Guard Your Laptop


Programs to detect and remove computer viruses. 最简单的反病毒程序扫描可执行文件和引导块以查找已知病毒的列表. 另一些则持续活跃,试图检测一般类型病毒的行为. 杀毒软件应该包含定期更新服务,下载最新的病毒定义和“接种”.”

除了以下个人信息定义中列出的那些项目外,机密信息的示例包括:财务记录, student educational records, physical description, home address, home phone number, 成绩, ethnicity, 性别, employment history, performance evaluations, disciplinary action plans, or NCAA standings. 保密信息必须结合计算机上的所有信息进行解释,以确定是否发生了违规行为.


一种旨在防止未经授权访问专用网络的系统. 防火墙可以在硬件和软件中实现,或者两者的组合. 防火墙经常用于防止未经授权的Internet用户访问专用网络, especially intranets, connected to the Internet. When a firewall is “up” (i.e., active), it examines all messages passing through it (i.e., entering or leaving a private network), 并阻止那些不符合指定的安全标准.

A protocol for retrieving e-mail messages. IMAP 4类似于pop3,但支持一些额外的特性.

固定在笔记本电脑和固定物上的电缆,用来防止笔记本电脑被盗. Generally use combination locks.

MAC地址是唯一的标识序列号(也称为物理地址), Ethernet address, adaptor address, (或硬件地址)在计算机的网卡上,它在网络上标识这台计算机. 当MAC地址在计算机的无线网卡上注册时, that computer should only “talk” to those registered to it. 使用MAC地址控制并不能保证完全的安全,因为MAC地址可以被复制.e., “spoofed”). 但是,它确实使其他人进行未经授权的访问变得更加困难.

A device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at least two networks, commonly two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP’s network. 路由器位于网关,即两个或多个网络连接的地方.



  • Social Security number
  • Driver’s license or California Identification Card number
  • Account number, or credit or debit card number, in combination with any required security code, access code, 或者允许访问个人金融账户的密码
  • Medical information (i.e., any information regarding an individual’s medical history, mental or physical condition, 或由医疗保健专业人员进行医疗或诊断)
  • Health insurance information (i.e., 个人健康保险号码或用户识别号码, 健康保险公司用于识别个人的任何唯一标识符, 或者个人申请和索赔历史中的任何信息, including any appeals records)

个人或实体拥有、拥有或拥有专有权的信息. Examples include: white papers; research papers; business continuity and other business operating plans; e-mail messages; vitae; letters; confidential business documents; participants of an organization, class, or group; detailed building drawings; network architecture diagrams; etc. Proprietary information, if lost or stolen, could compromise, 披露, 或中断业务或使个人或大学难堪.

A program used to log into another computer over a network. SSH通过不安全的通道提供强大的身份验证和安全通信.

网景公司为通过因特网传送私人文件而开发的一种协议. SSL的工作原理是使用私钥加密通过SSL连接传输的数据. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, 许多网站使用该协议来获取信用卡号等敏感信息. 按照惯例,需要SSL连接的url以“http”而不是“http”开头.”

非法获取危及安全的计算机数据, confidentiality, or integrity of personal information maintained on it.

The wireless network name. 一个32个字符的唯一标识符,附加在通过无线局域网发送的数据包的报头上. 当移动设备试图连接到802时,ssid充当密码.11b network. The SSID differentiates one wireless LAN from another. 试图连接到特定无线局域网的所有接入点和设备必须使用相同的SSID. An SSID does not provide any security to the network.

vpn使用加密技术在不安全的网络中提供安全连接, typically the internet. vpn比使用专用线路的真正专用网络便宜. The encryption may be performed by a firewall or a router.

A security protocol for wireless local area networks. WEP旨在提供与有线局域网相同级别的安全性, 通过无线电波对传输的数据进行加密,提供安全保护. WEP已被证明是不安全的,可以在几分钟内通过互联网工具被破解.


