
特殊教育系 & 咨询
办公室 KHA2042


张雅芝博士.D. is a Professor in the 特殊教育系 and 咨询 at 加州州立大学,洛杉矶. Her research focuses on social communication interventions with young children with autism and other developmental disabilities, the implementation of evidence-based interventions for young children with disabilities in inclusive settings, and community-partnered interventions for culturally and linguistically diverse children and families.


常,Y.C. 卡萨里,C., & 夏尔,年代. (Co-PIs). (2023-2028). 领导使用多种语言, 自闭症, 和早期儿童支持, 培训, 和研究机会(LMAESTRO)美国特殊教育项目办公室.S. 教育部(H325D230051). $3,750,000.

Kamei-Hannan C. (PI), & 常,Y.C. (Co-PI). (2023-2028). BIlingual Education Preparation and Network in Visual Impairment and Early Childhood Special EducatioN to Increase and Develop Optimal Supports in Language and Literacy (BIENVENIDOS). 美国特殊教育项目办公室.S. 教育部(H325M230045). $1,250,000.

常,Y.C. (PI),弗莱林,M. (共同). (2018-2023). 儿童早期特殊教育中改善社会沟通的伙伴. 美国特殊教育项目办公室.S. 教育部(H325K180154). $1,250,000.

常,Y.C. (PI),奥西波娃,A. (Co-PI). (2022-2023). 阅读障碍(iREAD)教育方法的改进与重构. 加州教师资格认证委员会——为预备课程提供阅读障碍补助金. $14,000.


常,Y.C., & Drescher T. (2023). 解决人员流失:多层次师徒关系模型. J特殊教育预备学报,3(1), 68-75. DOI: 10.33043 /约瑟.3.1.68-75

常,Y.C.亨特,n.n., & 多兹,R. (2023). Building Better Bridges: Perceptions of transition from early intervention programs to preschool from culturally and linguistically diverse parents, 早期干涉, 以及学前特殊教育工作者. 婴幼儿,36(2), 164-174. DOI: 10.1097 / IYC.0000000000000237

常,Y.C., Osipova,., & Weinberg L. (2023). Mentoring and Empowering Doctoral 学生 Through Collaborative Co-Teaching: Lessons from a joint doctoral program in special education. 在B. 管家,. 昆卡和J. 里特(Eds)., 教师教育之路:新兴教师教育发展概况. 资讯时代出版.

常,Y.C., 夏尔,年代., 施,W., & Kasari C. (2023). 发展性游戏技能作为早期干预的结果. 自闭症与发育障碍杂志. 10.1007/s10803-023-06147-8

常,Y.C.西蒙,J., & Fryling, M. (2023). Partners in Improving Social Communication in Children with Disabilities in Urban Early Childhood Settings. 在D. 斯兰达和D. 派克(Eds)., 公平特殊教育的跨学科准备研究手册 (pp. 177-197). IGI Global:宾夕法尼亚州.

院长,M., 常,Y.C., 施,W.奥尔利希,F., & Kasari C. (2023). 学龄期自闭症女孩和男孩的社会参与与孤独感. 《足彩外围网站》,19, 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/17455057231170973

常,Y.C.阿维拉,M.^, & 罗德里格斯,H.^ (2022). Beyond the Dotted Line: Empowering parent participation in culturally and linguistically diverse families. 《足彩外围网站》55页(2),132-140. DOI: 10.1177/00400599221099868

常,Y.C., & 院长,M. (2022). ASD儿童的友谊干预和测量:一项系统综述. 自闭症谱系障碍研究. DOI: 10.1016/j.rasd.2022.101947

常,Y.C.美国夏尔., 施,W., & Kasari C. (2022). Brief Report: An Exploratory Study of Young Dual Language Learners with 自闭症 in a School-Based Intervention. 自闭症与发育障碍杂志. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-022-05765-y

Drescher T., & 常,Y.C. (2022). Benefits of Collaborative Teaching Models in Teacher Education Programs: Sharing disability knowledge and promoting inclusion. T教师发展,26岁(2), 151-165. DOI: 10.1080/13664530.2022.2032299

生,G.J.,邱,Y.N.蔡,W.C.林,H.Y.,李,S.C.肖,M.N.刘,T.J.陈,H.M., Shih, A., 常,Y.C., WHO CST团队, & 宋子文,W.T. (2022). Promotion and Implementation Effectiveness of World Health Organization’s Caregiver Skills 培训 Program in Taiwan. 精神病学前沿. DOI: 10.3389 / fpsyt.2022.904380

院长,M., & 常,Y.C. (2021). A Systematic Review of School-Based Social Skills Interventions and Observed Social Outcomes for 学生 with ASD in Inclusive Settings. 自闭症,25(7), 1828-1843. DOI: 10.1177%2F13623613211012886

夏尔,年代., & 常,Y.C. (2021). Coaching Supports for 早期干预ists: Enhancing Responsive Interactions for Social-Emotional Development of Children with 自闭症. 年轻的特殊儿童. DOI: 10.1177/10962506211028584

施,W.美国夏尔. Y., 常,Y. C., & Kasari C. (2021). Joint engagement is a potential mechanism leading to increased initiations of joint attention and downstream effects on language: JASPER early intervention for children with ASD. 儿童心理学和精神病学杂志,62(10), 1228-1235. DOI: 10.1111 / jcpp.13405

常,Y.C.孟席斯,H., & Osipova,. (2020). 自闭症谱系障碍学生阅读理解指导. 《足彩外围网站》74页(3), 255-264. DOI: 10.1002 / trtr.1929.

常,Y. C., & 夏尔,年代. (2019). Promoting Play in Early Childhood Programs for Children With ASD: Strategies for Educators and Practitioners. 《足彩外围网站》52页(2), 66-76. DOI: 10.1177/0040059919874305

夏尔,年代. Y., 施,W., 常,Y. C.布拉卡利亚,南卡罗来纳州.科乔,M., & Kasari C. (2019). 自闭症幼儿JASPER干预的持续社区实施. 自闭症与发育障碍杂志,49(5), 1863-1875. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-018-03875-0

火箭,E., 常,Y.C., & Osipova,. (2018). 全球范围内父母的参与. 国际学校心理学,网络特刊,1-24页. 可在以下网址下载 http://journals.sagepub.com/page/spi/collections/special-issues/index

常,Y. C., 施,W.兰达,R.凯撒,A., & Kasari C. (2017). 自闭症谱系障碍的学龄低语言儿童的符号游戏. 自闭症与发育障碍杂志,48(5), 1436-1445.

常,Y. C.Kamei-Hannan C.奥康纳,K., & Toelle N. (2017). 协商与合作. 在C语言中. 霍尔布鲁克,C. Kamei-Hannan, & T. 麦卡锡(Eds). 教育基础 (pp.386-399). 纽约,纽约:AFB出版社.

常,Y.C., & 洛克,J. (2016). A systematic review of peer-mediated interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder. 自闭症谱系障碍研究,27, 1-10.

常,Y.C.美国夏尔., 施,W.格尔芬德,C., & Kasari C. (2016). Preschool Deployment of Evidence-Based Social Communication Intervention: JASPER in the Classroom. 自闭症与发育障碍杂志,46(6), 2211-2223.

夏尔,年代., 常,Y.C., 施,W.布拉卡利亚,南卡罗来纳州.科乔,M., & Kasari C. (2016). Hybrid implementation model of community partnered early intervention for toddlers with autism: A randomized trial. 儿童心理学和精神病学杂志,58(5), 612-622.

夏尔,年代. Y., 施,W., 常,Y. C., & Kasari C. (2016). Short Play and Communication Evaluation: Teachers’ assessment of core social communication and play skills with young children with autism. 自闭症,22(3), 299-310.

常,Y.C., 施,W., & Kasari C. (2015). 学龄前自闭症儿童的友谊:是什么阻碍了他们, 儿童特征或教师行为? 自闭症, 1-10.


常,Y.C.美国夏尔., 施,W., & Kasari C. 5月(2023). 不同自闭症儿童样本中共同注意技能的出现. Poster presentation at the 22nd Annual International Society for 自闭症 Research (INSAR) Conference in Stockholm, 瑞典.

常,Y.C. 3月(2023). 早期干预. Invited speaker at the 自闭症 Speaks National Pathways to 早期干预 and Support Event.

常,Y.C.西蒙,J.C.加西亚,H.*, & Fryling, M. 1月(2023). Interdisciplinary collaboration through a preservice training program in 自闭症 Spectrum Disorders for Early Childhood Special Educators and Behavior Analysts: Exploring the process for meaningful outcomes. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual 夏威夷 International Conference on Education in Honolulu, 夏威夷.

常,Y.C., & Drescher T. (2022年11月). Strengthening the “Bridge” for Additional Demands: Preparing ECSE Teachers in Under-Resourced Classrooms. Conversation Tables at the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children in Richmond, 维吉尼亚州.

常,Y.C., & Osipova,. (2022年9月). Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Early Literacy Instruction for Diverse Young Learners. Poster presentation at the International Society for 早期干预 in Chicago, Illinois.

常,Y.C., 施,W., & Kasari C. 5月(2022). 城市包容性教室中自闭症儿童的社会参与. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual International Society for 自闭症 Research (INSAR) Conference in Austin, 德州.

常,Y.C.美国夏尔., 施,W., & Kasari C. (2022年4月). 改善自闭症儿童的发展性游戏. Poster presentation at the SRCD 2022 Special Topic Meeting: Learning through Play and Imagination: Expanding Perspectives, St. 路易斯,密苏里州.

常,Y.C.阿维拉,M., & 罗德里格斯,H. 1月(2022). 建立关键联系:支持城市社区的新教师. 在佛罗里达州奥兰多举行的2022年CEC会议和博览会上的海报展示.

常,Y.C., & 亨特,N. 1月(2022). Resilience in Challenging Times: Building Support Systems for Early Childhood Special Education Preservice Teachers. 在佛罗里达州奥兰多举行的2022年CEC会议和博览会上的海报展示.

常,Y.C., & 阿维拉,M. (2021年9月). LMNOP:幼儿教师的领导力、师徒关系和网络机会. Virtual poster presentation at the 37th Division of Early Childhood Conference, Orlando, Florida.

常,Y.C.西蒙,J., & Fryling, M. (2021年7月). 合作模式:城市社区的ECSE教师与行为分析师. 在2021年OSEP领导会议上的虚拟演讲 & 项目总监会议.

常,Y.C.美国夏尔., 施,W., & Kasari C. 5月(2021). 不同自闭症儿童的游戏多样性和复杂性. Virtual poster presentation at the 20th Annual International Society for 自闭症 Research (INSAR) Conference.

常,Y.C.奥西波娃,A.亨特,n.n.*拉里奥斯,R., & * Oropollo,米. 2月(2020). Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Experiences of pre-service early childhood special education teaches in inclusive classroom settings. 2020年CEC大会和博览会的海报展示,波特兰,俄勒冈州.

常,Y.C.美国夏尔., 施,W.卡萨里,C. 5月(2019). 低语言能力自闭症儿童的联合参与. Poster presentation at the 18th Annual International Society for 自闭症 Research (INSAR) Conference, 蒙特利尔, 加拿大.

常,Y.C. (2019年4月). 学玩,玩学!: Using the JASPER model in the classroom to increase engagement and social communication in children with ASD. Invited presentation at the Center for 自闭症 Related Disabilities 13th Annual Statewide Conference, 奥尔巴尼, 纽约.

常,Y. C., & 亨特,N. 3月(2019). 建立更好的桥梁:父母对早期干预过渡的看法, 早期干涉, 特殊教育工作者. Poster presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰.


2012       Ph.D.他是加州大学洛杉矶分校的教育学教授
2009      M.A.他是加州大学洛杉矶分校的教育学教授
2005      B.A.加州大学洛杉矶分校心理学教授