
How to Start a 新 Organization 和 Maintain Previous Student Organization Recognition Status

Starting a new student club or organization at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 not only adds to the variety of communities available on campus but is also easy to do! Student organizations support student success through engaging students with each other, 校园社区, 以及更大的洛杉矶地区,通过培养领导力发展机会, 对多样性的欣赏, 社区服务网点, 以及课外体验式学习. The University encour年龄s students to create organizations that allow them to explore their professional goals 和 personal development. 

This p年龄 contains the forms 和 information you will need to successfully complete the 新学生 Organization Recognition process. It is through student organizations that 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s spirit 和 traditions are created 和 preserved. 谢谢你主动组织一个新的学生组织! (详情请参阅 行政程序802.)

Please see below for more detailed information on how to gain or maintain student organization recognition for the academic year.

新 & 归国学生组织认可程序

如果你的学生组织在上一学年得到认可, 在即将到来的一年里,你应该遵循以下步骤来保持认可.   

    During this time, all student organization leaders must complete the following in this order:  

    1. 回校学生团体:填写组织过渡表格(仅限校长)
      1. 回顾这些 的指导方针 如何过渡. 
    2. 新学生组织:完成 足彩外围网站新生组织兴趣表.
    3. 完成 组织登记表格 (总统).
      1. 提交组织官员/会员名册 
      2. 提交组织章程(查看此) 章程及附例样本) 
    4. 完成所有Fall ODC模块 (仅限总裁及司库) 
    5. 所有学生干事必须填写 学生组织主任确认表格.
    6. 顾问必须填写 顾问确认表格.

    Organizations who want to participate in the City of Orgs must complete all forms 和 ODC模块 by the indicated deadline on 存在, CSI将审核所有提交的ODC表格  

    1. 如果所有表格和ODC模块都正确提交,并在市政府之前进行了审核, 会获得认可, 该组织可以参加城市组织的活动. 
    2. 如果ODC表格和模块是在City of org之后完成的, 并在认可期截止日期之前, recognition for the academic year will be granted but the organization cannot participate in City of Orgs.  
    3. All student organizations that complete the recognition requirements by the indicated deadline on 存在 will maintain their recognition for the academic year.  
    4. 如果ODC表单或模块的某些方面不完整, CSI将拒绝表格,直到他们成功地满足所有要求.    
    5. 如果错过了完成所有表格和ODC要求的认可截止日期, the organization will lose recognition 和 the benefits associated with that status for the entire Fall semester.  
    6. Returning organizations that were deactivated for the Fall can seek recognition again in the Spring semester (see section below).  

    2. Student organizations that gained/maintained recognition during the Fall semester do not need to complete ODC during the Spring semester.    
    3. Spring ODC is only for NEW student organizations or for returning organizations who did not complete Fall ODC.  
    4. 新学生组织的认可期将列在存在上. 
    5. 在此期间,新组织必须按以下顺序完成:    
      1. 新学生组织:完成 足彩外围网站新生组织兴趣表.
      2. 完成 组织登记表格 (总统).
        1. 提交组织官员/会员名册 
        2. 提交组织章程(查看此) 章程及附例样本) 
    6. 完成所有 ODC模块 (仅限总裁及司库) 
    7. 所有学生干事必须填写 学生组织主任确认表格.
    8. 顾问必须填写 顾问确认表格.
    9. CSI将审核所有提交的表格  
    10. If all forms 和 ODC模块 are submitted correctly 和 reviewed by the indicated deadline on 存在, recognition for the Spring semester will be granted 和 the new student organization can make use of recognition benefits. 
    11. 如果表单或ODC模块的某些方面不完整, CSI将拒绝表格,直到他们成功地满足所有要求.    
    12. 如果错过了完成所有表单和ODC模块的识别截止日期, the organization will not be recognized 和 must wait until the next recognition period during the following academic year.  

    2. CSI will notify student organizations who gained/maintained recognition if they need to make changes to their rosters (due to newly elected officers or changes in membership or advisors) that they can do so by first completing the 组织主任更改表格. This form will provide additional steps that need to be taken to complete the transition.  
    3. This step helps ensure new officers are in place before the semester starts 和 allows the student organization to maintain its recognition. 
    4. The notification will indicate a deadline by which the officer/advisor transition needs to be completed.   
    5. CSI将审查和批准所有学生组织的更新.  
    6. 一旦所有更新被CSI审核并批准, the student organization will maintain its recognition status 和 may make use of its benefits, 包括但不限于举办学生组织会议和活动. 

    2. 除了开会之外 组织发展课程 要求并提交所有必需的学生组织认可表格, student organizations must adhere to the following requirements in order to gain 和 maintain University recognition: 
    3. Student organization officers must meet all University eligibility requirements for student officers, 和 all faculty 和 staff advisors must meet University eligibility requirements for advisors. 
    4. Student organization officers are responsible for maintaining the financial solvency of the organization in accordance with all University policies 和 程序. 更多信息请参考 ICSUAM 3141.学生组织经费管理.  
    5. 根据 禁止歧视政策, 骚扰, 不正当的性行为, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 和报复(非歧视政策), 加州大学洛杉矶分校 fraternities 和 sororities seeking or maintaining university recognition will be required to have 100% of their members complete the 不正当的性行为 Prevention & 资源培训(SMPRT)在线状态模块. The President 和 Treasurer of Non-Greek clubs 和 organizations will be required to complete the SMPRT module as part of the ODC requirement. 对于希腊字母组织的认可要求, 请与兄弟会和姐妹会生活协调员联系 (电子邮件保护)
    6. 报告对名称的任何修改, 宪法, 和章程, 或者你组织的新官员到学生参与中心.  All revisions 和 changes must be made in accordance with the 程序 prescribed within your existing 宪法 和章程.  A revised copy of your 宪法 和章程 must be submitted to the 学生参与中心 on 存在.  
    7. All student organizations at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 that are affiliated with national or international umbrella organizations or headquarters must remain in good st和ing with those entities to maintain University recognition.  例如, organizations that are suspended by their national or international headquarters will have their University recognition suspended as well. 
    8. 遵守大学的所有政策和程序 学生组织手册第6节.

    For any questions regarding gaining or maintaining your organization's recognition at 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 请电邮至 (电子邮件保护)


    加州大学洛杉矶分校 recognizes student clubs or organizations affiliated with a national scholastic honor society under the category 大学主办机构. 大学主办机构, 不像学生组织, 邀请会员的基础上,学术成就和可能需要的技能为基础, 能力倾向测试要求,如最低平均绩点, 学科, 单位要求或分类(描述为上层划分), 较低的部门, 研究生, 等.). 大学赞助组织必须遵守所有足彩外围网站, CSU系统范围的政策, 程序, 与指导方针相一致 EO 1068.

    It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Advisor or Department to complete all the requirements for chartering 和 recognition from the campus. Formally chartered 和 recognized 大学主办机构 will be afforded all benefits 和 opportunities as provided to recognized student organizations. Membership may be defined by the affiliation with the national scholastic honor society; 然而, no students in 大学主办机构 can be denied membership on the basis of the nondiscrimination statement.


    All C和idate (new) 和 Incumbent (returning) officers of the organization must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements established for Minor Student Representatives 和 Student Officers per 犯罪现场组第1068号行政命令 和 AP 802.   在完成 学生组织主任确认表格, officers, through their signature, provide consent to disclose student academic records.  表格上列出的陈述如下:

    根据1974年《足彩外围网站》的规定, 和 the Statement of Student Rights 和 Responsibilities of 加州州立大学, 洛杉矶, my signature gives permission to the Registrar’s Office at 加州州立大学, 在洛杉矶向主任发布学术信息, 学生参与中心, 足彩外围网站我的G.P.A. 并且是足彩外围网站的在读或在读学生.  All academic information gathered on behalf of the 学生参与中心 will be used for enrollment 和 G.P.A. purposes only per the Student Organization 官的资格 Requirements listed in the 学生组织手册, 并对他严格保密.

    如果您对本次发布的学术信息有任何疑问, 请与学生参与中心联系.

    • 必须被足彩外围网站录取吗.
    • Must be in good st和ing 和 must not be on academic, disciplinary, or administrative probation. 
    • 本科生必须保持最低总成绩2分.每学期平均绩点为0. 
    • 研究生必须保持至少3.每学期的平均绩点为0分,被认为是良好的.

    • 本科生在任职期间每学期必须修满六(6)个学分.
    • Graduate 和 credential students must earn three (3) semester units per term while holding office. 

    • Under研究生s are allowed to earn a maximum of 150 semester units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, 取较大的.
    • Graduate 和 credential students are allowed to earn a maximum of 50 semester units or 167 percent of the units required for the graduate or credential objective, 取较大的.
    • 学生 holding more than this number of units are ineligible for holding student organization officer positions.

    学生参与中心, 与大学注册办公室合作, will conduct eligibility verification for president 和 treasurer positions every semester. This review process will be initiated after the completion of data collection from the 学生组织主任确认表格s that are required to be submitted.

    如果任何官员被认为不符合资格, they will be notified by CSI after the University's census date regarding their status. 在这种情况下, 不符合条件的官员必须尽快离开他们的职位, 或在CSI规定的期限内完成. This is crucial to maintain the organization's recognition 和 the benefits that come with that status.

    It is important for student organization members to keep track of their eligibility 和 ensure they meet the criteria to hold their positions, 以避免对其组织的地位产生任何负面影响.  不符合资格的学生组织官员应参阅 人事变动指引.





    Each officially recognized student organization must have a university advisor who is either a faculty member or professional staff member who is an employee of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 or one of its auxiliaries. 兼职教师和专业人员可以担任顾问. The Vice President of Student Life or designee may remove an advisor from their student organization-related responsibilities as needed to ensure that the educational purpose of student organizations is met, 或者是为了学生的健康, 安全, 和福利. Student organizations may have an advisory board composed of community members or alumni, 然而, 至少一名顾问必须是足彩外围网站的教职员工或专业工作人员. 

    CSI,符合 犯罪现场组第1068号行政命令, conducts student organization advisor eligibility reviews 和 provides advisors with updated information 和 training on how to serve as an advisor.  For more information regarding advisor eligibility requirements 和 resources 请电邮至 323-343-5110.  


    加州州立大学, 洛杉矶重申其对所有个人机会平等的承诺. This commitment requires that no discrimination shall occur in any program or activity of the University on the basis of race or ethnicity (including color, 种姓, 和血统), 宗教(或宗教信仰), 国籍, 公民身份, 年龄, 医疗条件, 遗传信息, 性别(或性), 性别认同(包括非二元或跨性别), 性别表达, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 退伍军人或军人身份, 或残疾(身体或精神上的), or any other legally protected classification that precludes a person from consideration as an individual.

    进一步, the University’s commitment requires that no retaliation shall occur because an individual filed a complaint of discrimination or 骚扰 or some other way opposed discriminatory practices, 或参与与该投诉有关的调查. 这一政策符合1964年民权法案第七章的规定, 修订的, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 修订的, 1973年康复法案第503和504条, 《1990年美国残疾人法案, 修订的, 1974年的《越战老兵调整法案, 相关的联邦和州法律, 以及有关的行政法规和行政命令.

    如果你觉得自己是歧视的受害者, 骚扰, 或者报复你与学校的关系, 请与 平等和多样性办公室.  Your concern will be treated confidentially to the extent the law permits considered carefully 和 investigated promptly.  如有需要,将采取纠正措施.  我们不会因为你的善意投诉而对你采取任何行动. 


    加州大学洛杉矶分校 is fortunate to have a variety of over 100 recognized student organizations on campus.  Organizations are categorized to better communicate their general purposes 和 activities to interested students.  学生参与中心 describes organizations as belonging to one of the following categories:

    • 学术
    • 文化
    • 兄弟会
    • 大学主办的组织/国家荣誉协会
    • 政治
    • 专业
    • 休闲/健康
    • 宗教/精神
    • 服务
    • 社会
    • 联谊会
    • 特殊利益

    CSI, 还有几个校内系, has determined that sports clubs/club sports require significant time from personnel to monitor the health 和 安全 of the participants during practices 和 tournaments.  In addition, the role of the advisor/coach is far more extensive than for a non-sports club. 同样的, 设备的缺乏, 适当的设施, 保险费用, 旅行经费也必须考虑在内. 考虑到这些因素,足彩外围网站不承认体育俱乐部.