Protecting Minors in Virtual Settings

重要的是,我们SF州立社区的每个人都感到受欢迎, safe, and respected while either leading course instruction or conducting business on behalf of the University or any of our Auxiliary Organization units. These guidelines embody the spirit of Cal State LA and are intended to help everyone feel comfortable and safe. 作为足彩外围网站的教职员工, we ask you to agree to follow this code of conduct which is rooted in our core values.

  • Parents or legal guardians must complete the program permission form and the Release of Liability, Promise Not to Sue, Assumption of Risk and Agreement to Pay Claims before their minor children may participate in any online program.
  • 家长必须为未成年人报名参加本课程(无公共课程).
  • 避免与未成年人进行一对一的虚拟接触.  Programs must arrange to have at least two adults online at all times,包括一个被标识为会话的指定主机/监视器. This includes not leaving minors unattended in “break-out” rooms, “hang-out” rooms, or main rooms.
  • The host must send the meeting link, call-in number, 和会议证件发给已登记的与会者及其父母或监护人. Only program staff, participants, and their parents or guardians should receive the link.
  • 主机控制所有静音,视频功能,聊天等.,这样讲师就可以专注于他们的演讲. 主机还应处理后端技术故障排除(例如.g., assisting users who cannot log on) and communication with participants before and during the workshop.
  • Consider starting the meeting in the waiting room if both adult hosts are not logged on.
  • Zoom (or another platform) must automatically advise participants that this will be recorded or the recording capability must be disabled.
  • 应关闭虚拟后台功能.
  • 私聊功能必须关闭.
  • Ensure participants are properly identified – don't allow a cell phone number without a name to join.
  • The host will place students in breakout rooms (if they are being used) and visit these rooms throughout the session for supervision).
  • The host is the first line of defense against inappropriate behavior and must act quickly to cut off participants who violate expectations.  Any inappropriate behavior should be reported immediately to your supervisor and documented.
  • Train your teams appropriately on how to use Zoom and other platforms – best to document procedures and also document the reporting and escalation process should an inappropriate activity take place.
  • Keep your programs consistent with check-in and check-out times very concrete to avoid inappropriate interactions.
  • 未成年人不得从事涉及危险物质(化学品)的活动, biological, 辐射)或在网上课程期间在家使用机械工具.  如果您对所建议的活动是否可以安全地进行有疑问,请联系 [email protected].
  • 如果虚拟编程涉及到体力活动,则i.e., yoga, etc.,以下免责声明必须自动出现在登录屏幕上:
    • “Participation in this activity is strictly voluntary and you are participating at your sole risk. 现场协助、援助和指导现在没有,将来也不会有. You should consult your physician or other healthcare provider before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately and call 911 if needed. 你不应该依赖这些信息来代替, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 如果您对自己的健康有任何担忧或疑问, 您应该始终咨询医生或其他医疗保健专业人员. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read or heard on this site. 使用本网站提供的任何信息的风险完全由您自行承担.”

  • Private direct messaging, texting, chatting, 或者未成年人与项目工作人员之间的私人邮件是不允许的. 
    • However, 如果你确实需要联系未成年人编程的原因, 您必须抄送参与者的父母或法定监护人的所有通讯.  (Parents/guardians must provide an email address and mobile phone number on the permission form.).
    • Group messages and posts related to programming are acceptable and must be viewable by all participants.
  • Contact with minor participants anytime outside of regularly scheduled programming is not permitted.

  • Keep conversations professional and focused on programmatic and educational purposes.
  • 虽然鼓励和支持很重要, 为了成年人和未成年人的安全,必须保持边界.
  • 遵守青年计划人员行为准则,即使是在虚拟环境中.
  • Wear, Where, and Who:
    • Wear: 请穿得得体而专业. 穿着得体,干净,避免不必要的干扰.
    • Where: 选择一个适当的位置来托管您的程序. 注意在你的背景中可以看到的项目. Avoid hosting programs from your bedroom.
    • Who: 在主持节目时考虑一下你身边的人, and ensure, to the best of your ability, such individuals will not cause a distraction or partake in any inappropriate behavior.

  • Parents/guardians must be provided with access information to all virtual meetings and programs.
  • 鼓励家长/监护人留意孩子的网上活动.
  • Communicate with parents/guardians if you intend to send a resource box (camp in a box), including any safety considerations.
  • Ensure that parents/guardians are provided with clear instructions for reporting any concerns.

  • 如果你看到什么,甚至怀疑什么,立即报告.  你是一名被授权的记者,需要报告涉嫌虐待或忽视. 
  • 举报涉嫌虐待或忽视的程序必须提供给所有员工.
  • 让家长知道如何在网上报告他们的担忧 ITS Help Desk by submitting a Ticket. Share reporting protocols with parents.

请仔细考虑任何外部资源. 当父母和/或监护人连接到这些外部资源时, include language such as the following:

“足彩外围网站无法控制第三方网站提供的内容. Parents and guardians should monitor the online activities of their children to ensure the content is age appropriate and to ensure the safety of their children”

The same ADA guidelines should be followed when providing virtual programming as followed in physical classrooms or meetings. One of the best ways to ensure you are planning an inclusive event is to include the following Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)在所有网站、活动公告和会议通知上:

“[Name of your program/program sponsoring event] welcomes persons with disabilities and will provide reasonable accommodations upon request. 如果你想要合理的住宿安排, 请联系[项目主管],电话:(xxx) xxx-xxxx或 [email protected]],以便审核您的要求.”

As the event authority, your organization or department is responsible for accepting and processing accommodation requests, however, OSD在此就实施的最佳做法向您咨询. 请致电(323)343-3140或 [email protected] if you have any further questions.  Additional information designed to help you make your event ADA-accessible can be found at  /accessibility/accessible-event-planning.