课程用户帮助指南 & Training

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Your User Account

  • 开始吧:请按照下面的步骤 help guide (pdf) 来创建您的用户帐户, activate the single-sign-on (SSO) access, and to set up your notification preference on Curriculog.
  • For changes on an existing account, please contact the 你们学院的课程分析员
  • 如果您收到502坏网关错误信息,请按照页面上的说明操作 ITS webpage 清除浏览器历史记录. A 可下载指南(pdf) is also available.


A user may have more than one role in the curriculum process workflow. 理解这一点很重要 你的角色和责任. The guide tells you what you can or cannot do on Curriculog.

(last update:2023.01.31)

Q: 我应该使用哪一份建议书表格?

A: Please select the type of proposal and follow the links below: 

Q: 如何撤回/删除建议书?

A: A proposal can be withdrawn on any of these steps: Originator, Department Chair, 学院初步评审, 和学院副院长. 

  • 这些步骤的决策者通过选择decision选项卡上的[CANCEL]向系统管理员提交取消请求.
  • Upon approval of the cancellation request, 提交请求的人需要在提案中取消和删除请求.

Q: What are the circumstances that a proposal needs to be cancelled?

A:  When: 

  • 它从一个错误的形式开始;
  • 它没有启动,并且在过去的处理周期中位于[我的提案]选项卡下
  • 在发射前(在A区完成时)交替填充数据。 
  • it is unfinished and/or late for the intended process timeline
  • the accompanying proposal (for example: 交叉上市过程s) is missing;
  • 这是一个重复的提案; 
  • 发生意外技术问题;
  • upon request of the department, the college, or the system administrator 

Q: 为了准备我的提案,我如何提前查找课程/项目的课程资料?

A: 表格3A和3B允许您在课程日志上收集课程数据或计划课程,以便在正式提交实际提案之前准备您的提案以供部门内部讨论. If you have questions about using Form 3A or 3B, contact 你们学院的课程分析员 for assistance.

Q: Which proposal forms must import curriculum data? 我可以将已存档的提案中的信息复制和粘贴到新提案中吗?

A: Other than the new course and new program proposal forms, 所有修改表单都需要导入数据,以确保您的提案加载了最新的数据.

课程模型由80多个字段组成, 导入数据到提案大约需要2分钟,没有使用过时信息的风险.

Q: What if I altered the populated data prior to launch?

A: 追踪会被打乱. Your proposal will be rejected regardless at any step. 您将准备取消提案,重新启动新表单,并花费2分钟导入数据. 不要试图绕过. 如果你不确定,可以向学校的课程分析员寻求帮助.

Q: I cannot locate the proposal I created earlier, can I create a duplicate?

A: Go to the “My proposals” tab and you will find your proposals there.  对于同一流程周期,同一课程(或同一项目)只允许提交一份提案. 如果您为同一门课程创建了多个提案,您必须决定保留哪一个. 课程不结合提案.

Q: 我的提案错过了最终决定的EPC步骤的时间表. Can I recycle it for the next curriculum cycle? 我不想从头再来.

A: Unfinished proposals cannot be recycled. The effective term cannot be changed in the forms, and the fields are mapped to be exported to the upcoming catalog. In addition, new fields may be added as per the CO’s request; or some fields may get obsoleted/replaced for the new cycle.

Q: Before the new cycle starts, can I take a look at the new forms?

A: New cycle begins in the Spring semester each year. 感恩节前后,UGS将新表格的pdf文件发布在UGS网站上,供教师预览. Check out the Template for Proposal section.

Q: I cannot edit my proposal after I make the decision, why? 

A: Making a decision is sending your proposal away from your step. Once the proposal is left your step, you are done with the proposal.  当前步骤的审稿人可以根据您的书面请求进行编辑, or reject (send back) the proposal to you for edit. 

Q: 我还有其他问题没有在这里回答,我该去哪里找你

A: 如果是课程问题, 你需要联系你的系主任和/或学院的副院长. 如果你有课程方面的问题. 你第一个要找的人是 你们学院的课程分析员. 要解决技术问题,可能需要故障排除支持票据.  请参阅下面的“提交故障排除支持票据”选项卡了解说明.

Once 您已登录 Curriculog,您将看到的第一个屏幕是 My Dashboard.

仪表板是您进入curuculog的门户,允许您管理您的提案,并一目了然地查看最近的通知和即将发生的事件. 熟悉这些图标有助于理解提案表单的功能和提案状态.

The Walk Me Thru tutorial is located at the lower right corner of My Dashboard. 



  • Login to Curriculog
  • Tap on Walk Me Thru 调出菜单. To close the menu, tab on the X on the upper right of the menu. (参考上图)
  •  Select either the Help tab

Use keyword to search for related topics



  • 在搜索窗口中输入以下关键字之一,即可调出与该关键字相关的主题: 
    • Self-Training,
    • Proposals,
    • Agendas
  • 或者,向下滚动滚动条以查找您感兴趣的主题




  • 面向所有用户的主题
    • Send message regarding a proposal (video)
    • 用户账号模块(视频)
    • 运行报告(引导气泡)
    • 报告模块(视频)
  • 发起人主题
    • 创建新提案(引导气泡)
    • 编辑提案(引导气泡)
    • 前瞻性课程(视频)
    • Review edits to proposal / tracking changes (guiding bubble)
    • 将提案添加到您的观看列表(视频)
  • 审稿人主题
    • 对议程的决定(引导泡沫)
    • Provide a decision on a proposal and enter a comment (video)
  • 议程管理员的主题
    • 创建和管理议程(视频)


(last update:2023.01.31)

  • Originators are strongly recommended to follow the built-in help guide Walk Me Thru.  请参阅上面的标签.
  • Open 网络研讨会和私人培训课程 都是可用的. Please refer to the 课程培训工作坊 tab below on this page.


  • Check out 您将使用哪种提案表格.
  • Tap on the [+ New Proposal] button. 选择建议类型: Courses, Programs, or Others (non-Curriculum项目)
  • 选择您需要的提案表格.
  • 到你选择的最右边, 将鼠标悬停在图标上以预览表单,并确保选择正确. Once confirmed, tap on the check mark to start the proposal. Note: at this point, 您可以通过键入前缀或课程代码将数据导入您的提案, 或者使用程序标题的关键字来拉出选择列表以进行预览. Once your selection is confirmed, tap on the build proposal button. Loading of the data takes about one minute.
  • 一旦提案公开, 请按照A区的简单说明操作 and complete Area A.  Notes for course mod and course deletion originators: run an impact report now. You must inform the impacted department before you proceed further. Upload the impact report and the communications to the proposal. 
  • Save your work. 检查工作流程的准确性(在您提案的右侧),并根据需要进行更正. Once the entries in Area A are validated, tap on the 验证和启动 button. Notes: Before you launch the proposal, never proceed to Area B or any further. Always read and follow the instruction in the proposal.


  • If you used a wrong form -请取消这个提议. 请参阅下面的FAQ部分.
  • 如果您在启动提案之前更改了填充的数据-请取消提案并在新表单上重新开始. 
  • 如果课程是或将是 交叉上市过程 -请稍候,以便同时提交对应课程的建议书.
  • Proposals that you started are listed under the [My Proposals] tab.
  • Proposals that are pending your decision are listed under the [My Tasks] tab.
  • 缺少工作流时间轴? 在你离开之前,向你的部门和副院长征求许可.

(last update:2023.11.17)

这一部分是为 Chairs, 学院副院长, and the 大学课程分析员.


  • The 课程角色和职责 指南指定了作为课程日志上的议程管理员可以做什么和不能做什么.
  • For each committee meeting, you are expected to: 
  1. keep the process transparent to the campus
  2. perform the following tasks for each committee meeting:
    • create an agenda, 列出议程(见下文), and load the agenda with proposals for review and decisions; 
    • 确保至少有50%的委员会成员打开了提案(名称旁边的灰色气泡打开后会变成白色). Encourage the members to vote, but it is up to them to remain idle.
    • 在委员会阶段,代表委员会作出最终决定;  
    • 在为下次会议创建一个新的议程之前,总是要存档(关闭)旧的议程. 你将无法将未完成的事情转移到新的议程上,直到旧的议程没有 archived.


在线教程 Walk Me Thru 可下载的 quick references will be your resources to perform your role.


  • Refer to the Walk Me Thru tab above on this page to access the tutorials. 
  • 在搜索窗口中输入“Agenda”.




The agenda title cannot be changed once it is published and/or archived. 在课程日志上的数百个议程中寻找你的议程可能太麻烦了. The only way is to organize your agendas by following the 议程命名约定 (in CAPS).



(last update:2023.01.31)

Your Role

  • 当提案到达您的步骤时,等待您的决定,它将显示在 My Tasks tab.
  • You need to review these proposals, make comments, and vote.  Your decision alone does not move the proposal. The agenda administrator moves proposals based on the committee’s decision.
  • 如果你在多个委员会工作,或者你在课程管理中有多个角色,请使用 Advanced Filter 整理提案. 选择你的委员会 Current Step Name 拉动各自的提案.
Advanced Filter


  • Hover over the proposal that you selected for review. Click and open it. 
  • 如果您收到了议程通知,则可以从议程中拉出已组织好的提案.  点击通知中的链接. 查看议程并选择一个提案.



You have 2 options to vote: either bulk approval or 在提案内投票.

  1. Bulk approval -当您没有对提案输入任何评论时,选择您想要批准的提案.  
  1. 在提案内投票 - when you will open a proposal to review and make comments.


(last update:2023.02.28)

Your 大学课程分析员 当你有任何一般课程或课程方面的问题和问题时,第一个去找的人是谁, 例如:单点登录用户帐号, 设置通知首选项, 将访问级别更改为课程日志,  更新委员会成员身份, GE粉单咨询流程, 创建提案的访问权限, not sure which proposal template to use, 运行影响报告, 上传提案附件, 检查提案状态, adding new courses to a program proposal, 修改程序模式, 在课程上创建一个议程, 查阅课程资料, 调出存档提案, and etc. 

如果问题是技术性的, 例如重复的用户帐户, unable to make decision or comments on a proposal, 提案在工作流程上卡住了, 偶然提出了一个建议, 你必须提交一份 课程和故障排除支持 ticket.  Please remember to indicate your full name and department. 我们需要与您的主席和/或学院课程分析师核实您的访问级别. 



大学目录或GET上的所有课程修改或更新都在课程日志上进行处理, 课程管理系统. 在你做提案之前, 如果你不经常使用课程日志,我们鼓励你参加培训工作坊. 

Open Webinars

  • Live training sessions are about 20 to 30 minutes each.
  • Training schedule is posted on Curriculog, under Upcoming Events.
  • 无须注册. 加入任何选定的网络研讨会 Zoom (http://calstatela.zoom.us/j/3939120379, Meeting ID: 393 912 0379, Passcode: 7373).


  • 私人团体训练, either online or in person, can be offered. 请将您的请求发送到 你们学院的课程分析员.
  • At least 3 participants are required to form a group.  Participants can be a group from multiple departments.
  • 每节课约45-60分钟. Up to two sessions can be scheduled together.
  • Here is 推荐主题列表 面向各方面用户.

(please visit again as we continue to add new checklists)



