

The Travel Support for Student Presentations (TSSP) is a reimbursement program designed to encourage and assist 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate students whose work has been accepted into a professional/academic conference. 

*注*科罗拉多州立大学旅行限制:1887年议会法案已被废除. 所有州现在都有资格获得会议演讲的旅费资助.  

The Travel Support for Professional Development of 研究生 学生 (TSPD) is a reimbursement program designed to encourage and assist 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate students to attend academic conferences even if they are not presenting. Attending conferences for professional development allows students to hear about the latest scholarship or 创造性活动 coming out of their discipline and provides students the opportunity to network with students, 教师, 以及各自领域的专业人士.

*注*科罗拉多州立大学旅行限制:1887年议会法案已被废除. 所有州现在都有资格获得参加会议的旅费资助.  

This fund is a reimbursement program designed to support 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate student research and/or scholarship conducted toward completing a thesis, 创造性活动, 或论文. 通过该奖学金资助的学生将获得批准的用品报销, 设备, 和服务.  请将您的申请和其他要求发邮件至 (电子邮件保护).

该项目旨在增加在科罗拉多州立大学完成研究生学位课程的学生的多样性, 鼓励继续攻读博士学位, 促进了对大学教师职业发展的考虑. It provides fellowships for economically disadvantaged CSU students who have had success in overcoming educational disadvantages and promotes 教师 mentoring and research opportunities. 要申请研究生公平奖学金,您必须:

  • 应用程序s will be accepted from all students eligible for financial aid based on California State University criteria. 学生金融服务办公室将决定奖学金的金额(最高1美元),根据申请人证明的经济需求和资金的可用性.
  • 是加州的合法居民,或者在你的CSU校园有AB540宣誓书存档;
  • Be admitted to a CSU campus and to a graduate program as a classified or conditionally classified student;
  • Complete a Free 应用程序 for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act 应用程序 (CADAA);
  • 有至少$1,000的经济需求;
  • Enroll in a minimum of eight (8) units per semester applicable to the graduate degree; you may also enroll in one or more units of (thesis/research) courses numbered 5990, 5995, 5960, 和5970年;
  • Demonstrate potential to succeed in graduate school and to complete a graduate degree program in no more than two years as evidenced by undergraduate coursework and letters of recommendation.
  • Fellowship recipients must be enrolled as classified graduate students and must maintain satisfactory academic progress, 其中包括保持最低B (3.平均绩点.

The 研究生非居民学费减免计划 allows a limited number of non-resident and international students to pay in-state tuition and fees instead of the out-of-state fees. 应用程序s are submitted to the College Associate Dean's Office in the spring semester and the tuition waivers become available the following fall semester.

The 加州博士预科课程 is designed to increase diversity within the pool of university 教师 by supporting the doctoral aspirations of students in the CSU. 学生在申请博士课程之前的学年申请这个课程. 


The California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) aims to increase the number of promising doctoral students applying for future CSU instructional 教师 positions by offering mentorship by CSU 教师 and financial assistance in the form of forgivable loans and dissertation grants. 



足彩外围网站有超过400个奖学金机会来支持你的教育目标. You can browse the various scholarships available on our 加州州立大学洛杉矶奖学金 应用程序 site during the scholarship application season (March - April). 奖学金是通过我们大学捐助者的慷慨提供的, 校友, 和朋友. 请记住, if you completed the FAFSA or California Dream Act 应用程序 these scholarship opportunities will be coordinated along with other financial aid and outside agency financial aid programs.

要应用,只需按照上面的步骤 普通奖学金申请 and you will be automatically matched to the scholarships for which you meet the minimum qualifications. 然后,奖学金委员会将根据申请人的排名进行最终选择.

The 州立大学助学金 (SUG) is awarded to California residents for payment of state tuition fees and is based on the level of financial need and the assessed State Tuition Fee each term. This grant will be reduced or cancelled if tuition fees are waived or paid by another source — including Cal Grants. SUG全日制学生的最高奖励如下:

  • 学士学位后证书学生- $6,660
  • 研究生/硕士生- $7,176


州立大学助学金s (SUG) are based on financial need and annual funding with priority consideration given to eligible students who submit their FAFSA by the March 2nd deadline and 期望家庭贡献(EFC)为零($0). 梦想法案申请人必须在3月2日优先截止日期前提交梦想法案申请, 期望家庭贡献(EFC)为零($0), 并且在学校有批准的AB-540非居民学费减免. 正在攻读第二学位的学生(i.e.,第二个学士学位,第二个硕士学位,第二个证书或第二个博士学位. D.) or are admitted as an unclassified post-baccalaureate student are NOT eligible to receive SUG funding. 学生必须每学期至少注册一半时间,才有资格获得资助. 每个学期的最终入学人数由大学人口普查决定.

  • 对于证书学生,需要注册6个或更多的单元

  • 研究生需选修4个或以上的课程(5000-6000)

下面列出的总赚取单位将用于确定您是否有资格获得SUG支付.  如果你的总学分超过了你学术生涯的以下限制, 你将不再有资格获得SUG资助,你的奖励将被取消.

  • Credential 学生: 30 or greater total earned units (include all prior credential programs 以及研究生转学单位)
  • Master’s and Doctorate students: 125% of the published requirement for the degree (include all prior Master’s degree units, 通过扩展教育获得的学分, 以及研究生转学单位). 要计算度数单位,请将所需的总单位乘以1.25.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 经济援助及奖学金 赠款页面. 

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program is a federally funded program administered by the 经济援助及奖学金 Office that provides part-time employment opportunities to earn money to help pay education expenses through on and off-campus jobs. 上课期间,学生每周最多可以工作20个小时. 勤工俭学基金是有限的. 优先考虑资助提交他们的学生 FAFSA 在3月2日优先申请截止日期之前.

对FWS感兴趣的经济援助接受者可以提交一份 FAN更改表格 请求裁决. FWS funds will be dependent upon the determination of the student's aid eligibility and the availability of funds.

在系主任和/或个别教员的一般监督下, 研究生助理将为系内的特定课程提供教学协助.

当前的GA职位空缺可以在 学术职位网页 或直接联络某部门,查询他们空缺的GA职位. 


当前的助教职位空缺可以在 学术职位网页 或直接联络有关部门查询他们的助教职位. 

加州大学洛杉矶分校 offers financial and housing assistance to students who are facing an emergency situation or crisis. 这包括严重的、意外的、超出学生控制的情况.g.、家庭成员死亡、意外事故、火灾、突然失去住房或工作、医疗危机等.),这直接影响到学生在学校继续学习和取得成功的能力.

透过 学生主任办公室网页.