卡罗莱娜,黑山,巴希尔, Internship with Aerojet Rocketdyne 2017-18


主要: 企业管理:操作选项 & 供应链管理
大学 & 毕业一年: 商学院 & 经济学(CBE), 2018届


我最近收到了一家航空航天公司的录用通知, 并将于2018年6月毕业后不久开始. The position will specialize in tactical communications systems, 航空电子设备, 以及空间和情报系统. 此外, in the future I hope to create or organize opportunities to encourage women and minorities with entrepeneurial efforts. 


I have been the Director of Public Relations for the Hispanic Business Society (HBS) on campus. HBS helps students succeed professionally and personally. 我们通过社区服务活动来实现这一目标, self-improvement workshops that aid professional development, and through professional networking opportunities for our members. One of my favorite aspects of HBS is community service because volunteering is something very close to my heart and so is helping other students develop skills that will prepare them for their future.

I also completed the UCLA Riordan 大学 to Career Program in the summer of 2017. It was an intensive week-long program aimed at first generation college students which included presentations by speakers from various industries and workshops to help with professional development. It was truly an enriching experience and I met so many great students from all over the nation, 还有国际学生.


My title is Procurement Agent Co-op for Aerojet Rocketdyne in Chatsworth, CA. 我在采购部门工作, which is a department essentially in charge of purchasing parts for rocket engines for NASA. Part of my responsibilities include researching suppliers and determining if they have the capacity, proper quality rating and technical knowledge to manufacture parts for the rocket engines.


I began my internship on July 17, 2017 and it will be a year-long internship.


我一直对航空航天很着迷. When I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut and later a mechanical engineer, but I pursued business because I was always drawn to its broad applicability. This internship helps me combine the best of both worlds.


An average day would include sending reports to the various engineering groups that details supplier visits by Quality Inspectors. I send out requests for quotes to suppliers for specific mechanical parts or processing of raw materials. I present updates of the status of orders placed to the Procurement team to ensure lead times are being met. There are times I set up and conduct a teleconference between the supplier/manufacturer and our Quality Engineers and Mechanical Engineers to determine if a supplier meets the criteria to manufacturer parts we need or to answer technical questions about mechanical drawings and specific processes.

What was your most memorable moment during the internship?

Some of the most memorable moments during my internship have been standing within inches of giant rocket engines and visiting the plant where the design teams create models, 火箭发动机部件的3D打印, 还有他们在实验室里制造的激光切割材料. 

What was your greatest challenge during the internship?

The greatest challenge has been learning the plethora of acronyms used by engineers, the aerospace industry and contract management as well as learning about mechanical and chemical components – it is rocket science after all!

What tips can you give other students in your major or future applicants?

I would recommend exploring different industries and being open to trying new things. You might discover you like something that you didn’t think you had an interest in. 如果你对某一特定行业充满热情, 在学校与教授建立联系, 职业安置服务协调员, and attend networking events to increase your chances of landing an internship where you will constantly learn. 也要参加学生组织, they often open up opportunities to meet professionals from various industries.

How has this experience affected your career goal and ambitions?

This experience has rekindled my goals of working in the aerospace industry which I had thought was out of my reach. I plan to learn as much as I can about contract management and the procurement process. I plan to continue growing professionally within the aerospace industry. This experience has also led me to find a position which will soon begin after graduation.


There are several fun facts about me: It has taken me nearly 8 years to complete my bachelor’s degree. I will be the first in my immediate family to earn my bachelor’s degree. 作为一个孩子, I worked in the fields with my parents and siblings after school, 周末和暑假的时候. I began working formally since the age of 14 and have worked in industries ranging from retail and financial investments to translation at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and for the Department of Justice with the DEA and FBI. I used to play the saxophone, I enjoy sky diving, and I plan to get my pilot license someday.