三,二,一, 新年快乐!!

Happy New Year to everyone! 如果你不熟悉上面写的语言,它会写“3,2,1”. Happy New Year!农历年是为了庆祝春天的到来和阴阳历新年的开始. 

Lunar New Year Web Post

February 10th, 2024 is the start of the New Year in Chinese culture, 有各种各样的传统来庆祝龙年. In traditional Chinese culture, Chinese people get 8 days off, parades, fireworks, 在今年的庆祝活动中,人们会吃饺子和发红包. 为了庆祝工商经济学院的庆祝活动, which has a makeup of 14% Asian demographic, we orchestrated a celebration with students, faculty and staff sharing their traditions, 他们想找不熟悉中国新年庆祝活动的人. 

Fact One: 年夜饭是春节的重头戏, a feast with a spread of symbolic dishes, such as a whole fish representing abundance, that brings good luck and fortune. 

Professor Sengwon Choi- Management Professor 

  • What does Lunar Year mean to you? 
    Lunar New Year is one of the biggest holidays in Korea. 这是一个亲密的家庭和大家庭聚在一起享受彼此的存在,并祝愿每个人在新的一年里最好的时刻 
  • How do you celebrate? 
  • 对于不熟悉农历年的人,你想让他们带走哪三件事? 
    农历新年在许多亚洲/东亚国家广泛庆祝, 但不同文化的庆祝方式却大不相同.
  • What goals are you setting for yourself this year? 
  • What traditions do you and your family take part in? 
    从小到大,食物一直是农历新年庆祝活动的重要组成部分. 我们特别制作和吃“年糕汤”来庆祝新年. 我们过去常说“吃一碗德果意味着老了一岁”。. 
    我们还有一个传统,家里的年轻人会拜访家里的长辈,并向他们许愿(这个传统被称为“sebae”)。, and elders would give money to younger ones in return, with blessings for them for the new year 
  • What does "The Year of the Dragon" symbolize/represent to you? 
    Honestly, 我还没有想过今年是“蓝龙年”的意义。, 虽然蓝龙的形象确实给我一种无穷无尽的能量的感觉! 

Student Crystal Li Accounting 

  • What does Lunar Year mean to you? 
    农历新年非常特别,因为它是韩国最大的节日. 在我家,这也是我的祖父母从中国来的时候. My grandma and I would make Chinese Sesame Seed Balls. 圆形和金色代表好运,成长同时象征繁荣. 
  • How do you celebrate? 
    我们通常吃面条(为了长寿)、饺子和清蒸鱼. Steamed fish stands for surplus and wealth. 
  • 对于不熟悉农历年的人,你想让他们带走哪三件事? 
    Anyone is welcome to participate, 十二生肖(公历年)里有12种动物,红包的含义不仅仅是钱, they're symbolic. 
  • What goals are you setting for yourself this year? 
    Find my purpose 
  • What does the year of the dragon mean to you? 
    It’s my birth year 

Professor Fang Fang- Management Professor 

  • What does Lunar Year mean to you? 
  • How do you celebrate? 
    We usually eat dumplings; a traditional food Chinese people eat in Lunar New Year. 
  • 对于不熟悉农历年的人,你想让他们带走哪三件事? 
    如果今年的生肖与某人的出生年份相同, we call it “Benming” year, and the person wears red in tradition to keep good luck. 
  • What goals are you setting for yourself this year? 
    Find more passion in life 
  • What traditions do you and your family take part in? 
  • What does "The Year of the Dragon" symbolize/represent to you? 
    My birth year is the Year of the Dragon. 

Fact Two: Celebration continues by Praying. 

Adele Li- Graphic Designer and Web Administrator 

  • What does Lunar Year mean to you? 
    It is tradition for the Chinese, 包括新加坡在内的许多亚洲国家也庆祝这一节日, Karen, Japan etc. Through centuries of China’s agrarian tradition, 这是农民可以从田间劳作中休息的一个时期. 来自远近的家庭成员会赶去和他们所爱的人在一起,迎接新的一年,告别旧年, with great celebratory flourish. It is the most important and most festive holiday of the year. It works like Thanksgiving holiday in China. 
  • How do you celebrate? 
  • 对于不熟悉农历年的人,你想让他们带走哪三件事? 
    A. lunar calendar is also referred to as agricultural calendar, it indicates when to plowing the fields, sowing seed, nurturing the crops, and gathering the harvest. 它能够跟踪执行农业任务的最佳时间.
    B. We eat dumpling during Lunar year celebration. 因为饺子本身看起来像钱袋,它们代表着来年的财富和繁荣. 
    C. 农历正月十五被称为“元宵节”.元宵节标志着春节的结束. 
  • What goals are you setting for yourself this year? 
    Exercise, keep weight and keep good health. 
  • What traditions do you and your family take part in? 
    Not too much. There are 7 to 8 days in China to celebrate. 因为我们在这里没有假期,所以我们保留了最少的活动,购物和享受食物. 
  • What does "The Year of the Dragon" symbolize/represent to you? 

David Chang- ITC 

  • How do you celebrate? 
    我们只会用美味的食物和给家里单身的人发红包来庆祝. 这是一种传统,但如果你年纪太大,又有一份好工作,他们可能就不会接受了. 是时候吃那些糯米了,还有台湾红豆糖果/糖果(趁热吃). 
  • What does Lunar Year mean to you? 
     Prosperity and health. 
  • 对于不熟悉农历年的人,你想让他们带走哪三件事? 
    为了观看游行,很多好的信息是通过游行传播和讨论的. 尝试新的食物(糯米糕很好吃),要知道每个亚洲文化庆祝农历年的方式都不一样. 
  • What goals are you setting for yourself this year? 
    Keep healthy and prosper. Two basic things like the western tradition new years. 今年的生肖是龙,是12个生肖中最好的. 
  •  What traditions do you and your family take part in? 
    Exchange of Chinese red envelopes. Traditional foods. 

Fact Three: Greetings go beyond “Happy New Year”. Greetings are in the form of: May wealth come pouring in; May you have abundance; Good luck and fortune and may everything go as you wish. 

我们在经济贸易学院祝您农历新年快乐. We wish you a lucky and prosperous year ahead!