Satisfactory Academic Progress

As a condition of participating in the federal student aid programs, Cal State L.A. is required to evaluate the academic progress of applicants for financial aid.  Cal State L.A的令人满意的学业进步(SAP)政策提供给所有的财政援助申请人如下.

Cal State L.A's federal student aid SAP policies for students are similar, but not identical, to the university's policies for minimum academic progress. Students should review both sets of policies and ask for clarification as needed. Questions about federal student aid SAP policies should be directed to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office; questions about the university's minimum academic progress policies should be directed to Academic Advising.

Non-financial aid recipients awarded only scholarships, graduate assistantships, veteran’s benefits, stipends (excluding Cal Grant B stipend), 或者学生助理的收入必须符合这些项目的具体资格要求.

SAP Standards

Minimum Cumulative GPA -保持特定于你的学术课程的最低累积平均绩点(GPA).

The GPA standard takes into account your cumulative GPA and academic progress. 累积GPA包括足彩外围网站所有已完成和尝试的单元以及所有其他学院和大学的任何课程. 

  • Undergraduate (1st Bachelor's) = 2.0 GPA
  • Post-Baccalaureate Programs (i.e. Credential) = 2.5 GPA
  • Graduate Certificate, Master's & Doctorate = 3.0 GPA

Minimum Cumulative Pace of Completion - Satisfactorily complete (earn credit in) 75% of the cumulative units attempted

进度标准决定了学生完成课程的进度. Pace标准的计算方法是将完成的总学时数(通过获得的学分)除以尝试的总学时数. To meet the Pace Standard, students must satisfactorily complete 75% of all cumulative credit hours attempted.

Types of courses and credits included in the Pace Standard calculation are:

  • All Cal State LA courses enrolled including courses for which a W is posted
  • All transferable courses from other colleges and universities
  • Repeated coursework
  • Consortium coursework, if applicable
  • Coursework from Study Abroad programs

Types of courses and credits not included in the Pace Standard calculation are: 

  • Audited courses
  • Credits earned through examinations (AP, IB and other test credits)

Maximum Time Frame for Degree Completion -完成学位或证书课程,最大尝试单元数等于特定学术课程所需单元的150%.

学生有资格获得最多相当于学位课程所需单元150%的尝试单元数的经济援助. 足彩外围网站的所有尝试单位和转学单位都被计算在内,无论是否收到经济援助. Be aware that some federal and state programs (i.e. Pell Grants and State University Grants) have additional limitations. 

  • Undergraduate = 180 attempted units
  • Graduate/Masters = *45 attempted units
  • Post - Baccalaureate (credential) = Based on individual program unit requirements
  • Ed.D (Doctor of Education = 90 attempted units
  • Doctor of Audiology = 171 attempted units

*Graduate courses 5960, 5970, 5990, 5995, 6990(或同等学期课程)可以被认定为全日制(12个单元),学习负荷少于12个单元. 这些课程被计入其认证全日制单元水平的最长时间框架标准.

Second Degree: Students pursuing a Second Baccalaureate degree, Second Master’s degree at Cal State LA, or are pursuing dual programs concurrently, will have reached the maximum time frame standard at an accelerated pace. As such, 学生必须由财务援助管理员单独审查他们的SAP状态和援助资格.

Double Major or minor: The maximum time frame calculation is based only on the primary major. Additional time is not granted for students pursuing a double major or minor.

Conditions for meeting SAP

Warning Status未达到累积GPA标准和/或未完成第一次尝试的单元数量的学生可能会被置于一个学期的经济援助“警告状态”,并可能继续获得一个付款期的经济援助. 达到和/或超过最长时间框架标准的学生没有资格获得经济援助警告状态,并将被视为没有资格获得经济援助.

SAP Notice Status在成功上诉其不合格状态后被通知的学生将在下一个付款期结束时进行审查. Students on notice must meet the terms specified in their agreement. Unless otherwise stated in the agreement, 在通知期结束后,必须满足所有三个SAP标准,才能取消通知状态并有资格继续获得资助.

Consequences for not meeting SAP after a Warning or Notice term: 在通知或警告期间,成绩低于三项SAP标准中的一项或多项的学生将被视为没有资格获得经济援助. 有特殊情况而无法控制的学生可以提出上诉. 已经获得通知期的学生的申诉必须包括“批准的学术计划”.” If an appeal that includes an academic plan is approved, 学生将继续受到注意,并根据学业计划的细节监测其学业进展情况. 学生不能保持令人满意的学业进展,根据批准的学术计划,将不允许提交额外的上诉,直到下一学年. 如果学生的进步使他们能够满足所有三个令人满意的学术进步标准,学生可以重新获得经济援助的资格.

SAP Appeal Process

被认为没有资格获得经济援助的学生,不符合令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准,并有减轻的情况超出了他们的控制,可以提交SAP上诉到财政援助办公室. 提交申诉的截止日期为SAP不合格通知之日起30个日历日.  Appeals will be processed as received on a first come-first served basis. Students will receive notification of appeal determination by e-mail. 等待答复的学生有责任在课程时间表规定的付款截止日期之前支付学费,以便注册课程或避免被退学. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on notice. 被通知的学生必须在通知期限结束前提高学业成绩以达到所有SAP标准,或者需要按照批准通知中规定的批准学术计划的具体细节进行学习.


Second Level SAP Appeal Process

第二级SAP上诉程序适用于在本学期被拒绝SAP上诉的学生. Second level appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 学生将获得第二级申诉提交说明,作为其财务援助顾问的第一级拒绝答复的一部分.  The second level SAP Appeal Committee’s decision is final. If the Committee rendered a decision to uphold the denial, 学生在下一学年之前不得再提出上诉. 如果学生的进步使他们能够满足所有三个满意的学术进步标准,学生也可以重新获得经济援助的资格.