罗伯特·L. 道格拉斯演讲和语言诊所

在罗伯特·L. 道格拉斯语言诊所, 我们在大学环境中提供全方位的诊断和治疗服务. 我们为有发音障碍的儿童和成人提供服务, 音系学, 语言, 认知, 的声音, 流利, 还有听力障碍.

The clinic is part of a graduate degree program that is accredited by the Council on Academic 认证 (CAA). 像这样, 我们在提供全面评估和干预服务方面保持高标准.



The 沟通障碍科 at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 embraces a philosophy of clinical service delivery that is consistent with the ethical standards, 业务范围, 以及美国语言听力协会(ASHA)的现行实践标准. Our goal is to serve individuals with communication disorders in the most effective and humane manner possible, 并确保我们的学生致力于这个基本的临床价值. 在培训学生方面, we emphasize the importance of holding paramount the well-being of clients as well as their 家庭 and caregivers, 我们强调让家庭和照顾者参与治疗过程的各个方面的重要性.



罗伯特·L. 道格拉斯语言诊所 is to establish an equitable learning environment to ensure that the perspectives and experiences of people from all cultural, 语言, 宗教, 性别, 邀请有性别认同背景的人参加, 欢迎, 承认, 和尊重.

为临床医生创造一个开放和公平的环境, 客户, 监事, 支持人员正在确保公平和公正地对待彼此. 因此, 性别歧视, 种族歧视, 性别, 宗教或文化偏见, 任何形式的仇恨言论都是不能容忍的. 被认为是不尊重或威胁的行为, 无论是身体上的还是情感上的, 应立即报告给系主任或诊所主任.

以便以最明智的方式为客户服务, all new clients must (1) complete a clinic application and (2) submit any pertinent records regarding medical history, 学校服务(e).g.(IEP),和/或其他评估或治疗史. 获取申请, 请点击以下链接下载并遵循提交说明.








申请可以通过电子邮件提交至 (电子邮件保护),传真至323343-4698,或邮寄至以下地址:

部门. 沟通障碍,KH B119
洛杉矶,CA 90032



客户的申请一经收到并处理(申请收到后1-2天内), the client/family will receive a confirmation email and be placed on the waiting list for a diagnostic evaluation. 当客户的名字出现在等候名单上时, 在即将到来的大学学期(秋季),我们将联系客户/家庭安排评估, 春天, 或者夏天). 轮候时间各不相同. Please be aware that every effort will be made to schedule the evaluation within two semesters (8-10 months) of application.

一旦客户被安排进行演讲和语言评估, 他们还将被安排在听力和平衡诊所进行完整的听力学评估.

如果在评估结束时建议治疗, 然后,客户将被放置在等待治疗的名单上. 安排治疗不是先到先到的, first-served basis; it is based on a number of factors, 包括可用性, 服务需求, 教育需求, 等. 在诊断评估期间提供有关治疗计划的详细信息.


临床服务主要在校内提供. 然而,远程治疗服务是有限的.




  • 时长:3小时


  • 秋季学期:14周
  • 春季学期:14周
  • 暑期班:9周
  • 日程安排:每周一两次,每次50分钟 & 星期三或星期二 & 周四


  • 秋季学期:14周
  • 春季学期:14周
  • 暑期班:9周
  • 日程安排:每周1次,每次1小时30分钟


The Between Friends Program is a social skills group for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and related social communication difficulties. Group members participate in social problem-solving activities that include: learning to negotiate conversations in an age-appropriate manner; using social media wisely; dating etiquette; choosing and making friends; and using humor appropriately. The focus of Between Friends is to help clients build effective social relationships within a supportive group environment. 作为该小组的一部分,还为家庭和其他照顾者提供培训课程. 目前,这个小组只提供英文.



This adult communication group provides clients an opportunity for social interaction and generalization of treatment approaches. 客户在无威胁的环境中练习沟通策略, non-judgmental environment amongst their peers who understand what it is like to experience a neurological trauma. This group provides a meaningful venue for these clients to connect with other adults and participate in a communication interaction as an equal, 尽管他们有沟通障碍. 三名学生和一名临床督导参加小组. 学生负责小组中的两到三个客户. 学生通过各种策略来构建客户的沟通互动, 如, 但不限于:口头暗示, 视觉提示, 书面提示, 交际画, 以及其他循证治疗方法. 本课程只提供英文授课.


It Takes Two to Talk®-针对语言迟缓儿童家长的Hanen计划®:

It Takes Two to Talk® is designed for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a 语言 delay. 在一个小的, 个性化群组设置, parents learn practical 策略 to help their children learn 语言 naturally throughout their day together. “两个人说话”项目教授父母和其他照顾者, 循序渐进的, 如何成为孩子最重要的语言老师. 每学期有6-8节小型家长培训课程, personalized groups w在这里 they have the opportunity to build a better understanding of how to engage their children in 语言 learning through daily activities. 研究生临床医生由哈宁中心认证的语言病理学家监督. 本课程提供英语和西班牙语两种语言.


More Than Words® - The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties:

More Than Words® is designed specifically for parents of children ages 5 and under on the autism spectrum and with other social communication difficulties. 解决这些儿童的独特需求, 该项目为家长提供了工具, 策略, 以及他们需要的支持,帮助他们的孩子充分发挥他们的沟通潜力. 每组由6-8名家长组成,他们以个性化的小组形式接受8次培训. 除了小组会议, parents and their children are seen for 3-4 individual teaching sessions throughout the course of the semester. 家长小组由哈宁中心认证的语言病理学家协助. 本课程只提供英文授课.


Luchadores de Esperanza:

“希望战士”组织旨在提供以个人和家庭为中心的护理. 这些每周为有沟通障碍的说西班牙语和英语的成年人举办的聚会, 家庭, and caretakers are conducted by bilingual graduate students in the program in Speech-Language Pathology supervised by a certified bilingual speech-语言 pathologist. 在这90分钟的会议中, 我们支持参与者, 社交, 并在自然对话和活动中练习交流. 我们努力纳入参与者的优先事项, 分享信息, 并教授具体的沟通技巧.

El grupo Luchadores de Esperanza tiene como objetivo proporcionar atención centrada en la persona y la familia. Estas reuniones semanales son para adultos que hablan español /o / inglassys contrastornos de la comunicación, SUS家庭是由SUS指导人员提供的. Estudiantes bilingües en el programa de Patología del Habla y el Lenguaje dirigen las reuniones y son supervisados por una patóloga del habla y el lenguaje bilingüe certificada. En estas reuniones de 90分钟, Apoyamos有很多参与者, Socializamos y practicamos la comunicación en conversaciones y actividades naturalistas. 合并的目标是优先考虑参与者, 比较información y enseñar habilidades para facilar la comunicación.


说出来! & 喧闹的人群:

罗伯特·L. 道格拉斯语言诊所 (RLDSLC) at the California State University Los Angeles has been awarded a grant from the Parkinson Voice Project that allows us to offer the 说出来!® & LOUD Crowd®治疗方案. 目前,这些课程提供英语和西班牙语两种语言.

说出来!® is a specialized treatment program to improve the voicing and swallowing of individuals with Parkinson’s disease.  完成说出来后!®,客户然后毕业到响亮的人群®.  LOUD Crowd®是一个每周开会一次的小组,以保持治疗取得的进展.  所有的治疗都由经过“说出来”培训的经过认证和许可的言语语言病理学家监督!®和LOUD Crowd®程序.

两人都直言不讳!®和LOUD Crowd®是在德克萨斯州理查森的帕金森声音项目中开发的. 你可以访问他们的网站 在这里




从2022年春季学期开始, a new program that will address 的声音 feminization and 的声音 masculinization will be offered through the 罗伯特·L. 道格拉斯语言诊所. The way people communicate with others can affect how they see themselves and how they are perceived by others. 对于一些跨性别者, the sound of their 的声音 can be an issue of discomfort if it does not align with their 性别 identity and 性别 expression. 该项目旨在通过解决音高等因素来帮助客户找到自己的声音, 沟通方式, 并在他们发展发声和沟通技巧的过程中避免声带受伤.





The Clinical Assistant Program provides undergraduate and certificate students at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 majoring in Communication Disorders the opportunity to become involved in the clinical process. 临床助理与研究生临床医生和他/她的客户配对一个学期. 职责因临床医生和客户而异,但可能包括观察, 与客户端的交互, 临床材料的制备, 数据记录, 等.

The application for the following semester’s program is available on the COMD Department Canvas page during Week 8 of the current semester.


请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 如果你是足彩外围网站的学生,有兴趣在我们的诊所做志愿者.




Graduate student clinicians provide all evaluation and therapy services under the direct supervision of faculty and clinic staff members holding California licensure and ASHA’s certificate of clinical competence.


保拉·霍纳博士.D., CCC-SLP


The Clinic office is located on the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 campus in the basement level of King Hall (Room B119) adjacent to 停车 Lot 8 on Circle Drive. 我们为客户提供免费停车场.

通过电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


星期一:上午9点.m. – 6 p.m.
星期二:上午9点.m. – 6 p.m.
星期三:上午9点.m. – 6 p.m.
星期四:上午9点.m. – 6 p.m.
星期五:上午9点.m. – 4 p.m.