2015 AT&开发者峰会黑客马拉松

2015 AT&开发者峰会

2015年AT&开发者峰会黑客马拉松 was held January 3rd and 4th at Rain Nightclub in the Palms Casino Resort. The event was held in conjunction with CES 2015.

This hackathon allowed attendees access to the latest technology, 联网汽车的工具和服务, 互联家庭和可穿戴设备, 和更多的. 近700名开发商, designers and tech entrepreneurs from all around the world competed to win their share of $100,000 in cash and prizes by building the most innovative apps.

As part of the hackathon, there was an AT&获得“科技女性挑战奖”.

“在&T, we have adopted a progressive approach to innovation – one that embraces openness and encourages collaboration between entrepreneurs and professionals of all genders and backgrounds,at的团队说&我在他们的网站上写道. “This challenge will be awarded to the best mobile app created by a women led team.”

AT的获胜者&T Hackathon Women in Tech Challenge were 美国洛佩兹 and her twin sister, Penelope. 奖金包括1万美元.

“在&T Dev Summit hackathon is where programmers and non-programmers come together to make a great mobile app and/or hardware hack using the latest technology,” 美国洛佩兹. “The theme of the event was to have an app and/or hardware hack for the connected car, 联网家庭或其他可穿戴设备.”

“This hackathon meant students like us could try out the latest hardware, api, and software and go stalk the top notch experts all night long and have them teach us a thing or two about how to use their product or service,” 佩内洛普·洛佩兹. “It really helps that they provide a place for us to call our own hacker zone to catch a power nap in the middle of crazy hacking and to grab food when the munchies kick in.”

美国和佩内洛普参加了AT&开发者峰会黑客马拉松 thanks to the Hacker Bus from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, which was organized by Ben Nelson and AT&T.

“We use a motorcycle as our main mode of transportation to get to and from school so we are glad about that bus option to get to Las Vegas in one piece and on time,美国人洛佩兹说。.

Their winning hack was 被称为 the Body Cam Hack, 警察也可以使用, 记者, 或者那些追逐风暴的人.

“The Michael Brown case really affected public opinion that more people now are in favor of body cams on the police force,美国人洛佩兹说. “Body cameras should not be stiff as the cameras on their police car dashboards. They have to be as smart as their mobile counterpart unit. 人们已经看到了智能手表, 智能房屋, and smart watches but they have not seen smart body cams. People should see this as the new face of wearable technology — a body cam that can use face-tracking technology.”

The hardware parts the pair used to allow the camera to move include an arduino, 2个标准伺服器, 3d打印的平移/倾斜支架, joystick attached to lots of wires from their breadboard, 还有一个无线接收摄像头. 对于项目的其他领域, they used a Nucleo NFC to integrate NFC technology, Nucleo F411RE as the main controller board, a Grove Base Shield to allow the temperature and humidity sensor to work with the 4 digit display LED working, and a UBLOX to allow for wireless GPS tracking using AT&T细胞网络.

The integration that had the pair most excited was using sponsored data.

“We are very touchy about the ‘Bring Your Own Device’ movement happening in the work place,佩内洛普·洛佩兹说. “我们喜欢AT这个想法&T Sponsored Data means a journalist who is covering a new story don’t have to use their own personal data and use their company data instead. It means that person can be more productive and worry less about their personal data being used up. This is even more important in the government role as well. We can’t have people worrying about their personal data at the expense of public safety.”


“我们去了第一个AT&T hackathon accidentally a year ago,” explained 佩内洛普·洛佩兹. “它发生在圣莫尼卡. We thought it was just a Meetup User group meeting that would last for an hour, 不是24小时的黑客马拉松.”

“I still can’t believe what noobies we were,” 美国洛佩兹. “But luckily we were able to get our first xcode app working in the end and we got an honorable mention award back then. 我们继续做更多的AT&T hacks and kept getting better from then on out.”

America and 佩内洛普·洛佩兹 say the #VegasTech community is invited to get involved with their next tech event, 被称为 洛杉矶移动营.

“That conference that will take place on January 31, 2015 in Hollywood and we would love to see folks from the Vegas Tech scene attend that and say hi to us,美国人洛佩兹说. “I will be hosting the event with George McKinney. 他是一位伟大的朋友和导师. We will be covering internet of things workshops to app development workshops. He is our leader of our Los Angeles mobile developer group, which has over 800 members.”

“We would love to keep in touch showing you our hacks and crazy conference photos in the near future,佩内洛普·洛佩兹补充道. “We are coming back to Las Vegas for our birthday so we would love to see more of the Vegas Tech scene!”

Full article can be found on the Vegas Tech website:

