纳税表1098-T FAQs

谨慎: This is general information only and should not be taken as tax or legal advice; please contact the IRS or a tax professional for tax preparation advice. The University cannot provide assistance regarding your eligibility or the calculation of the credits.

Form 1098-T is an annual IRS form California State University, Los Angeles provides of student-related educational costs for annual income tax returns. The form summarizes qualified tuition and fees for the calendar year (January 1 thru December 31). This information is also used for student eligibility for the American Opportunity Credit, Lifetime Learning Credit, or other educational tax benefits.

免责声明: The following general information should not be taken as tax or legal advice. California State University, Los Angeles cannot provide tax service with these reporting forms. For tax preparation advice, please consult your tax advisor.

For reporting purposes, California State University, Los Angeles is required to have the student’s Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

是的. You can receive the 1098-T form electronically by following the steps below:

  1. 登录你的 得到 账户.
  2. Click on Student Center.
  3. In the Finances section click on “View 1098-T,” click on >> GO.
  4. Select the Tab “Account Services,” click “GRANT CONSENT” button.
  5. Upon reading the agreement, check the “是的, I have read the agreement” checkbox.
  6. Click on the “SUBMIT” button.
  7. A consent confirmation will appear and you will then be able to click on the “VIEW 1098-T SELECTION” button.

No. Once you have granted consent to receive the form electronically, this year’s form and all future 1098-T forms will be available online only. If you want to revoke your consent and have your forms mailed, please contact One-Stop Financial Services at (323) 343-5357.

Your 1098-T form will be accessible electronically by the third week of January if you have already granted consent (see FAQ #2).

形式 will be mailed to students who did not “GRANT CONSENT” to the mailing address on record with the University.

As required by the Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), California State University, Los Angeles or its personnel cannot provide this information directly to parents, other persons who may claim the student as a dependent, 或者报税员. If you are claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return (such as your parent's return), please give your Form 1098-T and Supplemental Information directly to that person.

关注父母: If you need to obtain a Form 1098-T for your child, your child must provide the University permission for you to receive a mailed copy. The Form 1098-T can be provided only after a Consent Form is completed by the student and filed with One-Stop Financial Services located in Student Services Building, # 2380房间.

  • 箱1: Payment received for qualified tuition and related expenses: Per instructions from the IRS, the University is required to report either payments or qualified tuition and fees charges. 加州大学L.A. reports tuition and fees payments.
  • 框2: Per instruction from the IRS, California State University, Los Angeles reports payments applied to tuition and fee charges. No charges will be posted in 框2.
  • 盒3: Change in reporting methods: Not applicable.
  • 4盒: Adjustments made for a prior year: This shows any adjustments made for a prior year for qualified tuition and related expenses that were reported on a prior year Form 1098-T.
  • 框5: 奖学金 or 奖助金: This box reports scholarships, 补助金(非贷款), and third-party payments posted to your 账户 during the calendar year 2023. 奖学金, 奖助金, and third-party payments are listed in this box whether paid to you directly or applied to your tuition and fees charges.
  • 箱6: Adjustments to scholarships or 奖助金: Shows adjustments to scholarships or 奖助金 for a prior year.
  • 7箱: This box is checked only if payment and charges for winter 2024 or spring 2024 are posted in 2023. You may have paid in 2023 for winter and spring 2024; however, this box will not be checked since winter and spring 2024 charges will not be posted until January 2024.
  • 盒8: This box is checked if the student has enrolled at least half-time (4 units for graduates, 6 units for undergraduates) for at least one semester during 2022.
  • 盒9: This box is checked if the student was a graduate student or in a credential program at any time during 2022.

Tuition and fees and course materials required for a student to be enrolled at or attend an eligible educational institution.

  • 卫生设施
  • 体育运动
  • Associated Student Body (ASB)
  • University–Student Union
  • Instructionally Related Activities
  • 学生的成功 Fee
  • 学费
  • Non-resident 学费
  • Professional Program Fee
  • Books and supplies required for course instruction. (谨慎: Since the University cannot track amounts paid for books and supplies, no amount for books and supplies will be on the 1098-T form. Please keep your receipts for these items).

Qualified tuition and related expenses do not include the following types of expenses:

  • 食宿
  • 运输
  • Insurance premiums or medical expenses
  • Other personal, living, or family expenses

  • 加州大学L.A. does not have your SSN or ITIN. This information is required for 1098-T reporting (make sure that you provided the University with this information).
  • 加州大学L.A. does not have your valid address.
  • There were no eligible payments/charges for the calendar year 2023.

奖学金 and 奖助金 are reported in 框5 on the 1098-T and also in 箱1 if it paid eligible charges for tuition and fees.

Per IRS Publication 970, payments you receive for education, 培训, or subsistence under any law administered by the Department of Veterans Affa国税局 (VA) are tax-free. 然而,对于U.S. tax reporting purposes, 退伍军人权利法》® recipients are issued a Form 1098-T from the University reflecting the total tuition and fee payments by multiple sources (including 退伍军人权利法》® paid by VA), not just items personally paid out-of-pocket. The amounts of 退伍军人权利法》® benefits designated for tuition and fees do not count as qualified payments against federal education tax credits.

退伍军人权利法》® payments consist of tuition and a subsistence portion. From the total amounts on the Form 1098-T, 退伍军人权利法》® recipients have to reduce the portion of their tuition paid by the amount of their 退伍军人权利法》® benefits that were designated for tuition.

To correct or change your name, complete a Bio/Demo Change Form in the 招生 and Record Center located in the Student Services Bldg. 1楼. One of the following originals and current documents are accepted as proof:

  • Adoption/Birth Certificate
  • 结婚证书
  • 离了婚的法令
  • Alien Registration Card
  • Court Order showing the legal name change
  • Naturalization Certificate

Upon this completed correction, an updated Form 1098-T will be generated online. For more information, please call (323) 343-5357.

To correct or change your address, log in to your 得到 账户, and update your mailing address. If you no longer have access to your 得到 账户, please contact the Office of 招生 and Recruitment at (323) 343-3901.

Complete an Bio/Demo Change form in the 招生 and Records Center and bring both items:

  • Original Social Security card
  • 加州大学L.A. 学生我.D.

Bring the original documentation the IRS provided to you to the 招生 and Records Center.

For more information, visit the IRS Tax Benefits for Education: Information Center.

一般, international students cannot claim the tax education credit; although, some students are eligible if they are deemed to be Resident Aliens for tax purposes under the substantial presence test. For additional information, please contact the IRS or your individual tax consultant for assistance.

If you have questions specific to the data provided by 加州大学L.A. on your 1098-T, you can:

For information regarding filing your taxes and benefit eligibility, please contact a tax consultant or the IRS at 1-800-829-1040, 或者去 www.国税局.政府.