M.A. Degree 和 Credential Program in 取向 & 流动性




方向 & 流动性(O&这个项目准备专家向婴儿传授独立旅行的技巧和概念, 孩子们, 和 adults who are blind or visually impaired. 该项目提供广泛的实践培训和视觉障碍课程的实地工作经验, theory 和 effective teaching practices. C和idates in this program are dually enrolled in the M.A. 特殊教育学位, 定向和流动性和临床或康复服务证书的选择定向和流动性




  • 联邦拨款(为符合条件的候选人)支付学费和大部分教科书.
  • M的完成.A. degree 和 Credential in one (intensive) year.
  • 参加视力康复与教育专业人员认证学会国家认证考试的资格(ACVREP).
  • Extensive simulation experiences in a variety of environments (e.g., 在校园, 住宅区, 业务环境, 以及使用公共交通工具)来学习基本技能和方向和流动性的概念. Link to video with Sleepshade Highlights from 2023.
  • Participation in practicum teaching experiences in O&M with both school-aged students 和 adults with visual impairments.
  • H和s-on experiences learning to teach use of the long white cane, low vision devices 和 other assistive technology to aid orientation 和 mobility.


取向 和 mobility for visually impaired persons is a dynamic discipline. Our goal is to meet the needs of the culturally diverse population that we serve. 成功的先前就业, 志愿服务或与视障人士有过接触经验者优先, 但不是必需的. 由于该计划的高度专业化和密集的培训资源要求, there are a limited number of program openings each year.

足彩外围网站rientation 和 流动性(O&M) Specialist Training Program seeks instructor c和idates possessing:

  • Strong interpersonal communication skills (both verbal 和 written)
  • Common sense 和 situational awareness
  • 智商高,学术能力强
  • Sensitivity 和 insight to individual needs
  • 创造力
  • Dedication to teaching a wide range of students with visual impairments.

University admission requirements for application to the M.A. degree program include a minimum GPA of 2.(在某些情况下, 资格较强的候选人可能有条件地被录取,但平均绩点较低). 证书课程的入学要求要求候选人获得一个 清关证书 from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Upon acceptance to the credential program, c和idates must pass the CTC’s 基本技能要求 (recommended, but not required to apply).

O申请表&M program begins with applying for the M.A. 通过加州州立大学申请学位. O的申请人&M课程通常在夏季和秋季学期被考虑入学. 夏季学期的申请截止日期通常是2月底,秋季学期通常是5月底. 


  • An application to the university through Cal State Apply for the M.A. Degree in Special Education, option in O&M
  • 亲自面试
  • A minimum of one field observation of a practicing O&M专家在面试前.

本项目的联邦拨款支持(如有)要求受训者保持3.每学期平均绩点0分,总绩点0分, carry a minimum courseload of 12-16 units each semester, 并计划一门课程,从而在连续四个学期内完成硕士课程(e.g., Fall semester, Winter Session, Spring Semester, Summer Session). 接受资助的候选人同意为有视力障碍的儿童提供服务.


Please contact Anne Jeanette Dwight at (电子邮件保护) 谁会很乐意回答你足彩外围网站申请过程的任何问题. If you have any questions relating to the O&M program, please feel free to contact Dr. 尼古拉斯·卡西亚斯 (电子邮件保护) 或者布伦达Naimy (电子邮件保护)




  • 对所有年龄、文化和能力有视觉障碍的学生进行1:1的教学,
  • 看到学生们学习的技能使他们在行动和旅行中更加独立,
  • working in a variety of indoor 和 outdoor community environments, 比如学校, 家社区, 商业领域, 和
  • having a wide range of employment options, 包括公立学校, 和私人, 州和联邦机构, 私人承包,

then a career as an 取向 和 流动性(O&专科医生可能适合你. 阅读更多足彩外围网站O的信息&M 和 watch the videos in the following links to learn more about O&M!

There are a wide variety of career opportunities for O&M专家. 作为一名特殊教育硕士学位课程的毕业生,定向选择 & 流动性, one may find work as an 取向 & 流动性 Specialist with the following employers:   

  • 公共, 私人, 和 residential schools serving infants, 孩子们 和 youth who are blind or visually impaired.
  • Private agencies serving adults who are blind or visually impaired.
  • 退伍军人管理医院设有盲人康复中心或低视力门诊中心,为失明或视力受损的退伍军人提供服务.
  • 国家康复机构, 国家盲人委员会, 州康复机构和中心为盲人或视障人士提供服务.
  • 区域中心或州发展服务部门为包括失明在内的发展性残疾人士提供服务.
  • 在视力障碍领域提供短期和长期专业人员的公司.
  • Self-employment as an independent contractor (e.g., 为加州康复部和其他为视力障碍人士服务的机构提供服务)

O&M是一个专门针对视力教育和康复领域的专业,教授安全运动和旅行所需的技能和概念. 视力损害, 包括失明和弱视, brings unique challenges to independent movement 和 travel. 没有啊&M培训, 有视力障碍的人可能会遇到定向困难,并可能面临绊倒或跌倒的潜在安全风险, 撞到东西, 或者过马路.

  • 取向 refers to knowing where you are, as well as how to get to where you want to go. 定向技能和概念的教学侧重于提高学生的能力,让他们知道自己与周围环境的关系,以及他们需要走哪条路才能到达理想的目的地. 发展定向技能通常包括空间和环境概念的教学, skills in cognitive mapping 和 spatial updating, 使用辅助技术(如.g., monocular telescope, tactile maps 和 accessible GPS).
  • 流动性 refers to the physical movement of travel. 在行动技能方面的指导可能包括教学生如何使用长手杖(或其他行动设备)行走,以检测他们道路上的障碍物, or upcoming drop-offs such as curbs or stairs.

O中涉及的技能和概念&M instruction may include (but are not limited to):

  • Concept development relating to the body, 定位, 方向, 空间意识, 还有环境,
  • 利用剩余的视觉、听觉和触觉来帮助定位和安全移动,
  • Cane techniques for detecting drop-offs (e.g., curbs), obstacles, 和 changes in ground surface (e.g., uneven surfaces, changes from sidewalk to grass, etc.)
  • 路线规划技巧, 遵从指示的能力, 解决问题, 以及请求/拒绝援助,
  • 使用辅助技术应用程序和设备来帮助定位、路线规划和安全移动,
  • Street crossing skills 和 techniques (including analysis of intersections, traffic patterns 和 traffic control devices)
  • Techniques for travel in indoor environments, 户外住宅, 大大小小的商业区, 旅游购物中心, 农村地区
  • 使用公共交通工具(例如.g., buses, trains, paratransit options) 和 ride-share options

  • 足彩外围网站&M program is one of approximately 15 O&M personnel preparation programs in the U.S.是加州仅有的两家之一. 在超过55年的历史中,这个项目已经培养了数百名高素质的O&M专家. 项目教师在治疗有视力障碍的儿童和成人方面经验丰富,并积极参与影响视力障碍领域的州和国家组织&M. In 2017, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 celebrated its 50th Anniversary 和 this video shows a few highlights over the years.
  • 程序结构: 这是一个高度密集的, 为期一年的课程包括广泛的实践培训和视觉障碍课程的实地工作经验, theory 和 effective teaching practices. It is considered “hybrid” in terms of instructional delivery, with extensive in-person work as well as online coursework. 这个项目的学生通常住在洛杉矶地区和周围的县, however many have successfully commuted from San Diego, 克恩县和圣巴巴拉县.  
  • Time 和 运输 Requirements: Due to the intensive nature of the program, including fieldwork during daytime hours 和 coursework in the evenings, students are not typically able to work while in the program.  例外情况是那些已经拥有视力障碍教育专家证书并被聘为视力障碍学生教师的候选人. 需要可靠的交通工具往返于社区的课堂以及学生的教学和实习地点.


作为O的一部分&硕士学位和证书课程, 学生将从拥有丰富教学经验的专家教师那里获得个性化的指导和指导, 研究, 和 pre-service 和 in-service teacher development in 取向 & 流动性. For more information regarding the 取向 & 流动性 program, contact any of the faculty below:

KH C1070
Outst和ing Lecturer Award Winner, 2022 (Verbit accessible smart video player)