

程序教学理论 & 学习

The 单一的主题 (SS) Teaching Credential Program is constructed on the theoretical foundation of Transformative Education. This is defined internally as the "process of developing inclusive educators who critically improve teaching and learning with a simultaneous emphasis on the individual and community."

The SS program strives to help teachers develop four tenets of Transformational Teaching: a process orientation (Dweck, 2016), 批判性的社区素养(Puett), 2018), 将内容与现实环境联系起来的能力(埃姆丁), 2016), 以及成为变革推动者的能力(巴黎) & 阿利姆,2017).

  • A process orientation helps candidates develop a Growth Mindset by “focus(ing) on the learning process and show(ing) how hard work, 好的策略, 而对资源的良好利用会带来更好的学习(Gross-Low), 2016).
  • Critical community literacy includes a deep understanding of the emancipatory potential of sustained community engagement, building on the (sometimes hidden or ignored) strengths already present in the community while simultaneously working to developing actions to identify and overcome obstacles.
  • Connecting curriculum and pedagogy to the worlds in which students are familiar helps build scaffolds between Mainstream Academic Knowledge and the lived experiences of the students. 这种联系对学习过程至关重要.
  • 最后,我们的项目致力于培养成为变革推动者的教师. 老师们经常被训练成认为改变是单向的——从坏变成好的, un-educated into educated – but Paris and Alim (2017) remind us with their work surrounding Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies that sometimes being a change agent is not succumbing to the forces within the profession that identify resources as deficiencies.

Each of these theoretical foundations are addressed throughout coursework and fieldwork experiences and contribute to how our program transforms the teaching profession.



  • 由加州教师资格认证委员会(CTC)认证
  • 符合教育者准备和教育者能力的标准
  • 考生所从事的课程与 加州教学绩效预期(TPEs)
  • Provide multiple opportunities for candidates to learn, apply, and reflect on each TPE.

  • 单科课程培养教师为中学学生服务, 初中, and senior high schools in urban classrooms using a variety of instructional models.
  • The 单一的主题 teaching credential with authorization in 单一的主题 instruction qualifies holders to teach in their authorized field at any grade level – preschool, 幼儿园, 从1年级到12年级,或者主要为成人组织的班级.


  • 艺术
  • 英语
  • 工业与技术教育
  • Languages (including, but not limited to, Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish)
  • 自然科学(生物科学、化学、地球科学或物理)
  • 数学
  • 音乐
  • 体育课
  • 社会科学

We offer the following roadmap options for students to complete their 单一的主题 Teaching Credential Program:

完成初步证书后, we also offer a 教师归纳 program to support students in obtaining a clear credential.


要了解更多,我们建议您参加 小组谘询会议 或联系证书项目顾问 学生服务办公室.


  • 证书课程为两年全日制(传统)
  • The traditional post-baccalaureate program is three semesters of coursework and one semester of student teaching.
  • We also offer a part-time program and an accelerated option (单一的主题 and 多个主题)
  • 课程有面对面、混合和在线三种形式.
  • 所有的课程都在晚上,通常在下午4:30左右开始.
  • 您可以通过点击查看在线学术路线图 单一的主题 or 多个主题



  • 获得认可的地区机构颁发的学士学位.
  • 正式成绩单提交给足彩外围网站招生办公室
    • 如果你是足彩外围网站的毕业生,你不需要提交CSULA成绩单.
  • If you are an international student, please be sure to have your transcripts evaluated by a 委员会批准了机构
  • 2.总5分或2分.过去60个学期/ 90个季度的平均绩点达到75分
  • $70 csu申请费
  • 点击 在这里 申请大学


  • 最近四年内的结核病检测结果为阴性
  • 教育哲学
  • 两封推荐信——专业或学术推荐信即可. 您只需要列出推荐人的姓名和电子邮件地址
  • 基本技能要求
  • 通关证书-点击 在这里 有关流程的详细信息
  • 证书处理费$65 ( 你将获得一个校园号(cin)。
  •  基本技能要求-Can be met via coursework, exams (like SAT, ACT, or CBEST), or a combination of the two. 申请至少需要一次尝试. 成功完成课程是正式入学的必要条件
  • 主题能力-正式入学要求, 不附条件录取, 但是我们鼓励你不要等到你被录取了才参加考试. 实习资格和学生教学需要成功完成
    • 幼儿特殊教育不受此限制

出勤费用:足彩外围网站的学费是基于兼职或全职. 全日制证书学生大约支付3美元,每学期850(每所大学可能有所变化). 本科和硕士的学费不同于资格费.

Though limited, t在这里 is a chance of getting financial aid for credential candidates. The office of financial assistance will deem your eligibility based on the information submitted on the FAFSA. 

The COE has a dedicated webpage to assist our current and prospective students with financial aid, 教授予, 还有奖学金信息 未来的教育工作者. 有关当前的学费和费用,请访问我们的学生财务网页.

COE提供几个教育硕士和特殊教育硕士选项.  We encourage applicants to complete the preliminary credential before applying to a master's degree in education program. 这样你就可以完成硕士毕业/入职计划.

然而, if you plan to complete the induction program with the district once you are working, 欢迎你从证书项目开始读硕士.

*Some MA in education programs also have certificates and authorizations that enhance your personal and professional development.

*部分硕士课程, 比如特殊教育硕士学位, require a teaching credential or formal admission to the teaching credential program.

学生 are admitted on a conditional basis for the first semester to comply with state exam requirements and to pass the pre-requisite courses (first set of classes listed in the roadmaps)

鼓励有职前工作经验,但不要求有. 学生 are admitted on a conditional basis so that you may complete the pre-requisite block (including pre-service observation hours) and to meet the basic skills requirement.

一旦你满足了这些要求, 你将被正式录取, and you can continue with the rest of your courses and (for special education candidates) apply for the MA in special education. You may also be eligible to become an intern and complete your teaching credential program while teaching. If you pursue the traditional route, we will place you at a school site for student teaching. Student teaching is unpaid, and you must work with your master teacher for the entire last semester.


  • 本科学位
  • 正式进入证书课程
  • 通过CBEST和CSET考试成绩或同等水平
  • 通过必修课程的成绩
  • edfn4131及格
  • 由证书顾问提供的项目计划(在第一学期完成)

再一次, we thank you for your interest in 加州大学洛杉矶分校's teaching credential program and hope to support you further in your academic and career advancement!


A student grievance is a formal complaint by a student arising out of an alleged action of the faculty, 行政单位, 或者足彩外围网站的工作人员. 该学生指称这种行为是:

1. 未经授权的, 不正当的, 或者不道德的行为, 这对地位有不利影响, 权利, 或学生的特权和/或
2. 违反官方校园政策和/或程序和/或
3. An arbitrary, capricious, or unequal application of official campus policies or procedures

学生申诉程序 信息 /sites/default/files/users/u161426/student_grievance_procedures_temporary_procedure_2018.pdf
