
Appendix N

President's Directive Regarding the Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus

Administrative Procedure   019  Alcoholic Beverages

Effective 9/18/08

Alcoholic Beverages



    1. All on-campus organizations.
    2. All off-campus organizations sponsored by on-campus organizations.

    1. Education Code, Section 89030.
    2. Business and Professions Code, Section 23000, et seq.
    3. Board of Trustees minutes of the August 4, 1961, meeting (p. 186 and attachment p. 5).
    4. Cal State L.A. Administrative Procedure 505, "Use of Facilities and Equipment."
    5. CSULA Housing Services Student Guide.
    6. Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, 34 CFR 86.

    1. 这一程序的目的既不是鼓励也不是赞同使用酒精饮料, but to describe the permitted and prohibited use of alcoholic beverages on campus. 大学完全遵守联邦和州法律,并致力于为学生维护一个主要不使用酒精饮料的环境. Students, employees, 违反有关酒精饮料的法律或大学政策的访客将受到刑事起诉和/或机构制裁, if appropriate.

    2. Prohibitions--The following activities are prohibited
      1. Any sale, furnishing, use, or consumption of an alcoholic beverage, at a University Event, that is made or performed in violation of state or federal law.
      2. Any sale, furnishing, use, or consumption of an alcoholic beverage, at a University event, that is not included in Section 4.3.
      3. Any sale, furnishing, use or consumption of an alcoholic beverage, 参加任何由公认的学生组织主办的不违反州和/或联邦法律的校外活动.
      4. Any possession, furnishing, use, consumption, or presence of alcohol in any affiliated sorority or fraternity house, or sanctioned (i.e., approved) event. These locations and associated events shall be "dry" without exception.

    3. 允许的活动-本节中描述的活动构成唯一允许的销售, furnishing, use, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on University property or at University Events:
      1. University Housing--A resident, 21 years of age or older, may possess and consume alcoholic beverages within his/her own residence. 除非是住所的居民,否则任何人不得在住所内拥有或饮用酒精饮料. 21岁以下的人不得出现在或获准进入提供或消费酒精饮料的住所, unless he/she is a resident thereof. To the extent that a resident complies with the restrictions set forth in this subsection, 持有或饮用含酒精饮料不属于“大学活动”的范畴."
      2. University Events-- The President, or his/her designee, may approve the sale, use, furnishing, or consumption of alcoholic beverages at University Events. Any such approval shall specify the date, time, and place of the event, as well as any special restrictions pertaining to the type or quantity of alcoholic beverages. When deemed appropriate, an approval may be for an indefinite time period. The following general restrictions exist in all approvals by the President or his/her designee, whether or not they are stated at the time of approval:
        1. No approval of the sale, use, furnishing, 否则,饮酒即表示赞同或被解释为赞同法律所禁止的行为. Appropriate licenses must be obtained in advance from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, wherever and whenever required by law. No person under the age of 21 shall be in attendance, nor shall any obviously intoxicated person be served, sold, or given an alcoholic beverage.
        2. 出席活动应仅限于赞助组织的成员及其邀请的客人,除非活动是在任何校外场所举行. University groups, organizations, staff, administration, faculty, and auxiliaries holding events in a restaurant, club, or outside vendor not affiliated with the University, where alcoholic beverages are normally sold, furnished, and/or consumed, 可否与大学作出特别安排,在校外活动供应该等饮品. 学校对这些活动不承担任何责任,并希望参与者遵守州和联邦法律. The event shall not be open to the general public or to the general University community, except when the event takes place within the Luckman Fine Arts Complex or the Golden Eagle. 不得宣传或宣传该活动为提供酒精饮料的活动.
        3. 活动的主席/协调员和主办机构都有责任遵守适用的法律, regulations, and University policies.
        4. The sales, use, furnishing, 和/或消费酒精饮料应立即停止在适当的大学官员的要求.
        5. In any instance where approval is given for an indefinite period of time, there shall be no service of alcoholic beverages prior to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, or prior to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, without specific approval otherwise.
        6. Alcoholic beverage trademarks or logos must be clearly subordinate to the sponsored event itself. Similarly, 酒精饮料制造商或产品的名称不得与机构活动或设施的名称相关联, but may be promoted as a sponsor of the event.
        7. A formal "proof of age" system shall be established for every University event, including controlled/monitored entry points, that involve the presence of alcohol.

    4. 对违规行为的处罚——违反此政策的违规者可能会受到一次或多次处罚. 个人可能会根据任何适用的联邦或州法律被起诉,并且可能会被校长撤回留在大学财产上的同意. If employees, they may be subject to disciplinary and/or personnel action up to and including termination, consistent with University policies, rules and collective bargaining agreements. If students, they may also be subject to institutional disciplinary action. Organizations may be barred from using University facilities, and/or have their affiliation with or recognition by the University revoked.

    5. Exemption--The President or his/her designee, may, in his/her discretion, exempt-- persons, events, and/or facilities from the requirements of this procedure, for single events. However, this shall not be construed so as to permit or encourage the unlawful sales, use, furnishing, or consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    1. Alcoholic Beverage-- Includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, 它含有0.5%或更多的酒精量,适合单独饮用或稀释后饮用, mixed, or combined with other substances.

    2. 出售——直接或间接地为酒精饮料交换任何对价. The term "sale" also includes the imposition of any admission charge to, 或任何其他费用,在该活动中,酒精饮料将只提供给支付该费用的人. The term "consideration", as used above, includes money or tickets, tokens or chips which have been issued in exchange for money, or anything else of value.

    3. University Property--Any real property, land, facility, or annex, or appurtenant property thereof, which is owned, leased, licensed, rented, used, or otherwise controlled by the University or an official, employee, or agent thereof, acting in his/her capacity as such.

    4. University Event--Any event, meeting, conference, party, or gathering that is conducted on University property (see Section 5.3.) or that is conducted or sponsored by the University, or by a component thereof, or by an official, employee, or agent thereof, acting in his/her capacity as such, or by any club, team, 或被允许使用大学名称或正式隶属于大学的组织. 持有和/或消费符合第4节规定限制的酒精饮料.3.1. shall be exempt from the definition of "University Event."

    5. Appropriate University Official--A campus police officer, the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance/Financial Services, the Executive Director of University Auxiliary Services, Inc. (or designee), or the Executive Director of the University-Student Union (or designee).

    6. Residence--Any apartment or dwelling within University Housing, including any property appurtenant thereto (including but not limited to balconies, sidewalks, and yards).

    7. Resident--Any person who rents, leases, or resides in a residence.

    8. 大学酒精和药物意识委员会——由校长成立的委员会,旨在制定与校园使命和年度审查计划和目标一致的全面酒精政策和计划, assess the effectiveness of the campus programs, and make recommendations to the President.

    9. Dry – No presence of alcohol, at all.

    10. Party – A social gathering, as of invited guests to an identified location, for conversation, refreshments, entertainment, and/or for some special purpose of task.

    1. 校长将设立一个大学酒精和毒品意识委员会,并指定该委员会主席.

    2. The University Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee will:
      1. Be composed of:
      2. Vice President for Student Affairs, Chair;
      3. Executive Director of the University-Student Union;
      4. Director of Housing Services;
      5. Director of Public Safety;
      6. Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance/Financial Services;
      7. Student Health Center, Senior Health Educator;
      8. Student Health Center Mental Health Professional;
      9. Two ASI representatives-at-large, appointed by ASI;
      10. Two faculty members, appointed by the Academic Senate; and,
      11. One off-campus alumni representative, appointed by the Alumni Association.

    3. 任何希望在大学活动中提供酒精饮料的个人或组织必须通知大学警察,并提交“提供酒精饮料申请表”(附件8).1.)不迟于拟举行活动前十(10)个工作日送交行政及财务助理副总裁/金融服务(以下简称“AVP/FS”).

    4. 总统特此指定副总裁/财务总监行使第4条规定的自由裁量权.3.2 and 4.5 and approve/reject requests submitted in accord with Section 6.3.

    5. The University Auxiliary Services, Inc. (hereafter "UAS"), will forward Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages forms for UAS events to the AVP/FS. UAS shall only be responsible for those events that are catered by Golden Eagle Hospitality.

    1. Any person or organization, including a college, school, division, department, or campus-based organization, will:
      1. If using University property, reserve University facilities as outlined in Administrative Procedure 505, "Use of Facilities and Equipment."
      2. Submit a Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages form (Appendix 8.1.) to the AVPAF no later than ten (10) working days prior to the proposed event. Groups conducting events through UAS shall, after obtaining approval from the AVPAF, submit the approved Request form to UAS.
      3. 请在申请表上注明资金来源和账户号码,以支付在活动中提供的任何酒精饮料, if applicable. 该请求还将确认,支付活动入场费不是在活动中提供酒精饮料的先决条件.

    2. 如果没有已批准的“提供酒精饮料申请表”,请您报销酒精饮料费用的请求将被拒绝.

    3. The AVP/FS will:
      1. Review and approve or deny requests to serve alcoholic beverages.
      2. Notify the person or organization of the disposition of its request.
      3. 向大学警察提供一份已批准/拒绝提供酒精饮料申请表的副本.

    4. Faculty, 员工和学生组织可以向行政副校长和首席财务官提出书面上诉.
