
特殊教育系 & 咨询
办公室 KHC1030


Dr. Leila Ansari Ricci is an Associate Professor in the Mild/Moderate Disabilities program of the 分工 Special 教育 and 咨询 in the 特许教育学院 at Cal State Los Angeles. Dr. Ricci is the Program Coordinator for the Special 教育 residency pathway of the Los Angeles Urban 老师 Residency-Transformation Initiative (LAUTR-TI). 她的 passion is supporting and inspiring 加州大学洛杉矶分校 credential candidates to complete their educator 准备 and make a difference in the lives of 所有 儿童,无论是否残疾. 


Dr. Ricci’s teaching interests include teaching reading, 特殊教育的基础, 教学计划和交付, 合作与联合教学, 以及对实习生的支持和监督, 居民, 以及传统的证书候选人. 


Dr. Ricci’s research interests focus on teaching reading to children with disabilities, 合作与联合教学 between general and special 教育 老师, 支持新手教育工作者.


Murawski W. W., & 里奇,我. (新闻). 联合教学与UDL:完美结合. 在W. W. Murawski (Ed.), 什么在UDL中真正起作用. 加州千橡市:考文. 

里奇,我. A., & Fingon J. (新闻). Experiences and perceptions of university students and general and special 教育 teacher 准备 faculty engaged in 合作与联合教学 practices. 网络: 教师研究在线期刊.

里奇,我. A., & Osipova,. (新闻). Positives, potential, and 准备: Preservice special educators’ knowledge about teaching reading to children with Down syndrome. 例外的教育 国际.

里奇,我. A., Persiani K., & 威廉姆斯,. (新闻). From ‘training wheels for teaching’ to ‘cooking in your mother-in-law’s kitchen: Co-teaching in an urban teacher residency program. 老师 教育 & 实践

里奇,我. A. (2018). What re所有y works in teaching reading to kids 有视觉障碍的. 我不在乎 通讯、6, 2California State University, Northridge: Center for Teaching and Learning.

里奇,我. A., & Fingon J. C. (2017). 教师 modeling co-teaching and collaboration practices in general 教育 and special 教育 courses in teacher 准备 programmes. 雅典 教育学报,4(4), 351-362.

威廉姆斯,., 里奇,我. A., & Persiani K. (2017年6月). 通过镜头改变教师的准备工作 of social justice: Ch所有enges and lessons learned from the first five years of the Los 洛杉矶城市教师实习计划.CCNews:加州议会通讯 论教师教育,28页(2), 27-31.

里奇,我. A.泽特林,A. G., & Osipova,. (2017). 职前特殊教育者的认知 合作与联合教学 during university fieldwork: Implications for personnel 准备. 教师发展,21(5), 687-703. 

里奇,我. A.(2017). 打造一支有能力的读者队伍. 在W. W. Murawski & K. L. 斯科特(Eds.), 真正适用于优秀学习者的方法(pp. 23-41)加州千橡市:考文.

Arvedson P.米斯-考克斯,南卡罗来纳州.奥西波娃,A.波斯尼,K., 里奇,我., y, F., & Zetlin,. (2016). Improving instruction, accessibility, and outcomes: Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Differentiated Instruction. 一个专业的 模块:http://ceedar.教育.ufl.edu/mtssudldi-professional-development-模块

Osipova,. V., 里奇,我. A., & 孟H. (2016). Bienvenidos atodos:支持策略 students with learning disabilities in a foreign language classroom. 杂志国际 特殊教育协会,16(1), 89-99.

Kamei-Hannan C., & 里奇,我. A. (2015). Reading connections: Strategies for teaching students with 视觉障碍.New York, NY: American Foundation for the Blind Press.

里奇,我. A.,& Zetlin,. G. (2013). Interweaving teaching and emotional support for novice special 其他认证项目的教育工作者. 杂志 the National Association for Altenative Certification, 8(2), 23-42.


Persiani K., & 里奇,我. 1月(2018). Implementation of co-teaching models in elementary and 中学的教室. 第十六场演讲th年度夏威夷国际会议 教育,檀香山,HI.

里奇,我.波斯尼,K., & 威廉姆斯,. 1月(2018). ‘Training wheels for teaching’ and ‘cooking in your mother-in-law’s kitchen’: Co-teaching in a teacher residency. 第十六场演讲th年度 Hawaii 国际 Conference on 教育,檀香山,HI. 

里奇,我. A.威廉姆斯,A., & Persiani K. (2017年9月). 数学, 科学, and special 教育 credential candidates and mentors co-teaching in Los Angeles Urban 老师 Residency program: Experiences and lessons learned. 在会议上的演讲 Co-Teaching Symposium, Monterey, CA.

威廉姆斯,., 里奇,我., & Persiani K. 3月(2017). 创新转型的一般和特殊 教育 teacher 准备: Case study of a TQP-funded residency program. 在会议上的演讲 69th年度 Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for 老师 教育, Tampa, FL.

里奇,我.威廉姆斯,A., & Persiani K. 1月(2017). 合作的亮点和挑战 co-teaching in urban teacher residency program preparing special 教育, math, and 科学 老师. 15分钟演讲th年度夏威夷国际会议 教育, Honolulu, HI.

里奇,我.波斯尼,K., & 威廉姆斯,. 1月(2017). 运用合作教学促进差异化教学 urban math and 科学 teacher residency classrooms. 15楼的海报th一年一度的夏威夷 国际 Conference on 教育,檀香山,HI.

里奇,我.法齐,D.芬根,J.波斯尼,K., & Osipova,. (2016年10月). 的合作教学经历 higher 教育 faculty: Process and outcomes of college-wide collaborative teaching projects. Presentation at California Council on 老师 教育, San Diego, CA.

里奇,我.威廉姆斯,A., & Persiani K. (2016年10月). 城市教师实习项目合作教学: 分享胜利和挑战. 在会议上的演讲 National Conference on Co-Teaching, 布卢明顿、锰.

Kamei-Hannan C., & 里奇,我. A. (2016年4月). Reading connections: Strategies for teaching students 有视觉障碍的. 在会议上的演讲 California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and 视障人士,洛杉矶,加州.

Kamei-Hannan C., & 里奇,我.(2016年4月). Supporting readers who are blind or visu所有y impaired: Assessments, strategies, and activities for balanced, effective reading instruction. 分工 Visual Impairments Showcase presentation at Council for Exceptional Children Convention, St. 路易斯,莫.

里奇,我. A., & Zetlin,. 3月(2016). Strategies and tips for meaningful support for special 教育 实习生. 在会议上的演讲 National Association for Altenative 认证,新奥尔良,洛杉矶.

威廉姆斯,., 里奇,我., & Persiani K. 3月(2016). Transforming theory and fieldwork: Lessons from an 创新教师实习计划. 在会议上的演讲 National Association for Altenative 认证,新奥尔良,洛杉矶.

里奇,我.泽特林,A., & Rhinehart L. (2015年11月). 支持t老师在 alte本地认证 途径:大学和K-12课程公立学校.在教师教育会上的演讲 Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference. 凤凰城,阿兹.

Sandmel K., 里奇,我., & 科尼利厄斯,K. (2015年11月). 有效教学的反馈:一个话语 在线职业发展分析. 在教师教育部门的演讲 (TED) of the Council forExceptional Children Conference. 凤凰城,阿兹.

Sandmel K., 里奇,我., & 科尼利厄斯,K. (2015年11月). 在线专业发展模块 university supervisors to provide effective written feedback. 教师教育海报 Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, 凤凰城,阿兹.

里奇,我. 5月(2014). Teaching reading to children with Down syndrome: What do preservice special 教育者知道,也需要知道? 在会议上的演讲 Pacific Rim 国际 Conference on Disability and 多样性, Honolulu, HI.

里奇,我. A., & Zetlin,. 1月(2013). Developing collaboration skills of teacher candidates in a 社区学习中心模式. 在会议上的演讲 Hawaii 国际Conference on 教育,檀香山,嗨.


2004               Ph.D.加州大学洛杉矶分校和足彩外围网站

1997               M.A.加州州立大学北岭分校的教育治疗学教授

1994               B.A.他在加州大学洛杉矶分校学习英语和伊朗研究

Clear 教育 Specialist Instruction Credential in Mild/Moderate Disabilities