Elina Saeki博士.D.

办公室 KHA2041



我得了B.A. in Psychology from California State University, Long Beach and my M.Ed. 学校心理学和博士学位.D. in Counseling/Clinical/School Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. I completed an APA-accredited predoctoral internship at Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District in Texas and upon conferral of my doctorate, I taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Houston-Victoria and University of Missouri. I am a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and hold a California Pupil Personnel Services credential in School Psychology.

我于2014年加入足彩外围网站,担任兼职讲师. I am currently an assistant professor and program coordinator of the Master of Science in Counseling-School Psychology Option Program in the Charter 教育学院.


我在学校的心理学课程中教授研究生水平的课程, including: school-based consultation; assessment of emotional and 行为 disorders; individual counseling strategies; ethics, 法律, and professional issues in counseling; research and program evaluation; and supervision of practicum and internship. My main objectives as an instructor are to (1) teach foundational theory and topics in school psychology, (2) encourage students to utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills, (3)培养学生的 欲望 为知识和终身学习提供基础.


My research interests involve (1) theoretical inquiries to understand mechanisms that facilitate positive youth social-emotional, 行为, and academic outcomes and (2) practical applications to enhance school-based services. 特别是, my scholarly work focuses on the impact of test-based accountability policies on teachers and students, 社会情感素养干预, 提高学生参与度和积极性的策略, 教师的幸福, 校本咨询在不同学校的应用, 以及学校心理的培训与监督.


最近精选刊物 出版年
亨德里克,E.,维奥拉,S., & 火箭,E. (2023). An analysis of state social/emotional learning standards and student outcomes. 学校的研究与实践,10(1), 79-91.  2023
蒂普敦,L.赫尔南德斯,E., 火箭,E., Ribera D., & Pebdani R. (2022). Cross-disciplinary perspectives in counseling and psychology: Supervision and evaluation. 心理咨询师预备与监督,15(4). http://digitalcommons.sacredheart.edu/jcps/vol15/iss4/5 2022
渡边,Y.池田,M., 火箭,E., & Higashida, M. (2022). Social-emotional learning and class climate among elementary-aged students in Japan. 国际学校学报 & 教育心理学. http://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2022.2075997 2022
渡边,Y.Motomura, Y., & 火箭,E. (2022). Development of emotional literacy and empathy among elementary-aged Japanese children. 国际学校学报 & 教育心理学,10(3), 316-335. http://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2020.1837699 2022
火箭,E.芬根,J., & Ulanoff,年代. (2020). An interdisciplinary training series to bridge the gap between school psychology and reading specialist trainees. 《足彩外围网站》,第27期(1), 41-54. 2020
中提琴,年代.亨德里克,E., & 火箭,E. (2020). Instructional technology in graduate psychology distance education: Trends and student preferences. 教育工作者在线杂志,17(1), 1-15. 2020
Pebdani R., & 火箭,E. (2020). 知识的验证, 安慰, 方法, and Attitudes Toward Sexuality Scale for use with rehabilitation counseling students: An exploratory factor analysis. 性与残疾,38, 313-327. 2020
中提琴,年代., 火箭,E., & 亨德里克,E. (2019). Distance education in graduate training programs: Lessons learned from school psychology students. 教育工作者在线杂志,16, 1-17. 2019
科尔曼,年代.帕斯托雷克,M., & 火箭,E. (2018). The integration of applied research into a school-based predoctoral internship. 职业心理学培训与教育,12(3), 180-187. doi: 10.1037 / tep0000202 2018
火箭,E., Chang, Y., & Osipova,. (2018). 全球范围内父母的参与. 《足彩外围网站》网络专刊,第1-24期. 可在http://journals在线下载.sagepub.com/page/spi/collections/special-issues/index 2018
火箭,E.纽约州塞古尔市.von der Embse, N., & 发展起来,. (2018). High stakes testing and accountability policies in K-2nd grade: School climate, 环境, 教师的压力. 《足彩外围网站》,55, 1-13. 2018
瑞安,年代.von der Embse, N.彭德加斯特,L., 火箭,E.纽约州塞古尔市., & 等,年代. (2017). 教师压力和责任在教师流失中的作用. 《足彩外围网站》,66; 1-11. 2017
亨德里克,E., 火箭,E., & 中提琴,年代. (2017). 学校心理学中远程学习的趋势和看法. Trainers' Forum: Journal of the Trainers of School Psychologists, 34(2), 36-68. 2017

von der Embse, N.彭德加斯特,L.纽约州塞古尔市., 火箭,E., & 瑞安,年代. (2016). The differential influences of test score use on teacher wellness and school climate: A comparison across four states. 《足彩外围网站》,59, 492-502.


火箭,E., 渡边,Y., & 城,E. (2015). Developmental and gender trends in emotional literacy and interpersonal competence among Japanese children. 国际情感教育杂志, 7, 15-35.


火箭,E., 发展起来,.纽约州塞古尔市. K., & von der Embse, N. (2015). Potential psychosocial and instructional consequences of the Common Core State Standards: Implications for research and practice. 当代学校心理学,19, 89-97.


火箭,E., & 怪癖,M. (2015). Getting students engaged might not be enough: The importance of psychological needs satisfaction on social-emotional and 行为 functioning among early adolescents. 社会教育心理学,18, 355-371. doi: 10.1007/s11218-014-9283-5


McQuillin,年代. D.G .海峡. G., & 火箭,E. (2015). Program support and value of training in mentor’s satisfaction and anticipated continuation of school-based mentoring relationships. 指导 & 辅导:学习中的伙伴关系,2, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1047630


Jimerson,年代. R.布朗,J。. A., 火箭,E., 渡边,Y.小林,T., & Hatzichristou C. (2012). 自然灾害. 在年代. 布鲁克 & S. Jimerson (Eds.), 学校危机预防和干预的最佳做法 (第二版.). 贝塞斯达博士:全国学校心理学家协会.




近期精选演讲(*代表学生) 表示年
*梅恩,H.von der Embse, N., & 火箭,E. 2月(2023). First year teachers' subjective well-being and use of evidence-based instructional strategies. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Denver, CO.  2023
*特朗红葡萄酒,H.*李,S., & 火箭,E. 3月(2022). Teacher's wellbeing matters: Strategies for psychosocial wellness in education. Workshop presented at the Mental and Behavioral Health Conference, Los Angeles, CA. 2022
*特朗红葡萄酒,H.*Serio, L.*李,S., 火箭,E., 发展起来,.von der Embse, N., & Segool N. 2月(2020). 了解早期职业教师的心理健康状况. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Baltimore, MD. 2020
Stratton K. K.D .加德克. L.彭德加斯特,L.沙利文,A., & 火箭,E. (2018年8月). 取得基金会及非传统奖助金基金. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.  2018
火箭,E., & Fingon J. (2018年2月). 支持阅读教师提高学生学习成绩的能力. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Chicago, IL. 2018
L *江,.*奥尔蒂斯,A.*戈麦斯,K.L .菲斯勒-蒂普顿., & 火箭,E. (2017年10月). Real world effectiveness: Promoting student success through an inclusive consultative framework. Mini-skills workshop presented at the California Association of School Psychologists Conference, 阿纳海姆, CA. 2017

*卡斯蒂略,N.奥西波娃,A., & 火箭,E. 2月(2017). 为有特殊需要的孩子的父母提供的以家庭为重点的项目. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, San Antonio, TX.

*杜兰,米., & 火箭,E. (2016年10月). 拉丁裔小学生午餐团. Poster presented at the California Association of School Psychologists Conference, Newport Beach, CA. 2016

Segool N., 火箭,E., von der Embse, N., & 发展起来,. 2月(2016). High-stakes testing: Effects on school climate, teaching, and stress. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, New Orleans, LA.


von der Embse, N.彭德加斯特,L.纽约州塞古尔市., & 火箭,E. 2月(2015). An evaluation of accountability policy on climate, teaching, and stress. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Orlando, FL.




  • Ph.D., Counseling/Clinical/School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2012
  • M.Ed.,学校心理学,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,2009年
  • B.A.,心理学,加州州立大学,长滩,2006年