Outstanding Professors 2002-2003

October 1, 2003

Cal State L.A. Outstanding Professors

2002-2003 Announced


Los Angeles, CA—加州州立大学命名为洛杉矶分校 2002-2003 OUTSTANDING PROFESSORS at the University’s Fall Faculty Day. Those honored were: Daphne Der-Fen Liu数学教授(圣盖博居民); Majdedin Mirmirani机械工程教授(Rancho Palos Verdes居民); Sunil K. Sapra, professor of economics and statistics (Arcadia resident); and Penelope Semrau, professor of education (Pasadena resident). 这些奖项主要是颁发给教学优秀的学生, 但在学术探究或创造力方面,人们期望取得重大成就, professional activities, and service to the campus and community.


As part of the annual faculty tradition, Judith Hamera, Cal State L.A. professor of speech communication (Los Angeles-90046 resident), was selected as the recipient of the PRESIDENT’S DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR AWARD. This award recognizes superlative teaching and exceptional commitment to students as well as professional accomplishments and services. Only those professors who have previously been selected as Outstanding Professors are eligible for this award.


A reception in honor of these outstanding professors was held today at the Cal State L.A. University Club.


Daphne Der-Fen Liu,自然与社会科学学院数学系教授
Daphne Liu, a CSULA faculty member since 1991, has taught a wide range of courses—23 different subjects ranging from general education through graduate courses—and supervised more than a dozen graduate and undergraduate students in direct study courses. She has been instrumental in designing an upper division course on graph theory as well as an important core requirement course on discrete mathematics. 她还是数学专业的首席研究生导师, 为超过60万名员工提供咨询和监督服务.S. students. 刘是台湾国立中山大学的客座教授, Academic Sinica, and the National Chiao Tung University. 她目前指导两名硕士生的论文. Liu received her B.S. 在台湾国立中央大学获得博士学位.D. 来自哥伦比亚南卡罗来纳大学.

他的一些主要专业成果包括20多篇出版物, 其中一些发表在她研究领域最负盛名的期刊上. 她在专业会议上做了40多次演讲, 国内和国际的讲习班和机构, 包括受邀在牛津大学发表演讲, Simon Fraser University, Rutgers University, and Caltech. 她为她所在领域的主要研究期刊撰写了许多研究论文, 并担任NSF拨款提案的审稿人. Liu is the recipient of two prestigious National Science Foundation research grants.


她的研究涉及理论和应用, with a main focus on graph coloring problems including their interplay with number theory and their applications to broadcast communications, such as TV or radio channel assignments. For three consecutive years, Liu served as the final judge for a prestigious annual international contest for undergraduate students in her discipline.


At the university level, 她曾在学院政策委员会任职, Educational Policy Committee, and the Academic Senate. Systemwide, she has been serving as the faculty mentor for the CSU Collaborative Academic Preparation Initiative Program since 2002.


Majdedin Mirmirani, Professor of Mechanical Engineering - College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology

Majdedin Mirmirani is currently serving his third term as his department chairperson while maintaining a very active, full-time research program. 自1981年以来,他一直是CSULA的教员.


Mirmirani在他的课程中使用基于问题的学习来促进批判性思维. He challenges students on the first day of class with an open-ended real world problem: by solving this type of problem, he says, his students learn all the required theories.

Mirmirani’s professional achievements include 40 publications in top-ranked journals and proceedings of conferences in his research field, book chapters, and various technical reports and briefs. He is the principal investigator or co-PI on external research grants that exceed $13 million.


Over the past eight years, Mirmirani’s research had focused on the design and construction of a testbed for large segmented telescopes. 他目前的研究是由美国国家航空航天局和美国宇航局资助的.S. Air Force, 专注于多学科设计工具的开发, modeling and simulation of high-performance aircraft such as NASA’s air-breathing hypersonic air vehicle, 智能飞控律与气动弹性设计. All of his research projects directly involve the participation of undergraduate and graduate students.

马诺莫尼曾在加州州立大学各级学术管理部门任职.A., 包括担任校历特设委员会主席, 在奖励和休假委员会任职,并在各种搜索委员会任职. 他目前是Pi Tau Sigma的指导老师, CSULA机械工程学生荣誉社团, 他还资助了几位博士预科奖学金获得者.


Mirmirani received his B.S. 在伊朗德黑兰理工学院获得机械工程硕士学位.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering specializing in dynamic systems and control from UC Berkeley.


Sunil K. Sapra工商经济学院经济学与统计学教授

Sunil K. Sapra, who earned his B.S. from the University of Delhi, India, M.A. 来自印度德里经济学院,以及他的两个硕士学位.Phil. and Ph.D. from Columbia University, 在人口普查局获得了著名的ASA/NSF/人口普查研究奖学金, U.S. 商务部,华盛顿特区,1989年.


Since joining CSULA in 1991, Sapra has been extremely active in teaching and research. 他教过各种各样的经济学课程, econometrics, and statistics, including business statistics, and international economics. A popular teacher on campus, Sapra一直在他所有的课程中获得最高的教学评价.

萨普拉的研究重点是数据缺失问题, nonlinear statistical and econometric models, robust statistical procedures, duration data analysis, and semi-parametric econometrics. His research on some econometric problems is considered pioneering by other researchers in his field. He has published more than 50 articles in some of the most prestigious statistics and econometrics journals. His research in econometrics and statistics has also been cited in top journals in these fields as well as in a widely-used volume on statistical distributions. 他是该杂志编辑委员会的成员 InterStat他是几家计量经济学和统计学期刊的审稿人. He has made presentations at national and international conferences and has been a chair and a discussant at these conferences.


Sapra’s university service includes chairing the Innovative Instruction Awards Committee and serving on the Scheduling Modules Task Force and Academic Senate. 他是校际商业衔接委员会的成员, which includes faculty from the UC, CSU, and Community College campuses.


Penelope Semrau, Professor of Education - Charter College of Education-Division of Educational Foundations and Interdivisional Studies

今年9月,佩内洛普·塞姆劳开始了她在加州州立大学L分校的第16个教学年.A. Semrau, professor of instructional technology, 教授本科生和研究生在教育中使用计算机. Her classes, 包括多媒体设计和制作, Authoring Tools in Education, 以及课堂上的信息技术, 使用尖端技术和建构主义的学习方法.

塞姆劳是加州州立大学L分校电子学习浪潮的先驱.A. 她是科罗拉多州立大学系统中第一批在线教学的教授之一, 她在1994年教授了她的第一堂在线课程. Because of such accomplishments, in 1998 she was invited to teach in Hamburg, Germany, on the topic of online learning.


Semrau has amassed an impressive record of publications, presentations, and 30 grants. She is currently the principal investigator and director of a project funded by the National Security Agency. She has authored the books, Using Interactive Video in Education and MacArt她的作品被收录在教育选集中. Her many articles and book reviews have been published in prestigious journals in her field, including Educational Technology and The Computing Teacher.


Semrau served as the associate director for the University’s Center for Effective Teaching, helping Cal State L.A. 教师与他们的技术和教学需求. She was appointed to the University WASC Technology Committee, which worked to obtain Cal State L.A.’s full accreditation status. 她发起并协调了KCET/加州州立大学L.A. Student Internship Program, providing real world opportunities for CSULA media technology students.


Semrau received her B.S.E. from University of Wisconsin, Whitewater; M.S. from Illinois State University, Normal; and Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Before pursuing a university career, 她在威斯康辛州的公立学校教艺术, as a muralist, was featured in Time magazine and on national TV news. 她也曾是电台的音乐节目主持人, a university photographer, a multimedia consultant, a proposal reviewer, a textbook reviewer, journal editor, and a project evaluator.


Judith Hamera文学院言语交际学教授

现任文学院代理副院长, Professor Judith Hamera is the recipient of the President’s Distinguished Professor Award for 2004.

Since 1987, when she arrived at Cal State L.A., Hamera has taught nine different graduate seminars and 15 undergraduate courses across two departments -- the Department of Communication Studies and the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance. Her significantly superior student evaluations have addressed Hamera’s professionalism, 她的课程要求具有挑战性, her caring attitude, and how much they learned. Hamera的教学理念是提供挑战, intellectually stimulating and highly motivating courses to every student who enters her classroom. 她提供了一个通过卓越来促进成长的环境, articulate and thoughtful guidance.


Hamera’s major professional achievements include more than 30 book chapters and articles in prestigious national and international journals in her field, 并在国内和国际会议上发表了40多次演讲. Hamera是众多专业奖项和荣誉的获得者, including her selection as co-editor of the most definitive reference work in her field and as recipient of the highest award for outstanding scholarship by the national organization in this discipline. Hamera has served as the editor of Text and Performance Quarterly, a major peer-reviewed national journal. She is the recipient of the 1996 Cal State L.A. Outstanding Professor Award.


哈梅拉曾在各级学术管理机构任职, 曾任两个系的系主任和代理系主任. She served two terms on the Academic Senate, 曾在大学教职员政策委员会任职, 是联邦政府资助的两项主要机构资助的共同负责人, 并撰写了学校的通讯守则. 她是大学标题III:改善机构补助金的主任.


Hamera received her B.A. from Wayne State University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Northwestern University.


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