Multiple Subject Credential (Elementary Teaching)

student raising hand in the classroom
student raising hand in the classroom

Program Theory of Teaching & Learning

多学科(MS)教学证书课程是建立在变革教育的理论基础上的-内部定义为“培养包容性教育工作者的过程,他们同时强调个人和社区,批判性地改善教学和学习。.“硕士课程努力帮助教师发展转型教学的四个原则:过程导向(Dweck), 2016), a critical community literacy (Puett, 2018), an ability to connect content to real-world context (Emdin, 2016), and an ability to be change agents (Paris & Alim, 2017).

  • 过程导向通过“关注学习过程并展示努力工作”来帮助候选人培养成长型思维, good strategies, and good use of resources lead to better learning (Gross-Low, 2016).
  • 批判性社区素养包括对持续社区参与的解放潜力的深刻理解, 以社区中已经存在的(有时被隐藏或忽视的)优势为基础,同时努力制定行动来识别和克服障碍.
  • 将课程和教学方法与学生熟悉的世界联系起来,有助于在主流学术知识和学生的生活经验之间建立起桥梁. This connection is essential to the learning process.
  • Finally, our program works to develop teachers who are change agents. Teachers often are trained to think of change as one-directional, bad into good, un-educated into educated, 但Paris和Alim(2017)围绕文化可持续教学法的研究提醒了我们, 有时候,作为一个变革的推动者,并不屈服于行业内那些认为资源不足的力量.

Performance Expectations | Pathways | Roadmaps

teacher teaching in classroom

  • Accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)
  • Meets the Standards for Educator Preparation and Educator Competence
  • Candidates engage in coursework aligned with the California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)
  • 为候选人提供多种学习、应用和反思每种TPE的机会.

多学科教学证书使本科生或学士后(研究生)学生有资格在任何独立的教室教学. 在以下领域获得文学学士学位的本科生可以选择同时获得文学硕士证书:


Upon completion of the preliminary credential, we also offer a Teacher Induction program to support students in obtaining a clear credential.

Program Advisement

New Student Frequently Asked Questions

  • The credential program is two years full-time (traditional)
  • 传统的学士学位后课程是三个学期的课程和一个学期的学生教学.
  • 我们还提供兼职课程和速成课程(单科和多科)。
  • Courses are face-to-face, hybrid, and online formats.
  • All classes are in the evenings – typically starting around 4:30 pm.
  • You may view academic roadmaps online by clicking single subject or multiple subject

University Application Requirements:
Please be sure to select "Credential Only" for Cal State LA

CalStateTEACH is a different program

  • A bachelor's degree from an accredited regional institution.
  • 正式成绩单提交给足彩外围网站招生办公室
    • 如果你是足彩外围网站的毕业生,你不需要提交CSULA成绩单.
  • 如果你是一名国际学生,请确保你的成绩单有一个评估 commission-approved agency
  • 2.5 overall or 2.75 GPA in your last 60 semester/ 90 quarter units
  • $70 CSUApply fee
  • Click here for the university application

Required Uploads and Other Requirements:

  • Negative TB results read within the last four years
  • Philosophy of education
  • Two letters of recommendation – professional or academic references only. You need to list recommenders' names and email addresses only
  • Basic Skills Requirement
  • Certificate of clearance – click here for details on the process
  • $65 credential processing fee (after you are issued a Campus ID Number—CIN)
  •  Basic Skills Requirement-可以通过课程作业、考试(如SAT、ACT或CBEST)或两者结合来满足. At minimum, an attempt is required for applying. Successful completion is required for formal admission to the program
  • Subject Matter Competency- required for formal admission, not conditional admission, 但是我们鼓励你不要等到你被录取了才参加考试. 实习资格和学生教学需要成功完成
    • Early childhood special education is exempt from this requirement

COST OF ATTENDANCE: Cal State LA tuition is based on part-time or full-time. Full-time credential students pay approximately $3,850 per semester (subject to change per university). Undergraduate and Master's tuition is different from credentialing fees.

虽然有限,但有机会获得经济援助的证书候选人. 财政援助办公室将根据在FAFSA上提交的信息确定您的资格. 

COE有一个专门的网页来帮助我们现在和未来的学生获得经济援助, TEACH grant, and scholarship information for future educators. For current tuition and fees, visit our student financials webpage.

The COE offers several MA in Education and MA Special Education options.  我们鼓励申请人在申请教育硕士学位之前完成初步证书. This allows you to complete the clear/induction program with the MA.

However, 如果你计划在你开始工作后完成地区的入职训练计划, you are welcome to start the MA with the credential program.


*Some MA programs, such as the MA in Special Education, 要求教师资格证书或正式进入教师资格证书计划.


Pre-service experience is encouraged but not required. 学生是有条件录取的,这样你就可以完成先决条件(包括入职前观察时间)并达到基本技能要求.

Once you have met these requirements, you will be listed as formally admitted, 你可以继续你剩下的课程,(特殊教育考生)申请特殊教育硕士学位. 你也可能有资格成为实习生,并在教学期间完成你的教学证书课程. 如果你走传统路线,我们将把你安排在学校现场进行学生教学. 学生教学是没有报酬的,你必须在最后一个学期和你的主老师一起工作.

For Intern eligibility, you will need the following:

  • Undergraduate degree
  • Formal admission to the credential program
  • Passing exam scores or equivalent for CBEST and CSET
  • Passing grades for pre-requisite courses
  • A passing grade for EDFN 4131
  • Program plan from the credential advisor (done during the first semester)

Once again, 我们感谢您对足彩外围网站的教学证书项目的兴趣,并希望在您的学术和职业发展中进一步支持您!

Should there ever be a need, there is a student grievance process available.

学生申诉是指学生对指称的教师行为提出的正式投诉, administrative units, or staff of Cal State LA. Such action is alleged by the student to be:

1. An unauthorized, unjustified, or unethical action(s), which adversely affects the status, rights, or privileges of the student and/or
2. In violation of official campus policies and/or procedures and/or
3. 对官方校园政策或程序的武断、反复无常或不平等的应用

STUDENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE INFORMATION /网站/违约/文件/用户/ u161426 / student_grievance_procedures_temporary_procedure_2018.pdf

/网站/违约/文件/团体/学生% 20行为/ docs / statement_of_grievance_form % 20办公室.pdf