


(Senate: 2/14/78; President: 2/23/78; Editorial Amendment:  9/00, 8/01, 9/03, 08)

1. 权威.

a. 《足彩外围网站》第618和619条以及《足彩外围网站》第19251条, 加利福尼亚州, are cited as the legislative authority for the University to establish policies regarding the use of state time, 设施, 设备, 邮资, 以及加州州立大学的通讯用品, 洛杉矶.

b. Guidelines 和 procedures for implementation of the communication policies shall be recommended to the Director of Administrative Management 和 Services by the Fiscal Policy Committee.


第618节. 给另一个人的密封信件:打开或出版. 打开或公布密封的信件:每一个故意打开或阅读的人, 或引起阅读, 任何不是写给那个人的密封信件, 未经授权而这样做, 由写信人或收信人提供, 每一个, 没有类似的权威, 发布该信件的任何内容, 明知是非法打开的, 犯了轻罪. (1872年颁布)

第619节. Telegraphic or telephonic message addressed to another; disclosure; punishment. 任何故意泄露电报或电话信息内容的人, 或其任何部分, 写给另一个人, 未经此人许可, 除非法院的合法命令指示这样做, 可判处国家监狱不超过五年的监禁, 或者在县监狱里待上一年, 或者处以五千元以下的罚款, 或者罚款和监禁. (1872年颁布. 经修订的《足彩外围网站》. 1880, c. 66, p. 38岁的交会. 1; Stats. 1905, c. 528, p. 590年,证交会. 1.)

第19251节. 国家官员或雇员不得从事任何雇佣工作, 活动, 或者企业,显然是不一致的, 不兼容的, 与…冲突, 或对其作为国家官员或雇员的职责或职责有敌意的, 功能, 或他的任命权力或他被雇用的机构的责任.

各任命机关应决定, 须经[国家人事]委员会批准, 这些活动, 在他管辖下的雇员, 不一致, 不兼容的, 或者与他们作为国家官员或雇员的职责相冲突. 应考虑就业问题, (a)涉及利用国家时间谋取私利或利益的活动或企业, 设施, 设备, 和供应; . . .

2. 邮件服务政策.

a. 安全.

任何人不得打开, 读, 或者让你去读任何一封私人信件, 包括校内信封和密封信件, 未经授权而这样做, 由写信人或收信人所写, 除非第2b(1)条另有规定.

The University will not stamp any outgoing mail without the sender's name or department/division/school. Where the Supervisor of Mail Services has reason to believe the outgoing mail may not be University business, 如下文第2d节所述, 我们会在当天给发件人打电话. 如果发送方验证符合第2d节, 邮件将以优先处理方式加急. 如果发件人无法通过电话联系到, the mail will be processed 和 Supervisor of Mail Services will notify the sender 和 Director of Support Services of these concerns. 当寄出的邮件没有被寄件人或部门/分部/学校识别时, the Supervisor of Mail Services will open the correspondence only for the purpose of identifying the sender, 这些信件将被退回,以确保符合要求. 如果对内容有任何疑问, 该事项应提交行政管理和事务主任或其指定人员处理.

b. 一般程序.

1. 如果考虑大规模校外邮寄, the mail room shall be notified as soon as possible to guarantee adequate 邮资 to cover h和ling.

2. 挂号邮件前, 保险的邮件, 大部分邮件, 或者准备其他特殊服务, the mail room shall be contacted to make certain that specific postal regulations governing the University on the mailing of these items are followed.

3. Distribution of mail at the department/division/school level which is not individually addressed shall be subject to college or department/division/school policy 和 may be h和led by college or department/division/school personnel.

4. Each department/division/school may normally receive up to 25 first-class stamps per month to provide for after-hours mailings. Requests for stamps should be directed to the University Mail Room 和 signed by the department/division chair or school coordinator or other appropriate administrator. Requests for stamps over the above guideline shall be approved by the Director of Support Services.

5. Requests for business reply envelopes or postcards shall be sent to the Director of Support Services for review 和 approval prior to issuance. Such approval may involve a charge to the requesting department /division/school in accord with section 2d(2).

6. Requests for use of the indicia permit (bulk mailing) shall be sent to the Director of Support Services for review 和 approval to ensure that the mailings are in compliance with U.S. 管理使用此类许可证的邮政服务条例. Approval may require a review of the material to be sent or a charge to the requesting department/division/school in accord with section 2d(2).

7. 除非得到大学校长的授权, University mail 设施 shall not be used for the promotion of any commercial 活动 including those which are presented as an apparent benefit to the University or members of the University community.

8. 由认可的雇员组织使用大学的邮件设施, 公认的专业组织, or recognized student organizations or clubs is limited to internal distribution 和 shall be on a reimbursed basis.

9. 不允许预先计量邮件.

10. 如出现有关使用大学邮件设施是否妥当的问题, they shall be referred for resolution to the dean of the college involved or other appropriate administrator, 或者他们指定的人.

c. 大学提供的服务及收费(如适用).

1. 大学通讯预算将提供以下邮资:

  • All correspondence relating to faculty teaching 和 faculty professional 功能 of this University.
  • Correspondence relating to faculty research 功能 of this University except as noted in section 2d(2).
  • 所有与本校行政职能有关的函件.
  • 邮寄毕业论文给学生.

2. 大学将处理以下类型的邮件, the costs for which shall be charged to the sending department/division/school or to the pertinent grant or contract.:

  • 学生研究的调查材料.
  • 系/部/学校杂志、小册子和通讯.
  • 重量超过一磅的航空包裹.
  • 特快专递.
  • 部门/部门/学校通讯的内部分发.
  • 挂号、保证书或保险邮件.
  • 由资助或合同支持的研究邮件, 哪一项应计入拨款或合约.

Requests for such mailings are to be accompanied by a memor和um from the department/division chair or school coordinator or other appropriate individual authorizing costs to be charged to their department/division/school account.

3. 大学将处理以下类型的邮件,但不提供邮资:

  • Correspondence from University personnel to the general membership of any organization which pertains primarily to the business of that organization.
  • 学期论文或考卷被退回给学生.
  • Greeting cards or party invitations of any kind being sent by university personnel or departments/divisions/schools except as approved by the President in the performance of community relations 功能 provided for in Title 5.
  • Personal books or other items being sent on behalf of employees who have terminated or are on leave.

3. 电话服务政策.

a. 安全.


b. 仪器分配标准.

电话和附属设备的安装应受《 国家行政手册大学行政手册 由电话服务主管解释. 如果对这些来源的解释有争议, the matter shall be referred to the Director of Administrative Management 和 Services for resolution. If it is determined that the service or 设备 requested is not allowed by the manuals noted above, the Supervisor of Telephone Services will assist the department/division/school in requesting an exception to the provisions of these manuals by:

  1. advising the department/division/school as to what data must be provided by the department/division/school, 和
  2. 在获得数据后准备请求.

c. 使用标准.

电话是为大学事务提供的. College deans 或者他们指定的人s or other appropriate administrators shall review monthly tabulations of calls made from phones in their areas 和 question possible cases of abuse. 电话服务主管将根据需要提供协助. 如果存在虐待, the Director or Administrative Management 和 Services shall be authorized to recover funds as appropriate from the individual who committed the abuse.