

All incoming graduate students must first apply to the university through 基社盟应用. The application is available starting in October of 每一个 application period. 有关一般申请程序及常见问题的资料,请浏览 研究生办公室. 


Acceptance into the graduate music degree program (MA, MM degrees) at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 requires a performance audition. Entering graduate students who have been accepted for admission by the university should be prepared to perform a 10-minute program of music drawn from the standard repertoire for the student’s instrument or voice for a faculty panel.

A list of specific audition requirements for 每一个 area of music study can be found at the bottom of this page. Some areas require other supplemental materials in addition to the audition such as letters of recommendation or resumes, 所以仔细阅读你所在地区的要求.


After reviewing your specific audition requirements, 你将完成这个部门的试镜. 请继续检查此页以获取更新.

点击这里安排现场试镜,或提交您的视频试镜(仅选择区域).) 见下面的截止日期.


  • 2024年春季入学申请人:
    • September 5, 5:00 PM: Due date for scheduling live auditions
    • 2023年9月12日:校园现场海选
    • 2023年9月15日:仅限商业音乐和国际申请者参加视频海选.
      • 商业音乐 Applicants:You will be asked to provide your name, 联系信息, 你打算申请的专业和重点. All materials must be submitted to the audition form above via 一个单一的 Dropbox, 谷歌驱动或其他云存储链接. 不完整的申请将不予考虑.
      • International Applicants: You will be asked to provide your name, 联系信息, 你打算申请的专业, and a link to your audition video and/or portfolio. 它应该是一个未列出的YouTube链接, 或者如果你有多个文件要提交, 在谷歌驱动上提供一个文件夹的链接, Dropbox, OneDrive, 或者其他云存储服务. 请确保设置了链接权限,以便任何拥有链接的人都可以查看该文件.


  • 2024年秋季 面试:

    • January 30, 2024, 5:00 PM: Deadline for scheduling in-person auditions
    • February 3, 2024: In-person auditions on campus (加州大学洛杉矶分校 Audition Day)
    • 2024年2月5日下午5点.m.:视频试镜截止日期(仅限商业音乐和国际申请者).



Your complete application must be submitted by the dates below. 这包括你的试镜, which must be completed by the dates listed in 步骤3, as well as your scholarship application (see below.)

  • 2024年春季:2023年11月1日
  • 2024年秋季:2024年2月15日

科罗拉多州立大学申请申请费:70澳元.00 application fee must be submitted by the application deadline. 

In compliance with the National Association of Schools of 音乐, 所有 those accepted to the MA 在音乐中 and MM programs are expected to have an undergraduate degree in music from a NASM accredited program or demonstrate competency in the core music curriculum through additional course work. This requirement can be satisfied through co-requisite participation in the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 undergraduate music curriculum.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 offers many merit-based scholarship opportunities. Click here to learn more about due dates and how to apply.


Select the instrument or voice on which you wish to audition for a description of the graduate repertoire requirements.

The instrumental/voice audition repertoire is for the MM in 音乐表演, 专门研究古典音乐的, 除非另有规定. Graduate candidates seeking admission to Afro-Latin, 作文, 商业音乐, or 进行 should select the links below for specific audition requirements and expectations for admission to those programs. Graduate candidates interested in music education with the emphasis of instrumental music do not need to audition. 

Applicants for admission to Afro-Latin graduate studies are required to demonstrate a graduate level of performance and improvisation on their instrument or equivalent skills as 加勒比海盗angers and composers.

Performer applicants should come prepared to perform at least three pieces in varying tempos and styles with a rhythm section or play-along recording. Performer applicants will also be asked to improvise to a typical harmonic progression during the audition.

Arranger and composer applicants should present completed scores with a CD recording of the works so that the faculty can determine the level of attainment as an 加勒比海盗anger and/or composer.

有关非裔拉丁音乐MM的更多信息和区域协调员的联系信息, 访问非洲-拉丁音乐节目页面.

Applicants auditioning on a woodwind instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读. Etudes and pieces selected for the audition need not be memorized.

Suggested repertoire (please note that any standard work is acceptable): Milde 25 Studies on Scales and Arpeggios, Jancourt 26旋律研究, 加里亚德奏鸣曲1-6, 泰勒曼F小调奏鸣曲, Orefici旋律研究, Giampieri 16每日研究, Hindemith奏鸣曲

申请大提琴演奏音乐硕士的申请人应准备以下选曲. 不需要钢琴伴奏, but please bring two additional copies of the music for the audition panel. 如有进一步问题,请提问 联系Strings地区协调员. 帕蒂热爱旅行的人.

  • First movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (if applicable.)
  • J .大提琴组曲中的一个乐章.S. 巴赫
  • 与标准协奏曲(1)形成对比风格的独奏作品或乐章.e. of a different time period) and of equivalent difficulty.
  • Be prepared to play two scales (in the video audition, two of your choice; in the live audition, 一个由我们选择的, 一个由你选择的.)

Applicants auditioning on a woodwind instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读. Etudes and pieces selected for the audition need not be memorized.

建议曲目(请注意,任何标准曲目都可以接受):罗斯练习曲, 贝尔曼第四册和第五册, 卡沃利尼30次无常, 阿诺德小奏鸣曲, 勃拉姆斯第二奏鸣曲. 1和2, 科普兰协奏曲, 德彪西首演狂想曲, Hindemith奏鸣曲, Martinu奏鸣曲, 莫扎特协奏曲, K. 622, 尼尔森协奏曲, Poulenc奏鸣曲, 罗西尼的介绍, 主题与变奏曲, Saint-Saens奏鸣曲, 舒曼, 幻想作品, 沃恩·威廉姆斯《足彩外围网站》, 韦伯小协奏曲, 韦伯第一协奏曲. 1和No. 2

提交以下材料作为你的试镜申请到商业音乐课程. 在文体上, the music should be in one or more 商业音乐 styles, 包括岩石, 流行, 民间, 歌手/作曲家, R&B,以及相关的风格. 商业音乐应用曲目不应该从古典或爵士风格绘制. Applicants should choose work that demonstrates their level of achievement in both musical and technical areas. 把你最好的东西寄给我们!)


  1. 5到7个表演例子. 演唱会现场视频, 工作室或家庭工作室录像和专业发行的曲目都被接受. Every application must contain at least three videos.
  2. 三封推荐信 from t每一个ers or music ­professionals who are familiar with the applicant’s work.
  3. A one-page statement addressing the goals of the applicant.
  4. 成绩单(可能是复印件).)
  5. Applicants may be invited for an interview over Zoom with the 商业音乐 area faculty if deemed necessary by the auditions committee.

All materials must be submitted to the audition form above via A SINGLE Dropbox, 谷歌驱动或其他云存储链接. 不完整的申请将不予考虑.

Graduate students accepted into the program will take placement tests in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术, 钢琴, 在他们的第一个学期开始之前进行编曲(如果专注于得分). 这些测试不影响学生的录取状态,仅用于安置. 他们可能会导致在研究生课程的35个单元之外的补习课程.

Applicants who do not hold bachelors’ degrees in music must take remedial course-work in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术和钢琴将导致总共超过35个单元的研究生课程.

提交以下材料作为你的试镜申请到商业音乐课程. 在文体上, the music should be in one or more 商业音乐 styles, 包括岩石, 流行, 民间, 歌手/作曲家, R&B,以及相关的风格. 商业音乐应用曲目不应该从古典或爵士风格绘制. Applicants should choose work that demonstrates their level of achievement in both musical and technical areas. 把你最好的东西寄给我们!)


  1. 5到7个工作实例, 应该是分数, 录音, 或音乐视频到视频或线索, 电影风格作曲. 申请人必须提交一份说明表格,说明他们对每个例子的参与情况.
  2. 三封推荐信 from t每一个ers or music ­professionals who are familiar with the applicant’s work.
  3. A one-page statement addressing the goals of the applicant.
  4. 成绩单(可能是复印件).)
  5. Applicants may be invited for an interview over Zoom with the 商业音乐 area faculty if deemed necessary by the auditions committee.

All materials must be submitted to the audition form above via A SINGLE Dropbox, 谷歌驱动或其他云存储链接. 不完整的申请将不予考虑.

Graduate students accepted into the program will take placement tests in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术, 钢琴, 在他们的第一个学期开始之前进行编曲(如果专注于得分). 这些测试不影响学生的录取状态,仅用于安置. 他们可能会导致在研究生课程的35个单元之外的补习课程.

Applicants who do not hold bachelors’ degrees in music must take remedial course-work in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术和钢琴将导致总共超过35个单元的研究生课程.

提交以下材料作为你的试镜申请到商业音乐课程. 在文体上, the music should be in one or more 商业音乐 styles, 包括岩石, 流行, 民间, 歌手/作曲家, R&B,以及相关的风格. 商业音乐应用曲目不应该从古典或爵士风格绘制. Applicants should choose work that demonstrates their level of achievement in both musical and technical areas. 把你最好的东西寄给我们!)

Applicants who are songwriters or singer-songwriters should include:

  1. 5到7个原始材料的例子. The examples can be 录音 or videos of performances of the material. 也鼓励使用铅板.
  2. 三封推荐信 from t每一个ers or music ­professionals who are familiar with the applicant’s work.
  3. A one-page statement addressing the goals of the applicant.
  4. 成绩单(可能是复印件).)
  5. Applicants may be invited for an interview over Zoom with the 商业音乐 area faculty if deemed necessary by the auditions committee.

All materials must be submitted to the audition form above via A SINGLE Dropbox, 谷歌驱动或其他云存储链接. 不完整的申请将不予考虑.

Graduate students accepted into the program will take placement tests in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术, 钢琴, 在他们的第一个学期开始之前进行编曲(如果专注于得分). 这些测试不影响学生的录取状态,仅用于安置. 他们可能会导致在研究生课程的35个单元之外的补习课程.

Applicants who do not hold bachelors’ degrees in music must take remedial course-work in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术和钢琴将导致总共超过35个单元的研究生课程.

提交以下材料作为你的试镜申请到商业音乐课程. 在文体上, the music should be in one or more 商业音乐 styles, 包括岩石, 流行, 民间, 歌手/作曲家, R&B,以及相关的风格. 商业音乐应用曲目不应该从古典或爵士风格绘制. Applicants should choose work that demonstrates their level of achievement in both musical and technical areas. 把你最好的东西寄给我们!)


  1. 5 to 7 examples of projects they've recorded or mixed. 申请人还必须提交一份说明表格,说明他们在每个赛道上的参与情况.
  2. 三封推荐信 from t每一个ers or music ­professionals who are familiar with the applicant’s work.
  3. A one-page statement addressing the goals of the applicant.
  4. 成绩单(可能是复印件).)
  5. Applicants may be invited for an interview over Zoom with the 商业音乐 area faculty if deemed necessary by the auditions committee.

All materials must be submitted to the audition form above via A SINGLE Dropbox, 谷歌驱动或其他云存储链接. 不完整的申请将不予考虑.

Graduate students accepted into the program will take placement tests in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术, 钢琴, 在他们的第一个学期开始之前进行编曲(如果专注于得分). 这些测试不影响学生的录取状态,仅用于安置. 他们可能会导致在研究生课程的35个单元之外的补习课程.

Applicants who do not hold bachelors’ degrees in music must take remedial course-work in the areas of commercial harmony, 技术和钢琴将导致总共超过35个单元的研究生课程.

以下材料必须寄到加州州立大学洛杉矶音乐系给Dr. 约翰·肯尼迪:

  • 作为作曲家最具代表性的2-3首乐谱和录音(MIDI或现场). Scores must be submitted in PDF format and 录音 in MP3 or WAV formats. 现场表演视频的链接可以代替录音.
  • 2封熟悉申请人工作的老师或专业人士的推荐信
  • A one-page statement addressing the goals of the applicant.

Send these materials as attachments or a link to an online folder to:

Dr. 约翰·肯尼迪

An audition on your principal instrument/voice and an interview are required for acceptance into MM 作文 program. Applicants should prepare two pieces in any style for the 10-minute audition that show appropriate proficiency for graduate level work. 请联系博士. 肯尼迪,有问题吗?, or for an alternative process to an interview if you are not based in the US.

  1. 10-20 minutes of Video Recording of the conductor (ensemble view only) in both rehearsal and performance. 申请人应选择能够展示他们在排练技术方面的成就水平的节选, 手势, 以及音乐表现力.
  2. 三封推荐信 from t每一个ers or professionals who are familiar with the applicant’s work
  3. 5-10 minutes of performance video on your major instrument.
  4. 一份一页的陈述,说明申请人的专业和音乐目标. 

申请低音提琴演奏音乐硕士的申请人应准备以下选曲. 不需要钢琴伴奏, but please bring two additional copies of the music for the audition panel. 如有进一步问题,请提问 联系Strings地区协调员. 帕蒂热爱旅行的人.

  • First movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (if applicable.)
  • 独奏曲:在与协奏曲(巴洛克)不同时期创作的独奏曲或乐章, 经典, 浪漫的, 现代)
  • 你选择的第三首独奏或乐章
  • Be prepared to play two scales (in the video audition, two of your choice; in the live audition, 一个由我们选择的, 一个由你选择的.)

Applicants auditioning on a brass instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读.

Suggested repertoire (please note that any standard work is acceptable): 巴赫 套件,或瓦格纳的《足彩外围网站》

Applicants auditioning on a woodwind instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读. Etudes and pieces selected for the audition need not be memorized.

建议曲目(请注意,任何标准曲目都可以接受):安徒生练习曲第33号作品, 贝比居尔18首练习曲, Boehm练习曲第37号, 塔法内尔-高贝尔每日练习, 夏季12日长笛练习, Blavet奏鸣曲, Bloch套房模式, 德彪西鸣管, 汉德尔奏鸣曲, 作品咏叹调, Krenek套件, Telemann幻想曲, Telemann奏鸣曲


  • Three standard repertoire compositions (including one etude, and one movement of a multi-movement work) in contrasting styles. 请带几份音乐来.
  • One Segovia (major or minor) two octave scale of your choice.
  • Applicants will also demonstrate sightreading ability at the audition.

Suggested repertoire (works of similar technical level will also be accepted):

  • Heitor Villa-Lobos Any one of 12 Etudes or Preludes
  • T加勒比海盗ega recerdos de la Alhambra
  • 巴赫鲁特琴的两个乐章
  • 巴赫大提琴组曲
  • 巴赫小提琴奏鸣曲和Partitas
  • 朱利安尼大序曲
  • 阿尔贝尼兹Leyenda
  • 格拉纳多斯 Danza Espanola #5
  • 大教堂
  • Navarez Guardame las vacas
  • 莫扎特主题变奏曲

Note: This audition repertoire is for the MM in 经典 吉他 Performance. Applicants for the MM in 商业音乐 or other areas should view the application requirements for that area.

Applicants auditioning on harp are required to perform the following repetoire. 请带上你要演奏的音乐. 如有进一步问题,请提问 联系Strings地区协调员. 帕蒂热爱旅行的人.
  • 一个选择从标准的竖琴曲目从巴洛克,古典,或浪漫时期
  • One selection from 20th/21st century harp repertoire
  • Applicants will demonstrate their sightreading ability.

Applicants auditioning on a brass instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读.

Suggested repertoire by instrument (please note that any standard work is acceptable): Any 莫扎特协奏曲, 弗朗茨·施特劳斯协奏曲, 作品8, Hindemith 奏鸣曲

Applicants auditioning on a woodwind instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读. Etudes and pieces selected for the audition need not be memorized.

建议曲目(请注意,任何标准曲目都可以接受):亨德尔的《足彩外围网站》, 仍然是咒语和舞蹈, Albenoni音乐会在Bb, 汉德尔 Concertos in Bb or G Minor or 奏鸣曲 in C Minor, 泰勒曼A小调奏鸣曲, 巴雷特进步式练习, 双簧管的布鲁齐特技术, V. 1,弗林144序曲与研究

申请打击乐专业研究生学位课程的学生应携带棍棒, m所有ets and printed copies of the music to be performed. 仪器将由学校提供. Pieces or etudes for the audition should be chosen from 所有 of the following four categories, but need not be memorized.

  • 小军鼓
    • Demonstrate a long roll, rudiments; sight reading.
    • 演奏曲目表中的一首曲子或练习曲. (e.g. 彼得斯练习曲 中级小鼓研究)
  • 定音鼓
    • Demonstrate rolls, tuning; sight reading
    • 演奏曲目表中的一首曲子或练习曲 (e.g. 古德曼的练习曲 定音鼓的现代方法)
  • 木槌
    • Demonstrate Major and Minor Scales; sight reading
    • 演奏曲目表中的一首曲子或练习曲 (e.g. 惠利的练习曲 木槌基础研究)
  • 辅助工具
    • Drum Set: demonstrate various styles; sight reading.
    • Multiple 打击乐器: perform a short piece; sight reading.
    • Latin 打击乐器: demonstrate various instruments and styles; sight reading.

Applicants for Graduate Study in 钢琴 Performance should demonstrate their potential for a professional career in music through the following: 
  • 对风格和音乐语言的意识,对触感、音色、发音和踏板的控制.
  • 音乐交流. 必须表现出讲故事的能力,让听者参与表达一个想法
  • The ability to handle larger forms and musical complexities.
  • Advanced technical development and control appropriate to the repertoire.
  • 对政府表现的整体信心.

申请人应选择一件作品 每一个 在下列类别中(共四件作品).)所有的作品都必须凭记忆演奏,作品不一定会被完整地听到. Only original 钢琴 solo works are 所有owed (no concerti.)

  • 巴洛克式的
    • J.S. 巴赫(不包括发明) & 交响乐).如果表演较长的组曲,如Partitas,四个代表性动作是可以接受的. 
  • 经典
    • 一部完整的大调作品(所有乐章)
    • 奏鸣曲或变奏曲
    • 海顿到舒伯特(贝多芬除外)op. 49号. 1 & 2、和op. 79)
  • 浪漫主义,新浪漫主义或印象派
    • 一部完整的作品. May include original transcriptions by Liszt, Busoni, etc. 不包括协奏曲.
  • 20世纪
    • 作品必须发表,主要涉及传统的键盘演奏技巧.

Graduate classical saxophone candidates should be prepared to perform two pieces in contrasting styles appropriate to graduate study. 萨克斯风 students seeking a scholarship are expected to either perform from the list below or more advanced literature, 这取决于他们现在或以前的学习. Entering students should also be ready to perform Major Scales, 全部12键, 含糊不清, 1倍频程, 八分音符, 四分音符=每分钟72次. 试镜还包括视读.

Suggested list of audition literature for admission to saxophone study:

  • Alessandrini 轻轻地走了
  • 巴赫 悦耳的 (选自康塔塔第二大合唱. 156)加勒比海盗. 肯特
  • 巴赫 嘉禾舞 加勒比海盗. 骡子
  • 托克 乡村的夜晚 加勒比海盗. 哈里斯
  • 贝多芬 小步舞 (选自奏鸣曲Op. 49岁的加勒比海盗). 蒂尔
  • 比才 节日表演独唱,卷. 加勒比海盗1. 哇
  • 比才 小步舞 (从 L 'Arlesienne加勒比海盗). Buchtel
  • 邦 套件
  • Bozza 咏叹调
  • 伯德 帕瓦娜和加利安多 加勒比海盗. 戴维斯
  • 肖邦 宽广的 加勒比海盗. 罗索
  • 弹奏 慢板 加勒比海盗. 骡子
  • 弹奏 慢板和Giga 加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • 弹奏 空中与舞蹈 加勒比海盗. Maganini
  • 崔快板 Scherzoso 加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • d 'Ambrosio Canzonetta Op. 6 加勒比海盗. 无角的
  • Damase Vacance
  • Dautremer 情感
  • 德彪西 克莱尔·德·伦 加勒比海盗. 拉姆齐
  • 德彪西 Passepied 加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • 福尔 节日表演独唱,卷. 2
  • 福尔 帕凡舞Op. 50 加勒比海盗. 拉姆齐
  • Frackenpohl 空中空气
  • Frackenpohl 多里安人的挽歌
  • 弗雷德里克 慢板和快板 加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • Giovannini 浪漫
  • 格拉纳多斯 两幅诗意的场景 加勒比海盗. 戴维斯
  • 汉德尔 行板和波里 加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • 汉德尔 咏叹调 加勒比海盗. 斯奈尔
  • 汉德尔 布列舞曲 (选自第2号风琴协奏曲. 7)加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • 汉德尔 荣誉与武器 加勒比海盗. 斯奈尔
  • 汉德尔 Sicilienne和吉格舞 加勒比海盗. 骡子
  • 海顿 牛小步舞 加勒比海盗. 拉希
  • Kjerulf 催眠曲 加勒比海盗. 斯奈尔
  • 克莱斯勒 肖恩Rosmarin 加勒比海盗. Gurewich
  • kvnaston 文章里 加勒比海盗. 蒂尔
  • Lantier Sicilienne
  • LeClair 吉格舞 加勒比海盗. 骡子
  • Leoncav所有o Mattinata 加勒比海盗. 巴恩斯
  • Loeillet 奏鸣曲 加勒比海盗. 梅里曼
  • Luebke Saxography
  • Niehaus 艾米丽的任性
  • Niehaus 滑稽表演
  • Niehaus 海边的照片
  • 诺兰 波尔卡招募 加勒比海盗. 斯奈尔
  • 珀塞尔 两个布列舞曲 加勒比海盗. 拉希
  • 拉赫玛尼诺夫 练声 (Op. 34 No. 14)加勒比海盗. 碟形/麻的纤维
  • 拉威尔 帕凡舞 加勒比海盗. Bettoney
  • 科夫 《太阳赞美诗 加勒比海盗. 科尔比
  • Rueff 香颂和帕斯派德
  • Schudel 引子
  • 斯奈尔 音乐会幻想曲
  • Telemann 号角和进行曲 加勒比海盗. 斯奈尔

Applicants auditioning on a brass instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读.

Suggested repertoire by instrument (please note that any standard work is acceptable): Grondahl concerto, 雅各协奏曲, Wagenseil协奏曲, 保罗·辛德米特奏鸣曲, Sulek奏鸣曲, Casterede奏鸣曲, 活泼愉快的奏鸣曲, Guilmant, 或Bozza 

Applicants auditioning on a brass instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读.

Suggested repertoire (please note that any standard work is acceptable): 海顿 b大调小号协奏曲, 无角的 b大调小号协奏曲凯南奏鸣曲,罗帕兹 行板和快板, Goedicke 音乐会练习曲.

Applicants auditioning on a brass instrument are required to perform two pieces of contrasting style for scholarship or entrance auditions to undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Repertoire should be selected from the traditional and contemporary solo literature demonstrating both technical and musical development. 试镜还包括视读.

建议曲目(请注意,任何标准曲目都可以接受):巴赫/贝尔, Air和boursame, 约翰博达 小奏鸣曲

申请中提琴演奏硕士课程的学生应准备以下选曲. 不需要钢琴伴奏, but please bring two additional copies of the music for the audition panel. 如有进一步问题,请提问 联系Strings地区协调员. 帕蒂热爱旅行的人.

  • First movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (if applicable.)
  • One movement of any 大提琴 套件 加勒比海盗anged for viola by J.S. 巴赫
  • 独奏曲:在与协奏曲(巴洛克)不同时期创作的独奏曲或乐章, 经典, 浪漫的, 现代)
  • Be prepared to play two scales (in the video audition, two of your choice; in the live audition, 一个由我们选择的, 一个由你选择的.)

申请小提琴演奏音乐硕士的申请人应准备以下选曲. 不需要钢琴伴奏, but please bring two additional copies of the music for the audition panel. 如有进一步问题,请提问 联系Strings地区协调员. 帕蒂热爱旅行的人.

  • First movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (if applicable.)
  • J .任选独奏奏鸣曲或奏鸣曲的一个乐章.S. 巴赫
  • 独奏曲:在与协奏曲(巴洛克)不同时期创作的独奏曲或乐章, 经典, 浪漫的, 现代)
  • Be prepared to play two scales (in the video audition, two of your choice; in the live audition, 一个由我们选择的, 一个由你选择的.)


  • 两首对比鲜明的艺术歌曲,视读
  • 要求:简历, Essay including musical experience and aspirations, 两封推荐信. 请将所有文件上传到谷歌驱动或其他类型的云存储中的文件夹中, 并包括在试镜表的“补充材料”部分.

文学硕士:普通选项 (with a vocal pedagogy emphasis, 为有志于教学或研究的学生发声)

  • 四件对比鲜明的作品呈现了四种语言和四个风格时期,以及视读
  • 还需要:简历,研究写作范例,两封推荐信. 请将所有文件上传到谷歌驱动或其他类型的云存储中的文件夹中, 并包括在试镜表的“补充材料”部分.

Master of 音乐: Vocal Performance (for students who wish to sing opera and/or oratorio profession所有y)

  • 五个对比鲜明的作品共同呈现:(1)四种语言(2)四个风格时期, (3)歌剧咏叹调一首, (四)清唱剧咏叹调一首. 申请者还将视读选段.
  • 要求:简历, Essay including musical experience and aspirations, 三封推荐信. 请将所有文件上传到谷歌驱动或其他类型的云存储中的文件夹中, 并包括在试镜表的“补充材料”部分.