

President's Directive Regarding the Use of State University Buildings 和 Grounds

  1. 发证机关.

    This directive is issued pursuant to sections 42350-42354 of Article 9, 分章4, Part V of 标题5 of the 加州行政法典, relating to the use of State University buildings 和 grounds.


  2. 本指令的适用范围.

    本指令仅限于上述法规所引用的远景指令或州立大学校长指定的事项. 在本指令后面的章节中, 标题5 regulations are set out 和 are followed by specific directive provisions or designations, 是适当的.

    违反 标题5 regulations, including this directive, is punishable as a misdemeanor. (《足彩外围网站》第89031条)

    All directives 和 policies of this University relating to its students 和 employees now in force, 或者以后可能被采纳, 是继续, except to the extent that a specific conflict may arise between such provisions 和 标题5, 加州行政法典, sections 42350-42354, 和 the provisions of this directive which follow.


  3. 定义:第42350节.

    As used in this Article, the following definitions apply:

    (a) "Sale,“出售”或“购买”是指为获得有价对价而产生转让财产或服务义务的活动.
    (b) "Commercial solicitation" means any direct 和 personal communication in the course of 贸易或生意 reasonably intended to result in a sale.
    (c) "Solicitation" means to importune, 试图通过询问来说服或获得, 但不包括“商业征求”."
    (d) "Private sale" means occasional selling between persons who are campus students or employees.
    (e) "Commercial transaction" means selling or purchasing or both selling 和 purchasing by any person in the course of employment in, 或者在进行, 贸易或生意.
    (f) "Campus President" means those persons referred to in Section 42355 和 includes their designees.


  4. 商业交易:第42350条.1.

    (a)除非得到校园校长的书面许可,否则禁止在校园内进行商业交易和展示出售的财产或服务. 在下列情况下,应准予此种许可:

    1. the proposed activity aids achievement of the educational objectives of the campus, does not unreasonably interfere with the operation of the campus 和 is not prohibited by law, or

    2. the prospective buyer has agreed in writing in advance to an appointment, 和 the prospective seller makes no more than one appointment for any day, 和 such appointment does not interfere with the operation of the campus.



    a. 不得进行任何形式的商业销售,包括与大学或附属机构提供的销售和服务相冲突的食品销售. Non-publications sales activities shall be approved by the Vice President for Administration 首席财务官 or designee 向中央预订处申请.

    b. 大学附属机构的商业交易经行政副校长批准,无需另行通知 首席财务官.


  5. 征集:第42350条.5.

    (a)应允许就校园主题进行征集, 然而, to a reasonable regulation by the campus President as to time, 地点及方式. Solicitation in violation of established campus directives regarding time, 禁止使用地点和方式.



    a. 在《足彩外围网站》及其他认可的学生或雇员组织的刊物刊登广告,无须另行通知.

    b. 学生广告, 以及公认的组织, 是否被批准张贴在学生公告栏上,但须遵守《足彩外围网站》的规定, 洛杉矶. Advertisements by verified employee organizations are 主题 to the access regulations for employee organizations. These rules may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources Management.


    The President's designee for purposes of this subdivision is the Vice President for Administration 和 首席财务官 when the applicant is a student or a recognized organization thereof; the Director of Human Resources Management when the applicant is a verified employee organization.


  6. 商业招标:第42350条.6.

    (a)除非事先获得校园校长的书面授权,否则禁止在校园内进行商业招揽. Permission for commercial solicitation shall be granted by the campus President 主题, 然而, 对时间的管制, 地点及方式, unless such solicitation for sale would be in violation of the law.

    (b)大学附属机构的商业交易经行政副校长批准,无须另行通知 首席财务官.


    附属机构或大学的商业征求将由行政副校长批准,无需另行通知. 学生及其认可组织的商业活动须经行政副校长批准 首席财务官 向中央预订处申请.


  7. 销售出版物:第42351条.

    (a) Except in the case of private sales 和 commercial transactions to which section 42350.1适用于, 出售:任何书籍的出售或为出售而陈列, 报纸, pamphlets 和 other published materials shall be permitted on campus provided:

    1. such published materials are not available for sale at the campus bookstore, 和

    2. the selling or display of such published materials is conducted in compliance with any time, 总统通过的指示的位置和方式, 和

    3. the published materials displayed or offered for sale are not in violation of the provisions of Chapter 7.5, 标题9, Part 1 (commencing with section 311) of the Penal Code (relating to the sale 和 distribution of obscene matter), 或第6章, Title 3 (commencing with section 66500) of the Education Code (relating to the preparation, 销售和分发学期论文, theses 和 other materials to be submitted for academic credit).

    (b) Selling or displaying for sale of published materials in violation of subsection "(a)" is prohibited.


    Activity within the scope of this subdivision is approved 主题 to the following:

    Time有时由主席或指定人员决定, based upon other requirements which may be made of the facilities at or about the same time as that requested, 包括其他项目, 和 the availability of such facilities 和 personnel as the President or designee may consider necessary.

    的地方: At designated tables located in the Union Walkway 和 Main Walkway. Posting of materials is not authorized 在本节下.

    的方式:没有故意挑衅, 骚扰, 或者扰乱了该地区的人, or any disturbance of the peace as outlined in sections 415 和 416 of the Penal Code; 和 主题 to the premises being left in the same manner as they are found. 出版的材料只能在桌子上出售,卖主不得拿着出售的材料与路人对峙.


  8. 传单及通告:第42352条.

    (a)任何人或多人不得, 在任何校园剧组的任何理由上, 扔, 存款, or distribute any advertising h和bills or circulars which contain false, 误导, 或者非法广告.

    (b) The distribution of written or printed matter shall be permitted on campus, 主题, 然而, to reasonable directives by the campus President as to the time, 地点及方式. 校园校长根据本条发布的所有指令应在根据第42354条指定的地点向公众提供. Distribution of written or printed matter in violation of established campus directives regarding time, 的地方, 礼貌是被禁止的.


    Activity within the scope of this section is approved 主题 to the following:

    Time:由总裁或指定人员根据可能在要求时间内或大约在同一时间内对设施提出的其他要求确定的时间, 包括本款下的其他请求, 与学校日程和课程有任何冲突, 和 the availability of such facilities 和 personnel as the President or designee may consider necessary.

    的地方: Entrance to Cafeteria, Entrance to University Student Union, 和 Main Walkway. Posting of materials is not authorized 在本节下.

    的方式:没有故意挑衅, 骚扰, 或者扰乱了该地区的人, or any disturbance of the peace as outlined in sections 415 和 416 of the California Penal Code; 和 主题 to the premises being left in the same manner as they are found.


    The President's designee for purposes of this subdivision is the  Vice President for Administration 和 首席财务官 where the applicant is a student or a recognized organization thereof; the Director of Human Resources Management when the applicant is a verified employee organization 主题 to the provisions of the access regulations noted in section 5 above.


  9. Public Meetings, Performances, Rallies, 和 Similar Events: Section 42353.

    (a) The President of the campus may permit the use of campus buildings 和 grounds for public meetings, 表演, 集会和类似的活动,按照校园校长足彩外围网站时间的合理指示举行, 地点及方式. Any such event occurring on campus in violation of established campus directives regarding time, 禁止使用地点和方式.



    Activity within the scope of this section is approved 主题 to the following:

    Time:由总裁或指定人员根据在要求的同时或大约同时对设施提出的其他要求确定的时间, 包括其他请求, 在本节下, 与学校日程和课程有任何冲突, 和 the availability of such facilities 和 personnel as the President or designee may consider necessary.


    的方式:没有故意挑衅, 骚扰, 或者扰乱了该地区的人, or any disturbance of the peace as outlined in sections 415 和 416 of the California Penal Code; 和 主题 to the premises being left in the same manner as they are found.


    The President's designee for purposes of this section is the  Vice President for Administration 和 首席财务官 when the applicant is a student or a recognized organization thereof; Director of Human Resources Management  when the applicant is a verified employee organization; 和 the Provost 和 Vice President for Academic Affairs when the activity is related to the instructional program of the University. 行政副总裁和 首席财务官 shall be the President's designee when the applicant is not a member of the campus community.


  10. 注意:第42354条.

    在各校区主要入口或附近张贴告示,提醒人们注意有关征集传单和通告的规定, 以及公共会议, 表演, 集会和类似的公共活动, 按数字引用本文的章节, 并指定供查阅其副本及校长据此发出的指示的地点.

    本指令可在行政副总统办公室查阅 首席财务官, 大学警务处, 大学学生会办公室, 和 the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.