

冈萨雷斯伊薇特 冈萨雷斯伊薇特

冈萨雷斯 已经从事犯罪现场调查工作12年了. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Photography from Columbia College and an Associate of Arts degree in Administration of Justice from 洛杉矶 City College.  她的执法生涯始于当地警察局的法医专家, a position she held for approximately four years; she later became employed in the same role by one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the country. 在过去的八年里,这里一直是她的家. 在过去的四年里, 然而, 她是主要犯罪现场培训项目的负责人之一, 培养符合最新认证标准的课程.  足彩外围网站经验, 她处理过大约400个重大犯罪现场, 包括杀人案, 副/枪击事件频发, 使用致命武器进行攻击, 性侵犯, 和抢劫.  伊维特是国际鉴定协会的活跃成员, 南加州指纹鉴定员协会, 国际犯罪现场调查协会, 以及加州凶杀案调查协会. She stays current in the field by enrolling in relevant national training classes taught by professionals within specific disciplines.


Erika斋月 Erika斋月

斋月 began her law enforcement career in 2008 as a federal agent with the United States Border Patrol. While she learned vital investigative skills as an agent, her true passion lay in forensic science. In 2010, 她接受了洛杉矶一家大型执法机构法医专家的职位, 她在那里待了十三年. 在此期间, 她去过上百个犯罪现场, 主要是凶杀案和涉及警员的枪击案, 作为一名潜在指纹鉴定人,他采集并比对了数千个指纹. 从2013年到2017年, she taught a crime scene investigation training program at this agency to newly hired forensic specialists; this program encompassed both classroom and hands-on instruction and real-world training at actual crime scenes. 随着她事业的发展, she focused on inspiring and educating new hires via her role as a supervising forensic specialist. In 2023, she accepted the Property and Crime Laboratory Manager position at another law enforcement agency, 她在哪里管理物证组和犯罪实验室. She received a Master of Forensic Science degree with a concentration in Crime Scene Investigation from George Washington University in 2007. 以前, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in criminology and anthropology with a minor in biology from the University of Miami. She continues her training to stay relevant in forensic science and teach the latest techniques. She is certified by the International Association for Identification as a crime scene investigator, 最近一次重新认证是在2023年. 她对法医科学的热爱显而易见, and she enjoys giving back to the community as an instructor for the crime scene investigation track within the forensic specialist certificate program at 加州州立大学, 洛杉矶.


玛丽亚C. 向鲁杰罗 玛丽亚C. 向鲁杰罗


向鲁杰罗 是泰雷兹公司的执法和法医专家, 她在那里为执法客户提供泰雷兹生物识别产品的培训.  玛丽亚自1990年以来一直从事法医科学工作, 进行潜在指纹比对,处理犯罪现场.  她管理过摩擦脊比较和犯罪现场调查方面的培训项目.  Maria拥有公共管理学士学位, 主修刑事司法, 以及谈判与冲突管理硕士学位, 都来自加州州立大学, Dominguez山.  她是ANSI国家认证委员会(ANAB)的技术评审员。.

2008-2011年Maria, 曾担任潜在指纹分析中的人为因素专家工作组成员, 由国家司法研究所赞助.  2010年到2013年, 她被选为摩擦脊分析科学工作组成员, 研究与技术(SWGFAST).  随着swg在2014年过渡到科学领域委员会组织(OSAC), 玛丽亚继续担任摩擦岭小组委员会的成员.  She assisted with developing the proposed Training Standard for Latent Print Examiners and served on the Executive Board as Secretary from 2017 through 2019.  玛丽亚的任期于2019年10月1日结束. 然而,她仍然是OSAC摩擦岭小组委员会的附属成员.


桑娅别墅 桑娅别墅

别墅 is a Supervising Forensic Identification Specialist with a large law enforcement agency in southern California, 她负责犯罪现场调查/潜在指纹组吗.  She has worked in Law Enforcement for 24 years and the forensic science discipline for 18 years.  Sonya has completed numerous specialized training courses and has extensive experience as a Latent Print Examiner and Crime Scene Investigator.  她是CSI和摩擦脊学科的法庭合格专家证人.  Sonya was the lead course instructor for her agency’s Latent Print Comparison Training Program from 2011-2016.  

Sonya holds an Associate of Science degree in Administration of Justice and a Certificate in Forensic Identification. 她是国际鉴定协会的活跃成员, 国际生物识别协会, 以及南加州指纹鉴定员协会. 2017年,Sonya完成了西弗吉尼亚大学定制法医管理学院的学习.


唐娜•托马斯 唐娜•托马斯

托马斯。 is a newly retired Forensic Identification Specialist II of the 洛杉矶 Sheriff’s Department. She has worked in forensic science since 2007, documenting and processing essential crime scenes. In 2014, 她被提升为法医鉴定专家, which entailed the processing and documentation of major crime scenes as well as conducting latent print comparisons. Donna was responsible for training new employees in the Identification section of the Scientific Services Bureau in Basic Latent Print Investigation and Friction Ridge Comparison. 她在洛杉矶县治安部门工作了35年多, 她的职业生涯是从警长的通讯接线员和911调度员开始的.

Donna holds a Master of Arts in Legal Studies and Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Forensics from American Military University. 另外, 她拥有两个副学士学位, one in Administration to Justice and the other in Social Behavior from Citrus Community College. 她是ANAB认证委员会的技术评审员. She is a member of the California Division of the International Association of Identification Donna has also presented workshops at the International Association of Identification yearly conference in 2021 and the California Division conference in 2022.   She is also the Forensic and Criminal Justice Instructor affiliated with the UCLA campus summer program, 她向即将进入大学的优秀学生概述了几个学科


Regina Mamou Regina Mamou

Mamou 是一名摄影教练,艺术讲师和视觉艺术家,拥有超过15年的经验. 她获得罗德岛设计学院美术学士学位, 获得芝加哥艺术学院美术硕士学位, 还有去安曼的富布赖特奖学金, 约旦. Regina has instructed and lectured for organizations such as the Photographic Arts Council 洛杉矶, 芝加哥艺术学院, 阿特拉斯针孔, 约旦皇家电影委员会, 和洛杉矶艺术缪斯. 她是当代艺术和艺术缪斯学院的董事会成员, 哪些机构积极推动和资助当代艺术家和艺术相关专业人士. 里贾纳是洛杉矶文德冷战博物馆的驻馆艺术家.

Regina is particularly interested in creating courses and curricula for diverse adult audiences. 她擅长数码和模拟摄影,包括中画幅和大画幅. 她的课程接近相机, 镜头, 通过在摄影实践中建立坚实的基础技能和过滤器. 除了, 通过她的专业和教育背景, 里贾纳提倡在摄影技术方面的严格研究.


托尼阮 is a Supervising Forensic Identification Specialist with a large law enforcement agency in southern California. 自2005年以来, 他曾担任过犯罪现场调查员,积累了丰富的法医经验.  Tony is actively involved in teaching and training and has been a guest speaker at numerous law enforcement agencies and forensic conferences across the United States and Mexico.  此外,他持有犯罪现场调查法医摄影证书 & 通过国际鉴定协会(IAI)进行成像.
Tony is deeply engaged with the latent print and forensic photography community and is dedicated to sharing his expertise with current professionals and those aspiring to enter the field.




威廉姆斯 加入了刑事司法与犯罪学学院, 加州州立大学, 洛杉矶, 2017年3月担任办公室经理,监督行政任务和程序. She has extensive experience in purchasing, planning, coordinating, and contract administration. She plays a vital role in the administration of daily operations of the school’s front office and forensic science academic laboratories. Paige is also the school’s liaison with the 洛杉矶 Sheriff’s Department and the 洛杉矶 Police Department within the Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Science Center.

以前, 她是加州州立大学的办公室经理, 圣贝纳迪诺大学警察/停车和执法服务. Paige拥有商学副学士学位, 人文学科, 社会和行为科学以及心理学学士学位. 她正在攻读临床心理学的研究生学位,重点是成瘾.