
Appendix G

Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities

(Senate: 1/23/68, 11/9/71, 7/15/75, 5/10/77, 11/26/85, 2/18/97, 6/2/15, 11/5/19; President: 3/26/68, 11/18/71, 12/31/75,* 6/30/77, 12/20/85, 6/6/97, 10/13/15, 1/3/20; Editorial Amendment: 9/00, 2/8/18)

*本批准的学生权利和责任声明的任何条款是否应被视为违反第九条或任何其他联邦政府法规的程序规定, such provisions will be null and void until properly amended. The voiding of any one section shall not invalidate any other section.


Academic institutions exist for the pursuit of knowledge, the search for truth, and the development of students. Free inquiry and free expression are essential to the attainment of these goals. 学习自由和教学自由是学术自由不可分割的两个方面,这取决于课堂上适当的机会和条件, on the campus, and in the larger community.

确保和尊重有利于学术自由的一般条件的责任由学术界的所有成员共同承担. Students are expected to exercise their freedom with responsibility and critical judgment. 大学有责任制定最高标准的政策和程序,以保障学术自由.

Summarized below are the rights, responsibilities, and policies and procedures that are necessary to achieve the desired goals of freedom to teach, freedom to learn, and freedom to search for truth.

  1. Academic Advisement.
    Students have the responsibility to seek advisement throughout their enrollment at this University.  To meet this responsibility, 他们有权就其学术课程的所有部分以及与这些学术课程相关的职业目标获得合理的教师和专业咨询.  From academic major advisors, 本科学生应该期待指导,包括与他们的目标和兴趣相关的专业和通识教育课程的适当选择. From faculty advisors, graduate students should expect advisement on their academic study plan, Advancement to Candidacy, and requirements and expectations for the culminating experience. 所有学生都应该了解所有学院和院系以及大多数大学规章制度和程序的相关事宜. From other appropriate university offices, students should expect advice on matters relating to state and university regulations and procedures.  Students have the responsibility to consult the handbook for rules and regulations concerning their courses.  See Chapter IV of the Faculty Handbook for more detailed policy pertaining to academic advisement.

  2. Instruction.
    When appropriate to the mode of instruction in the classroom as well as in conference and advisement, the instructor should encourage open inquiry and free expression.  Students shall be evaluated solely on the basis of their academic performance, not on their opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic performance.

    1. Freedom of Expression.  Students are responsible for mastery of the content of any course in which they enroll, 但他们可以在适当的时候对所提供的数据或意见的解释提出合理的例外.

    2. Academic Evaluation.  Students are responsible for meeting standards of academic performance established by the faculty.  以所修课程的学习成绩以外的标准进行评估,视为武断或反复无常.  The measurement of a student’s performance is the responsibility of the faculty member teaching the course.  The assignment of a final grade is the responsibility solely of the instructor.  However, 如果学生认为导师的评价是错误的,他们有权提出学术申诉, capricious, or prejudicial, or dispute a finding of academic dishonesty. If the student chooses to file an academic grievance, 学生应遵守《足彩外围网站》附录H所列的成绩申诉/学术申诉政策.

    3. Instructional Practice. 学生有权在上课时间对课程内容进行实质性的指导,除非有减轻处罚的情况. 《足彩外围网站》第五章详细说明了学生在学校缺课时间和补课政策方面的权利和责任, Waiting List policy, exclusion from class, information that should be provided in the class syllabus, and other rights and responsibilities related to instructional practice.  

    4. Access to instructional Materials. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), all students have the right to equal access to information resources provided by the course instructor.  在残疾学生办公室(OSD)注册的学生有权根据OSD的决定获得适当的便利来访问这些信息资源.

    5. Academic Honesty. 学生有责任遵守《足彩外围网站》第五章所述的学术诚信政策. 

  3. Student Input in Academic Personnel Processes.
    学生有权利和责任在每学期末进行的匿名学生意见调查中对他们的教师及其教学实践提供反馈. Students also have a right to submit written, signed statements about their direct experience with faculty performance of job duties. Such statements may be submitted to the faculty person’s department chair or the college dean. Anonymously written or unsigned materials will not be considered.

  4. Student Official Records and Information.
    Students have a number of rights regarding their records and other information. 这些权利包括将正式大学学业记录与其他记录(如与纪律有关的记录)分开的具体努力, counseling, medical, and activities records. In addition, 这些其他纪录的资料,只供大学内获授权人士在履行其职务的正常过程中需要这些纪录时使用.

    Student records shall not be available to any extra-institutional person, agency, or organization except as permitted under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, 20, U.S.C. 1232 [g]). Policies related to confidentiality of student records, and especially FERPA, are outlined in Chapter V of this handbook, section IV. 第五章还介绍了足彩外围网站学生档案管理部门足彩外围网站FERPA和相关政策的信息.

  5. Freedom of Information.
    Students have the right to access information related to their degree programs, courses, and procedures and policies related to their enrollment and success more generally. Such information is especially outlined in the University's General Catalog and Golden Eagle Handbook. The University, including colleges, departments, and various other groups, is responsible for adhering to these established policies at all times.  

    Students also have the right to specific information about each course they are enrolled in. This information must be communicated to the student by the first class meeting. The details of this information can be found in Chapter V of this handbook, in the section titled "The Class Syllabus".

    Finally, given that such information is made accessible to students, students are obligated to be aware of it. 学生对已经提供给他们的信息缺乏认识并不是放弃这些政策的理由, procedures, and regulations.

  6. Student Affairs.

    1. Freedom of Access to Higher Education. 大学将明确学生的特点和学业表现,认为这与学校课程的成功有关. The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, genetic information, religion, veteran status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its programs and activities, including admissions and access. Thus, within the limits of its facilities, 学校将考虑所有符合条件的学生,并根据校长办公室批准的录取计划录取.

    2. Freedom of Association. Students bring to the campus a variety of interests previously acquired, and develop many new interests as members of the academic community. They shall be free to organize and join associations to promote their common interests.  Cal State L.A. shall not recognize any fraternity, sorority, living group, honor society, or other student organization that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identification, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, political affiliation, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, mental condition, pregnancy, genetic information, covered veteran status, 或任何其他排除一个人作为个体被考虑的分类,但兄弟会和姐妹会组织的情况除外,这些组织根据联邦法律豁免第九章足彩外围网站性别歧视的规定. 学生有责任遵守学生组织手册中列出的大学政策.

    3. Student Participation in Shared Governance. As members of the academic community, students shall be free, individually and collectively, to express their views on issues of institutional policy and on matters of general interest to the student body.**  学生自治会的角色和性质,只有通过大学规定的程序才能进行检讨和修改.

    4. Student Publications and Media Broadcasting. 学生刊物和学生报刊是建立和维持校园自由、负责任的讨论和知识探索氛围的宝贵工具. 这是一种将学生关注的问题引起教师和机构当局注意的手段, and of formulating student opinion on various issues on the campus and in the world at large. They also represent the institution to the public. To this end, 学生编辑和管理人员的编辑自由必然需要承担责任,受负责任新闻准则的约束, where libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity, and the techniques of harassment and innuendo are especially inappropriate.


    *Title 5, California Administrative Code, section 41503, requires student organization to submit a constitution.

    **The student body and its official governing arm, the Associated Students, Inc., 在表达学生群体的意愿和决定学校政策方面有明确的角色(见10月13日ASBOD会议纪要, 1966, items 4.11-4.13, and the Faculty Constitution, Appendix C).