


文化与人际关系实验室由 Dr. 凯伦吴. Currently, we are investigating an array of different research questions, including:

  • How are our genes related to our personality traits, social behaviors, and social relationships? 
  • 人们如何看待处于跨种族关系中的人? 
  • 是什么导致了约会中的种族偏好?
  • 为什么有些人会选择长得像自己的人做伴侣? 
  • 在不同的文化背景下,“我爱你”意味着什么? 人们在恋爱关系中是如何解读这种表达的呢?
  • 我们对喵星人的看法是怎样的, 爱他们的方式, 与它们的互动预示着我们的幸福?
  • How do people of diverse cultural groups experience and navigate social exclusion? 他们面对的是什么样的偏见?

Graduate students are not limited to these topics and are encouraged to generate and test their own research questions on topics related to culture and/or close relationships. 因此, graduate students should develop skills in independent thinking and creativity that will aid them in a research-oriented PhD program.





1 .实验室开会.每周5小时. 在此期间, 学生可以讨论研究, 做研究报告, 或者从事正在进行的项目. 会议之外, students may also be involved in other tasks such as conducting literature searches, 测试和完善研究设计, 建筑的调查, 学习培训, 运行的参与者, 编码数据, 并致力于独立的项目. 实验室成员的基本素质包括良好的沟通能力, 可靠性, 责任心, 时间管理技能, 以及与他人合作的能力. S较强的定量和写作能力也很重要, especially in graduate students or undergraduates who are interested in independent projects. 

有兴趣加入实验室的本科生请发电子邮件给Dr. 吴嘉玲((电子邮件保护)) for an application, whereas interested graduate students must formally apply to the 马项目. 本科生——请注意GPA不低于3分.建议为4. 






I transferred to CSULA in the Fall of 2021 as a third-year undergrad after completing A.A. 在Rio Hondo学院获得心理学和社会学学位. I am currently majoring in psychology as an undergrad with the goal of going on to complete a PhD. My research interest includes how perceptions of stress can affect the way people react to stressful situations as well as how social interactions can influence resilience. I love to be in wild places like forests and deserts that feel untouched by time and people and will actively search out places and experiences that feel off the beaten path. 我也喜欢高级奇幻书籍,尤其是那些涉及魔法的.




2021年秋天,我开始在足彩外围网站攻读心理学硕士学位. 我的研究兴趣包括吸引力, 浪漫关系, LGBTQIA+社区, 和幸福. Dr. Wu's mentorship and the graduate psychology program at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 are vital in my pursuit of a PhD in Social Psychology, 因为我计划成为一名从事研究的公立大学教授. During my free time, I enjoy biking, playing with my dogs, camping, and all things Disney.



I came to CSULA as a transfer student in Fall 2021 and I am currently working on my bachelor's in psychology. My research interests include abuse of power, sexism and how culture affects cognition. My career goals are to become a psychology professor and do research on minority group social issues and justice. 除了上大学,我还喜欢滑旱冰、读书和玩舒适的电子游戏.



我于2016年秋季从东洛杉矶学院转学到CSULA. 我学的是社会工作和心理学双学位. I’m interested in researching the role of psychopathology in drug abuse among teenagers. 完成本科学业后,我打算攻读社会工作硕士学位. I aim to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker to work with children who are suffering from mental illness, 药物滥用, 或者常见的生活方式困难. I enjoy spending time with my friends going to Dodger games, the movies, and having game nights.




I started my academic journey at CSULA in the Fall of 2017 as a Psychology major. 在心理学领域内, 我的研究兴趣涉及心理学与法律的交叉, specifically how eyewitness memory contributes to the issue of wrongful convictions. 目前,我希望攻读M.S. in Forensic Psychology and to be able to apply that degree within a criminal justice setting. 然而, 当我不学习的时候, 我喜欢在周末疯狂地看恐怖片或打排球.



I started attending CSULA as a psychology major student info 2019 and am in my senior year. 我目前的研究兴趣包括种族偏好的原因, 情商, 以及先天和后天特征如何影响一个人的个性, 视角, 归因, 以及人际关系. 我最终的职业目标是获得博士学位.D. 行为心理学或工业组织心理学. 我痴迷于丑陋可爱的东西,比如我的扁脸猫.



我从2020年秋天开始参加CSULA, 最初是在不同的专业, but I changed to Psychology as I had an interest in the field since high school. I am currently working on my BA in psychology and working on applying to the master’s program in Public Administration and, 希望, 我的Ph值.D. 在心理学上. 我的研究兴趣是社会心理学, 哪些是少数群体的人际关系和心理健康.


*香,J.**贝利,L. 吴,K., & Schlinger H.D. (2024年8月). Reducing Implicit Racial Attitude with Operant Learning: Operant-based Intervention. Single talk (data blitz) to be presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, 西雅图, 华盛顿.

* *的雷诺萨市J. & 吴,K. 2月(2024). Breaking the cycle: Familial approval and relationship quality of 2nd and 3rd generation Latinx interracial vs. intraracial交友者. Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 圣地亚哥, 加州.

* *贝利,L.**佩雷斯,F.L.*翔,J. & 吴,K. 2月(2024). “爱情真的是你自己的事吗??拉丁裔跨种族vs. intraracial couples' relationship quality and perceived support from family, friends, and strangers. Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 圣地亚哥, 加州.

*张艺泷,K.吴凯.**曼苏尔,A.L., & * * Vargas,. 2月(2024). “我们并没有那么不同!” Exploring relationship milestones for Latinx interracial and intraracial交友者. Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 圣地亚哥, 加州.

* Aueyong E.**努涅斯,R., & 吴,K. 5月(2023). 少谈种族, More about Connection: Similar Milestones between Interracial and Intraracial Couples. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, 华盛顿, DC.

夏皮罗,米.E., & 吴,K. 5月(2023). 社会对爱情的影响:同性Vs .女性. 男女伴侣在承诺的里程碑上有所不同. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, 华盛顿, DC.

* *张艺泷,K.**曼苏尔,A.L., & 吴,K. (2023年4月). 你是唯一懂我的人!:感知社会支持的性别和种族差异. Poster presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, 加州.

斯宾塞,维., & 吴,K. (2023年4月). “It’s Complicated”: The Roles of Social Support and Coping Strategies in Psychological Abuse Across Romantic Relationships. Single talk presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, 加州.

* Tesoro F., & 吴,K. (2023年4月). Cultural Matching: The Role of Acculturation and Enculturation on Filipino Parenting and Emerging Adults’ Well-being. Poster presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Riverside, 加州.

夏皮罗,米.E., & 吴,K. (2022年8月). 依恋主宰了卧室吗? The Relationship Between Gender, Attachment Style, and Sexual Assertiveness in Couples. 国际关系研究协会发布的海报, Virtual(原London), UK).

* *新加坡,H.**Magana, R., & 吴,K. 2月(2022). 更多的权力, less pressure: Gender does not moderate the link between power in a romantic relationship and sexual coercion. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San 旧金山, 加州.

*齐藤,K.吴凯.*肖,C.Y.**瓦斯奎兹,D.**塞佩达,T., & * *埃尔南德斯,一个. 3月(2019). 不同的爱情故事:中国夫妻是忠诚的, 而美国夫妻则是身体亲密. Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.

* * Aueyong E.**布什,A.**马塔,K., & 吴,K. 2月(2019). Different rules, same pace: Similarities between interracial and intraracial relationship milestones. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 波特兰, 俄勒冈州.


*Master’s student; **Undergraduate student