Work Order Priorities

Priority key on keyboard

所有进入工单系统的工单将属于以下优先级之一. 工作订单将首先按其优先级处理,然后按其请求日期处理. 任何未在其确定的优先级时间框架内解决的工作订单将被提升到下一个更高的优先级.


If an immediate repair is not possible, 受影响的部门将获通知估计维修时间及解决问题所需的任何暂时服务损失(例如.g. precautionary shutdowns of electrical or plumbing systems). After 5:00 PM and on weekends, Public Safety will need to be notified, 相应的商店的代表将被召来. An emergency will be handled immediately to within 24 hours. 如果情况暂时得到解决,但没有完全解决, 该工单可能被重新列为紧急工单或例行工单.

Emergency Items

Emergency items include, but are not limited to:

  • 直接影响学业持续表现的条件, student, or administrative functions.
  • 影响校园社区或周边地区成员的安全或健康的情况.
  • 直接影响学业持续表现的条件, student, or administrative functions
    Examples include:
    • Major loss of building heat
    • 区域内所有电路的功率损失(如果许多插座中的一个受到影响,则应将其分类为较低优先级)
    • Elevator malfunctions
    • Smoke
    • Fire alarms
    • 可能导致设备或内容物损坏的持续泄漏(如果泄漏可以控制,则应该控制), i.e. 如果排水管漏水,关闭水源;如果有更多的设备,则标记为“故障”。
  • Immediate security issues
    Examples include:
    • “敏感区域”(如学生档案区)的窗户或门无法固定
    • 处于报警状态或功能有限的消防或应急系统,必须恢复正常,以确保居住者的安全

紧急工作是为完成大学的主要目标(教育)而需要进行的工作,目的是防止基本运作或管理职能的中断, 或改进必要系统的运行性能. 紧急工作包括严重损害但不妨碍作业的情况. 这些情况将在72小时内进行调查和评估. 如果情况暂时得到解决,但没有完全解决, the work order may be re-prioritized as a Routine work order

Urgent Work Orders

Urgent work orders include, but are not limited to:

  • Door failure
    • Depending on situation, if the door is an inner door, and the area can be secured through locking an outer door
  • Clogged drains (not overflowing)
    • Drains that can be secured by turning off water
    • 只有由于使用系统和其他设施导致的泄漏是可用的
  • Improper lighting
    • 在关键任务区域,部分灯具无法使用, 在课桌或学生区域上方(在一个荧光灯灯具中放置两个4个灯泡)
  • Plumbing repair
    • Broken Toilet seats
    • Loose fixtures
  • Floor and ceiling repair
    • Loose or frayed carpet in high traffic areas
    • Loose handrails on stairs
    • Step coverings
    • Water damaged ceiling tiles, broken or loose

例行维护项目是指可以安排并在两周内完成的项目,并且在完成任何紧急或紧急工作订单时列入计划. 这些项目都是例行公事或小事件,应该提前计划. 重大活动应提前安排,以确保资源和材料的可用性.

Routine Work Orders

Routine work orders include, but are not limited to:

  • General Maintenance Issues
    • 照明(灯泡或灯具暂时不影响该区域的运作)
    • 电气(一般电气问题,不构成安全风险)
    • Plumbing (Plumbing repairs to maintain regular operations, i.e. 更换马桶盖(变色马桶盖、取纸机等.)
    • Grounds keeping issues
    • Painting

定期维护项目是指由于零件订购或客户要求,需要比常规工作订单更多时间的项目, but do not fall within the description of a Project. Scheduled Maintenance items should be completed within 30 days.

延迟的工单包括可以在项目计划框架内安排和完成的项目, 计划用于支持校园内的重大活动或功能, or will by design, 在计划维护工作单内超过30天的完成期限.

Maintenance Emergencies

If you have an emergency or require immediate assistance, please call our Work Control at (323) 343-3440 (7am - 5pm, M - F). After these hours, please call public safety at (323) 343-3700, or call 911 for fire, police, or medical emergencies!

Non-Chargeable Work - Routine Maintenance

例行维护是设施服务部获得预算拨款的一项服务. 这些服务由设施服务部免费提供, and generally speaking, 校园的日常维护和操作属于上述类别.

  • Routine painting repairs
  • Door repair
  • Light bulb replacement
  • Routine custodial services
  • Repair of carpet, floor tile, or other floor services
  • Routine window washing
  • Grounds, parking lots, sidewalks and roadway maintenance
  • Snow removal
  • Roof, structural, window, door and general building repair
  • Fence repairs
  • 室内外非停车场照明-室外一般照明
  • 现有供暖/制冷/管道和加湿系统的维护 & repairs
  • 维修能源管理系统-基础设施和公用事业
  • Repair to electrical and mechanical infrastructure
  • 维修或更换作为原建筑装置一部分安装的设备, including non-moveable classroom furniture
  • Recycling programs
  • Rodent and pest control
  • Elevator maintenance
  • Scheduled inspections of elevators and life safety systems
  • Glass and screen repair and replacement

Chargeable Work

收费工作订单需要设施服务申请表, 由签字人签署,并填写相应的部门账号. The requisition should be sent to:

Work Control
Facilities Services
Corporation Yard Building A
Room 246


  • Departmental requests for buildings or structural alterations
  • 维修/维修/更换部门设备或财产, including non-standard coverings and surfaces
  • Relocation of moveable equipment
  • Relocation or installation of electrical outlets, lighting, HVAC, HVAC controls, or fire suppression systems per department request
  • 安装及维修非原安装的窗护
  • 非常规及装饰性绘画及墙面修补
  • 地毯或地砖的维护-超出正常的时间表
  • Labor & equipment for special events including custodial services
  • Hanging of pictures, plaques, signs, banners, etc.
  • Installation of shelving and cabinetry
  • Assembly or dismantling of desks, partitions, etc.
  • Relocation of items from surplus to departments
  • Window cleaning – other than routine
  • Parking lot maintenance
  • Repair and maintenance of all chargeable items
  • Repairs necessitated by non-authorized appliances, i.e. heaters, etc.


For renovation-type work, 在提交申请之前,请先足彩外围网站的项目经理, so that we can discuss the scope of your project