
学生 whose undergraduate degrees are in fields other than communication disorders need to complete prerequisite courses before applying to the MA program in Communicative Disorders with an emphasis in Speech-Language Pathology. 学生 wishing to take these prerequisites at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 must apply to the 语言病理学硕士预备证书课程.

的 语言病理学硕士预备证书课程 requires the completion of a minimum of 13 courses (39-semester units). 的se 13 courses are required prerequisites to the MA Program in Communicative Disorders with an emphasis in Speech-Language Pathology at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.  点击这里查看必修课程的完整列表.

该证书可全日制或非全日制完成. 的refore students usu所有y complete the program in 1½ to 3 years, depending on the course load.

Admission to this Graduate Program takes place once a year (F所有 admission only).

Requirements for admission to the 语言病理学硕士预备证书课程 include:

  • 完成学士学位
  • 最少3个.最近60个学期的平均成绩为0分(GPA). 


学生 wishing to apply to the 语言病理学硕士预备证书课程 must complete an online application through 加州申请.  Admission to this Graduate Program takes place once a year (F所有 admission only). 的 招生和招聘办公室 offers various application tips; we recommend you visit their website as well.  这里有一些我们部门的建议,如果你正在申请 足彩外围网站 硕士预科证书课程:

  • 加州州立大学申请2024年秋季入学 将于 2023年10月1日.
  • When creating your 加州申请 profile, select “Second Bachelor’s Degree and Beyond (e.g. Master’s Teaching Credential, Certificate, Doctoral)” and check “Certificate” as your Degree Goal.  
  • 加州州立大学申请有四个部分:(1)个人信息, (2)学术历史, (3)支持信息, (4)项目材料.  所有部分必须完成. 
    • 学历-就读院校:  请务必列出 所有 就读的学院/大学,包括社区学院.  本节列出的每一所大学, you must also upload an 非官方的 transcript to the Program Materials section.  
    • 学术史-标准化考试: 此部分允许提交ACT, GMAT考试, and GRE scores; however these scores are not required for this program.  请选择“我不添加任何标准化考试”.  注意:国际学生可能需要提交其他考试成绩.  请与 招生和招聘办公室 有关详细信息,.
    • 辅助资料-经验: 请选择“我不添加任何经验”.
    • 项目材料: 这部分有三个选项卡:主页、问题和文档.  请确保按照每个标签上的说明操作. 

For example, within the Documents tab, you will be asked to upload a Letter of Intent and 非官方的 成绩单.  Please remember that you must upload an 非官方的 transcript for every college listed in the Academic History section of your application.  首页选项卡会告诉你需要做什么  提交加州申请申请,例如发送到哪里 官方 成绩单.   

  • Please make sure to follow the 招生 Office instructions regarding 官方 成绩单.  招生办公室负责处理正式成绩单.  我们部门, 沟通障碍系, 只查看和处理非官方文本. 
  • 意向书详情:
    • Writing Prompt: Explain your reasons for pursuing a career in Speech-Language Pathology, 并告诉我们为什么我们应该接受你进入我们的研究生证书课程.
    • 格式要求:1 - 2页,双倍行距,12pt Times New Roman

加州州立大学申请2024年秋季截止日期: 2024年3月15日

如果我现在是足彩外围网站的学生, 我需要通过加州州立大学申请重新申请吗?

即使你现在是学生, 你仍然需要通过加州州立大学申请中心提交申请. 联系 招生 有关提交成绩单的问题.


这取决于你每学期修多少门课.  学生可以选择三门课, 四个, 或者每学期五门课, 因此,课程的长度可以从1年半到3年不等.


的 total cost of the program depends on how many semesters are needed to complete 所有 the courses, 这取决于每学期修多少门课.  取决于课程负荷, 通常需要三个, 四个, 或者五个学期完成课程.

的 tuition and fee amount per semester for graduate students during the 2023-2024 academic year is $4,123.6 .选a.1个学分或以上(0-6个学分学杂费更少), 但是大多数学生每学期至少要上三门课, 也就是9个单位).  这相当于总费用$12 369.如果课程在三个学期内完成,则为$16,492.如果课程在四个学期内完成,则为44美元,20,615美元.如果课程在五个学期内完成,可以拿到55美元.  涨学费的事已经批准了,所以请到 学生财务服务 查看最新的研究生课程学费和费用列表. 






我们也提供一些在线课程, 我们在足彩外围网站的大部分课程都是面对面的.  Some courses are also offered in a hybrid format, which is half face-to-face and half online.


是的,在一定的限制条件下.  课程中的某些课程是课程中其他课程的先决条件, 所以有些课必须按一定的顺序上.  如果你被录取了, 你将与项目主管单独会面,制定你的日程安排.

Must I go through your preparatory program in order to apply to your Master’s program, 或者我可以在其他地方完成先决条件吗?


Can I take the courses through 开放大学 instead of taking them through the certificate program?

如果你目前不是足彩外围网站的学生, you can petition through the ComD Department to take courses through 开放大学. 然而, we only 所有ow students to take courses through 开放大学 后 the first day of classes if there is still space, 通常不是这样的.  请浏览 开放大学 更多详情请浏览网页.


而我们的许多课程是在下午4:30或6:00, we cannot guarantee that each class will be offered at those times every semester.  的refore, it may become difficult to complete the program if you are only available 后 4:00 pm.


的re are 四个 basic science courses that are not included in this certificate program, 是所有SLP硕士课程的先决条件.  这些课程通常被称为ASHA基础科学课程(生物), 物理, 以及社会/行为科学, 和统计). 如果你还没有完成的话, 你可以在开始证书课程之前学习这些课程.  否则,它们将被添加到您的证书课程课程中.


Biological Sciences: Biology is the study and characterization of living organisms and the investigation of the science behind living things.  以下领域的课程将满足这一要求:解剖学, 生物物理学, 细胞, 分子生物学, 计算生物学, 生态与进化, 环境生物学, 法医生物学, 遗传学, 海洋生物学, 微生物学, 分子生物科学, 自然科学, 神经解剖学和神经生理学, 神经生物学, 生理学, 兽医科学, 和生态.

物理 Sciences: 物理 Science is an encompassing term for the branches of 自然科学 that study non-living systems.  ASHA现在需要一门化学或物理课程来满足这一要求.

Social/Behavioral Sciences: Social/behavioral science is the branch of science concerned with society and human behaviors.  以下领域的课程将满足这一要求:心理学, 社会学, 人类学, 或者公共卫生.

统计学:需要独立的统计学课程.  Any course with statistics as the primary topic may be used to meet this requirement (the course does not need to be from a math department).  Research methodology courses in communication sciences and disorders may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

NOTE: You cannot use Communication Disorders courses to meet any of these requirements unless the course meets a University GE requirement.  If you are unsure if a particular course meets these requirements, please send an email to (电子邮件保护) 包括课程名称和目录描述.


We currently do not have any scheduled, but if you are interested in an open house, please email (电子邮件保护) (主题:开放日-证书课程),我们会与你联络 if 一个是预定的.






在完成这个项目之后, you will be eligible to apply to most Master’s programs in Speech-Language Pathology, 这里或其他地方.

Many schools differ in the courses and/or units they offer for their certificate programs. How do I know which certificate program will make me eligible for most MA programs?

Because 所有 MA programs in Speech-Language Pathology are organized differently, it is difficult to design a certificate program that would meet the prerequisite requirements of 所有 of them.  What you will find is that most certificate programs meet most of the prerequisite requirements of most of the Master’s programs, 有些证书项目比其他项目做得更好.  在一般情况下, the more units that are required the more likely it is that the courses in the program will meet more of the prerequisite requirements of more of the programs.  足彩外围网站的证书课程就是这样设计的, 这就是为什么它比其他程序需要更多的单元.