty low performing schools.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of research-based interventions and effective 实践 that improve outcomes for children with disabilities, including students who attend high poverty low performing schools.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of applicable laws and policies related to children with disabilities and the ability to provide advocacy to improve their outcomes..
  • Demonstrate the ability to teach prospective teachers research-based interventions and effective 实践 that improve outcomes for children with disabilities, including students who attend high poverty low performing schools.
  • Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate, 提出, 行为, 写了, and/or disseminate research on interventions, 实践, and policies intended to improve outcomes of children with disabilities, including students who attend high poverty low performing schools.


周二,9月. 13日下午4点
星期三,9月. 21日下午4点
周四,10月. 13日下午5点




  • 联系 the Joint Doctoral Coordinator at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and/or attend an Informational Meeting
    Note: GRE is being waived for the Fall 2021 application cycle, 现在申请秋季202截止日期为2024年1月15日

  • Submit 加州州立大学, Los Angeles application
    1. 网上申请:
    2. Submit official transcripts from undergraduate and graduate study
    3. 三封推荐信
    4. 个人履历或简历
  • Applicants may be asked to participate in an oral interview with the Joint Doctoral Committee members.


  • 至少2.75 undergraduate upper division and 3.研究生平均绩点4分   
  • A master’s degree 特殊教育 or a related field
  • Minimum of three years of professional experience with individuals with disabilities
  • Demonstration of potential for successful completion of doctoral research


丢失的媒体项.Dr. 路易斯•温伯格
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