娱乐 & Arts 校友 Network


Room of people talking in front of a projector with text that reads 部门 of Television, 电影, 及传媒研究


The 娱乐 and Arts 校友 Network fosters and supports a dynamic community of alumni in performing, 视觉, 电影, 电视, 以及媒体艺术. The purpose of the network is to build bonds of camaraderie among alumni and to champion lifelong involvement with 加州大学洛杉矶分校. Through its events and activities, it serves as a resource for graduates to maintain mutually beneficial relationships, advance career goals, and support our shared passion for our respective crafts.


Tery Lopez, class of 2003, Chair of the 娱乐 & Arts 校友 Network 特里·洛佩兹(' 03),椅子
Director of Inclusion and Equity, Writers Guild of America, West

Tery Lopez is an inclusion strategist, thought leader, change agent and 电影 and 电视 producer.  As head of the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) Inclusion and Equity 部门, Tery works with producers, studio and network executives, and writers to advance diverse representation. Under Tery’s leadership, her department works closely with the WGW Board appointed Inclusion and Equity Group (IEG), co-chaired by showrunners, Glen Mazzara and Shonda Rhimes. Click here to read more about Tery.



We are working to add more exciting activities to the calendar. To receive event updates and exclusive invitations, please be sure to join the Network using the form below!



Navigating the 娱乐 Industry
The National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP)

Navigating the 娱乐 Industry featuring the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP). Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 12 noon via Zoom


Latinx visibility through responsible and inclusive media
The National Hispanic 媒体 Coalition

Latinx visibility through responsible and inclusive media. Thursday, June 8, 5:30 p.m. PDT通过变焦



A conversation around gender in media
The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in 媒体

Black background with various forms of media and electronics featuring headshots of the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in 媒体 team: Pamela Campos (’19), Sr Researcher; Madeline Di Nonno, 首席执行官 & President; and Marisa Rodriguez, Researcher


Careers to Entertain presents:
Screenwriter, Producer, & Showrunner

A grey background with two headshots for 丹尼尔可耐福 for event in orange text "Careers to Entertain" and black descriptive text. Event details in body of email. Lower third: white text on dark grey background with more event details. Two logos at bottom:



Careers to Entertain presents:
Carmen Cuba, Casting Director & Kristiina Hackel, Chair of  the TVFM 部门

A grey background with two headshots for Carmen Cuba and Dr. Kristiina Hackel for event in orange text "Careers to Entertain" and black descriptive text. Event details in body of email. Lower third: white text on dark grey background with more event detai


Careers to Entertain presents:
Janet Lopez, Music Supervisor & Fanshen Cox, Playwright, Actor, and Educator

Careers to Entertain flyer featuring two headshots of guest speakers, Janet Lopez and Fanshen Cox. Event Description included. Click for more details.



Hosted by the 娱乐 & Arts 校友 Network:
The art of making connections and keeping them
Ligiah Villalobos, Writer and Executive Producer

加州大学洛杉矶分校 校友会 Conference 2021 - People, Purpose, and Passion

Owning Your Professional Narrative (2020)

Owning Your Professional Narrative - Virtual Portfolio Development Webinar - November 12, 2020



2019 TVFM大奖

2019 TVFM大奖


2018 John Lion New Plays Festival

2018 John Lion New Plays Festival Flyer




Should you want to get further involved with the network — whether it be interest in a leadership role or ideas for a future event — please contact us at (电子邮件保护) or (323) 343-2586.



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