

停止约会/家庭暴力, 性暴力, 跟踪, 和 other criminal acts the individuals who chose to commit the misconduct must choose not to do so.

Federal 和 state laws 和 CSU/加州大学洛杉矶分校 policies prohibit dating 暴力, 家庭暴力, 不当性行为和暴力, 和被人跟踪. 这条禁令适用于学生, 员工, 和 others; as well as to conduct both on 和 off campus.

Perpetrators 和 individuals found to have violated University policies are subject to a range of sanctions 和 legal processes.

  • Possible legal processes applicable to all policy violators: Civil lawsuits, 归还, 逮捕, 刑事起诉, 监禁, 法院罚款, 以及其他处罚.
  • 可能的员工处罚:书面和/或口头咨询, 补救训练, 谴责, 悬架, 降职和/或解雇/终止.
  • 可能的学生处罚:赔偿, 失去经济援助, 教育和补救制裁, 拒绝进入校园或人员, 留校察看, 悬架, 和驱逐.

诚实地审视自己的行为. 你的行为是否被认为是不健康的或被禁止的?

  • 其他形式的不当行为

Being able to acknowledge 和 take responsibility for unhealthy behaviors 和 misconduct are important steps toward making a positive 和 healthy change. 做出改变可能很困难. 它需要承诺、时间,在很多情况下,还需要专业帮助. Consider obtaining nonjudgmental assistance from the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799-SAFE [7233] or 800-787-3223 [TTY]). 此外:

  • 选择避免不健康的行为和不当行为.
  • 停止包括约会/家庭暴力的行为, 性暴力, 跟踪, 以及其他形式的不当行为.
  • 为养成更健康的行为设定目标并制定计划.
  • 承诺做出必要的改变以避免不当行为. 采取有意识的步骤来实现目标.
  • Don't initiate behaviors that are considered to be criminal acts or misconduct.
  • 打破纵容暴力的态度和信念.
  • 避免滥用酒精和其他物质.


Abusive relationships 和 even acquaintance rapes appear to start off as any other healthy relationship or social interaction. In fact, most people are sexually assaulted by someone they know 和 often trust. Initially, there may be no obvious signs of the other person’s intent to harm.

Individuals who choose to 滥用 or commit 性暴力 often groom their targets. 他们首先要做的是获得目标的信任和喜爱. They may test boundaries with seemingly “harmless” actions – invading personal space, 还有谩骂. 然后强迫, 酒精和其他物质, 隔离, 暴力, 还有其他手段用来控制, 滥用, 以及性侵犯.

跟踪者可能是陌生人,不认识他们的受害者. 跟踪者也可以是现任和前任的亲密伴侣, 熟人, 陌生人, 家庭成员, 权威人士, 或者其他个人.


There is no strategy that offers an absolute guarantee of freedom from dating 和 domestic, 性暴力, or 跟踪 victimization (individuals targeted by perpetrators don't control nor are they responsible f或者是 behavior of perpetrators). 然而, awareness 和 knowledge are important tools that may be used to help minimize victimization risk.


Knowing, recognizing, 和 responding to warning signs, when able, can help reduce victimization risk.


  • 清楚地表达你的界限.
    • 警惕那些不尊重你的底线的人.
  • 相信自己的感觉.
    • 如果某件事感觉不对劲,那它很可能就是不对的. Do what you can, including enlisting the help of others if needed, to get into a safer situation.
  • Stay sober 和 watch out for those who pressure you to drink or get high.
    • 当心. 避免接受开放式饮料(e).g., glass of soda or beer) from others, even in comfortable or familiar surroundings (e.g.(在朋友家聚会或学习).
  • 安全计划.
    • Think ahead - do you have money for a taxi/Lyft/Uber if you need to get home on your own? 你让你的朋友和你联系过吗? If you're being 滥用d 和 can't avoid the person abusing you, get help to develop a safety plan.
  • 寻求帮助,如果安全的话.
    • 如果你认为或知道你被虐待, 被性侵犯, 或者被跟踪了, 在校园和社区都可以得到帮助.

我被虐待了吗?? 我被性侵犯了吗? 我被跟踪了吗?

  • 如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的...
    • First 和 foremost, know 和 believe that you didn't do anything wrong 和 you are not at fault. 每个人都应该受到尊重. You are not the cause of the 暴力; nor are you to blame or responsible for someone else’s actions – no matter what a perpetrator or others may tell you.
  • 考虑寻求帮助以减少受伤的风险.
    • In addition to incident reporting, assistance is available from local law enforcement, 大学警察 或者是 足彩外围网站第九章官员. Think about getting safety planning assistance through a national hotline or local domestic 和 性暴力 survivor assistance agency.
  • 考虑保留证据.
    • Evidence preservation is important in the event you decide to report the crime, 申请保护/限制令, 或者在犯罪发生后或以后提起民事诉讼. 详细的证据保全技巧, 包括性侵法医检查的信息, 是否可透过24小时热线及执法机关查询.
    • 证据如何保存取决于具体情况. 在所有情况下, 文档很重要——记录日期, 次, 目击者, 以及日志或日志中对事件的描述. Also of importance is saving: clothing that was worn at the time of an assault in separate paper bags; threatening texts 和 emails; screenshots of online posts; 和 other evidence, 比如不想要的礼物. 是否有医疗人员记录受伤情况. Taking 和 saving pictures of injuries or v和alized property is also helpful. Keep in mind that if an incident will not be immediately reported to law enforcement or campus official (e.g., 第九章官员), evidence should be kept in a safe place where a perpetrator is not likely to discover it.
  • 考虑你的选择.
    • You have the right to report misconduct 和 the crimes committed against you; seek assistance from survivor assistance resources; preserve evidence 和, 如果适用的话, obtain the sexual assault forensic exam at no cost without a requirement to participate in the judicial system; obtain medical 和 mental health care; request protective/restraining orders; seek financial compensation for crime-related losses; file a civil lawsuit (i.e., sue) against perpetrators 和 other responsible parties, 和 pursue additional rights 和 options. 你也有权什么都不做.
  • 全天候提供帮助
    • 您可以通过当地和全国24小时热线电话获得帮助.


谁的信仰、态度和行为纵容暴力? 谁是肇事者? 或者你是否看到或听到不当行为或事件发生?

Note: If someone is in imminent danger or intervening in a situation will compromise your safety, 拨打或发短信911.

如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的, 考虑到你有很多方法, 作为一个参与的旁观者-一个知情的或关心的家庭成员, 朋友, 同学, 同事, 或者陌生人,可以干预. 对警告标志和不当行为保持警惕. 承担起干预的责任,如果这样做是安全的. 在需要的时候寻求他人的帮助.


  • Respectfully calling attention to comments that condone 暴力 or are examples of domestic 和 性暴力 or 跟踪.
  • Speaking out against inappropriate 和 criminal behavior in a manner that minimizes the potential for escalation.
  • 把某人从危险的处境中解救出来.
  • Causing a distraction that allows a potential victim to escape a possibly harmful situation.
  • 报道犯罪, 歧视, 骚扰, 报复, 以及其他不当行为.
    • 在校园, 这些官员可能包括大学警察, 第九条官员, 虐待儿童报告协调员, 负责学生行为的副院长, 或校园保安部门.
    • 校外, 这些官员可能包括地方执法人员, 儿童保护热线, 或虐老热线.

欲了解更多旁观者干预技巧,请点击 不再干预不再有旁观者场景. Consult with law enforcement or a 24-hour hotline for guidance if you're not sure how to respond. Call 911 in an emergency or if you or someone else is in imminent danger.




  • 表达你的关心.
  • 相信他们.

  • 不要责怪他们. 过错在于作恶者.
  • 倾听而不加评判.
  • 这不是他们的错.
  • 谈论他们的权利和选择.
  • 建议他们保留证据.

  • 帮助他们接通24小时热线.
  • 鼓励报告、安全计划和自我照顾.
  • 提供支持,但不要控制.
  • 允许他们决定什么对他们的情况是最好的.
  • 注意问题,如果可能的话,提供帮助和支持.

如果你不知道如何帮助你的朋友, 家庭成员, 同事, 或熟人, 24小时热线电话可提供帮助. Call 911 in an emergency or if you or someone else is in imminent danger.



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