COMD Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

PLO 1: Students will describe and explain basic human communication processes, including the appropriate biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases.

SLO 1学生将描述和解释基本人类交流过程的生物学和神经学基础.

SLO 2学生将描述和解释基本人类交流过程的声学和心理基础.

SLO 3: Students will describe and explain developmental, linguistic, and cultural bases of basic human communication processes.

PLO 2: Students will acquire, evaluate, 并使用定性和定量的信息来比较和对比典型的交流, communication differences, and communication disorders.

SLO 4:学生将获取和评估与沟通相关的定性和定量信息.

学生将使用定性和定量信息来比较和对比典型的交际, communication differences, and communication disorders.

PLO 3: Students will communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, to different audiences (clients, families, other professionals, community members) and for different purposes (counseling, reporting, educational).

SLO 6. Students will effectively communicate orally to different audiences (clients, families, other professionals, community members) and for different purposes (counseling, reporting, educational).

SLO 7. Students will effectively communicate in writing to different audiences (clients, families, other professionals, community members) and for different purposes (reporting, educational).

PLO 4:学生将从他们自己的角度和不止一个社区的观点来解释跨文化体验.

SLO 8. 学生将从自己的角度识别和反思跨文化体验.

SLO 9. 学生将从一个以上的社区观点来解释跨文化体验.

PLO 5:学生将认识到与沟通障碍相关的各种环境中的专业和道德问题,并比较和对比不同行为的后果.

SLO 10. 学生将认识到与沟通障碍相关的各种设置中的专业标准和道德问题.

SLO 11. 学生将比较和对比不同的职业行为和道德决定的后果.


PLO 1:学生将展示当前预防原则和方法的知识, assessment, and intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates.

SLO 1:学生将展示沟通和吞咽障碍患者预防和评估的原理和方法的最新知识, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates.

SLO 2:学生将展示对沟通和吞咽障碍患者的干预原则和方法的最新知识, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates.

PLO 2:学生将有效地进行评估程序(包括收集病例历史信息), the selection and administration of appropriate evaluation procedures, and appropriate adaptation of evaluation procedures) and interpret, integrate, 综合所有信息进行诊断并提出适当的干预建议.

SLO 3: Students will effectively conduct evaluation procedures, including the collection of case history information, the selection and administration of appropriate evaluation procedures, and appropriate adaptation of evaluation procedures.

SLO 4: Students will effectively interpret, integrate, 综合评价信息进行诊断,提出适当的干预建议.

PLO 3: Students will effectively conduct intervention procedures, including the development of intervention plans and goals, the selection and use of appropriate materials, the modification of intervention plans when needed, and appropriate measurement and evaluation of client performance.

SLO 5: Students will develop appropriate intervention plans and goals.

SLO 6: Students will effectively conduct intervention procedures, including the selection and use of appropriate materials, the modification of intervention plans when needed, and appropriate measurement and evaluation of client performance.

PLO 4: Students will communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, to different audiences (clients, families, other professionals, community members) and for different purposes (counseling, reporting, educational).

SLO 7:学生将与不同的听众(客户)进行有效的口头沟通, families, other professionals, community members) and for different purposes (counseling, reporting, educational).

SLO 8:学生将与不同的受众(客户)进行有效的书面沟通, families, other professionals, community members) and for different purposes (counseling, reporting, educational).

PLO 5:学生将展示研究过程的知识,并将研究原则整合到循证临床实践中.

SLO 9: Students will demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research.

SLO 10:学生将把研究原则融入循证临床实践.

PLO 1: Upon completion of the program, graduates will demonstrate knowledge specific to the anatomy, physiology, genetics, and disease processes of auditory and vestibular systems.

PLO 2: Upon completion of the program, 毕业生将执行并应用循证实践来识别和诊断听力损失和其他疾病.

PLO 3: Upon completion of the program, graduates will advise patients, families, 和护理人员提供治疗方案,并提供康复,以尽量减少听力损失和利用残余听力.

PLO 4: Upon completion of the program, 毕业生将展示从事初级临床实践所需的口头和书面语言技能.

PLO 5: Upon completion of the program, 毕业生将运用专业的道德规范和适当的商业惯例提供服务

SLO 1: Students will explain theoretical and applied principles of acoustics, psychoacoustics, non-acoustic stimuli, 电子学应用于正常和紊乱的听觉和前庭系统.

SLO 2:学生将识别和描述各种局部和全身性疾病的过程, disorders, 以及异常和对身体和主要系统的影响特别强调听觉和前庭系统.

SLO 3:学生将解释和展示遗传学对听觉功能的发展和保存的影响,以及对听觉障碍发展的影响, vestibular, and related systems across the lifespan.

SLO 4: Students will prescribe, perform, apply evidence-based practice methods to triage, 解释临床和实验室程序,以诊断听觉和前庭/平衡条件和疾病的患者在不同的设置.

课程5:学生将从病人的病史中解释和综合结果, 为确定病因而进行的检查和其他诊断试验及程序, the pathogenesis of the condition, the diagnosis, and any relevant limitation for diagnosis and treatment.

SLO 6: Students will discuss the findings, diagnosis and treatment options, and relevant limitations using acoustic systems or pharmacological agents, with the patient, parent or guardian, family, or service providers, 制定一个治疗计划,解释在治疗过程中可能发生的任何变化或后果.

SLO 7:学生将计划和实施用于听觉和前庭疾病管理的治疗和康复方法, 包括药物治疗方案和各种形式的个人放大和助听技术.

SLO 8: Students will communicate effectively, both orally and in written form, and demonstrate empathy and active listening behaviors with patients, families, caregivers, and other healthcare and service providers.

SLO 9:学生将就诊断出具专业的书面报告和图表笔记, evaluations and consultations encountered during clinical experiences.

学生将表现出对听力学实践中遇到的所有个体的理解和尊重, regardless of disability, income, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, culture or national origin, and the forces that affect diverse populations.

SLO 11:学生将坚持职业道德,理解专业, legal, public health, and public policy issues as they pertain to the practice of audiology.

SLO 12: Students will describe and apply business, personnel management, financial, reimbursement, 当代实践管理策略和原则的必要操作听力学实践.