
加州州立大学的目标.A. 更多的项目

The mission of the Minority Opportunities in Research (MORE) 项目 at 加州州立大学, Los Angeles is to make available to the American scientific research enterprise the creativity and intellectual talents of minority group members. 为此目的, the University has established several programs to enhance the development of minority students who wish to pursue research careers in basic science disciplines, 数学与工程.The University hosts intensive student development programs which include unequalled opportunities for research participation under the direction of the Training 教师, among the most productive teacher-scholars in the natural and behavioral sciences at the University. These programs are funded by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health, 美国国家科学基金会, 和美国化学会. All focus on preparing students for success in graduate programs leading to the Ph.D.

The NIGMS provides support for students interested in developing research careers in biomedical and behavioral research. The NSF supports the development of research careers and in non-biomedical areas of science and engineering.



Science and engineering are made richer and better by differences in gender, 比赛, 种族, 以及科学家的文化. We can contribute to a better understanding of natural phenomena by bringing the talents of a broader range of individuals to focus on the solution of research problems. As scientists we seek to gain through experimentation an understanding of reality, 有了这些知识, 描述的能力, 操作和创建. This human activity progresses in proportion to the quality and novelty of the research questions posed by its practitioners, 以及为回答这些问题所付出的创造性努力. Our human uniqueness is influenced by individual life histories and circumstances, allowing each of us to frame research questions-and the answers to these questions-from different perspectives. This is the value of diversity to science: that we can gain a better understanding of cellular, 分子, and behavioral phenomena by having many investigators form and answer research questions from various perspectives, and to subject these to experimental verification and reproduction.

The American science enterprise has been well-served by the intellectual diversity of its practitioners. 然而, there are groups in American society-notably African Americans, 美国印第安人, 西班牙裔/拉丁美洲人, 太平洋岛民, and others-whose participation in leadership positions in science is disproportionately low. These large and growing populations are a mostly untapped source of additional intellectual talent for the solution of biomedical and behavioral research problems. We aim to contribute to the efforts which will bring the intellectual talents of minority Americans to benefit the scientific research enterprise.




There are two components of the Minority Biomedical Research Support Program-Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement:

  • U-RISE项目信息:




  • M上升.S.ph值.D.

协作MSph值.D. 足彩外围网站和加州大学洛杉矶分校的合作项目, 加州大学欧文分校, UC San Diego and the University of Southern California



加州州立大学, 洛杉矶与东洛杉矶学院合作, Los Angeles City College and Pasadena City College in programs to enhance science student development and transfer from the community colleges to four-year institutions.


协作MSph值.D. 足彩外围网站和加州大学洛杉矶分校的合作项目, 加州大学欧文分校, and the University of Southern California


American Chemical Society- Project Seed is designed to encourage economically disadvantaged high school students to pursue career opportunities in the chemical sciences. Direction for Project SEED is provided by the ACS Committee on Project SEED.Research participation is limited to eight weeks in the summer at CSULA.


National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation 通往博士学位的桥梁 Program (LSAMP-BD).



Twenty-five laboratories under the direction of the training faculty are available for the conduct of research. A list of these research principal investigators and a brief description of their research interests is given at 研究培训学院. These faculty members are among the best teacher-scholars at the University.



mbr - rise计划, and both 通往未来的桥梁 项目 jointly host a weekly seminar series each Friday afternoon of the academic year. The schedule of seminars during the current term are presented online at the 生物医学研讨会.



The high quality and quantity of research performed by MBRS-RISE students and faculty have resulted in the publication of nearly 500 professional journal articles. The list of these with full bibliographic citation is presented online at Publications by MBRS 学生 and 教师.


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