


Six 加州大学洛杉矶分校 faculty members were recognized for excellence in teaching 和 outst和ing achievements during the 2018 Fall Convocation at the Luckman Fine Arts Complex.

The four Outst和ing Professor recipients 和 an Outst和ing Lecturer recipient were honored for significant achievement in scholarly inquiry or creativity, 以及专业活动和社区服务.

A President’s Distinguished Professor Award was presented to a previous outst和ing professor recipient. This award acknowledges the faculty member’s superlative teaching 和 exceptional commitment to students, 以及专业的成就和服务.

秋季毕业典礼庆祝新学年的开始. 在8月17日的活动中, Veena Prabhu教授, 学术委员会主席, 欢迎来宾并介绍34位新教员.

六位得奖者由Leila Ricci教授介绍, 杰出教授奖委员会主席. 每个收件人都列在下面,并有特色 YouTube.


达芙妮刘 是自然与社会科学学院的数学教授. She is also a co-investigator for the NASA Data Intensive Research 和 Education Center for STEM at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 

Liu came to the university in 1991 和 is a highly regarded researcher in graph theory. 她的研究涉及理论和应用, 主要关注图形着色的主题, including their interplay with number theory 和 topology as well as their applications to broadcast communications.

三项著名的国家科学基金会研究资助的接受者, 他撰写或合作撰写了近50篇研究论文, some of which appeared in the most prestigious journals in her research field. In addition, she has given numerous presentations as well as plenary 和 featured talks worldwide.

Liu is recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Teaching Award presented by the Mathematical Association of America Southern California 和 Nevada Section, which recognized her extraordinary teaching 和 mentoring efforts that have made a great impact on her students. 

刘曾在台湾和中国的研究机构做访问学者. 她得了B.S. 获得台湾国立中央大学数学博士学位.D. 哥伦比亚南卡罗来纳大学数学专业毕业. 刘是圣盖博的居民. 


娜娜·劳森·布什,弗吉尼亚 is a professor of 教育al leadership 和 administration in the Division of Applied 和 Advanced Studies in Education, 是特许教育学院的一部分吗.

He is also a professor of Pan-African studies in the College of Natural 和 Social Sciences. He was formerly director of the 加州大学洛杉矶分校-UC Irvine Joint Doctoral Program in Urban Educational Leadership.

布什 is recognized as a leading expert on the relationship between Black mothers 和 their sons, 美国黑人独立机构的发展.S.以及黑人男孩和男人的理论化. 他的研究已经成为家庭的框架和指南, 项目, 以及全国各地的组织.

布什已经出版了四本书,其中包括 The Plan: A Guide for Women Raising African American Boys from Conception to College 计划工作手册,发表学术论文31篇. 最值得注意的是,他和他的兄弟爱德华. 布什, which was the first comprehensive theory concerning Black boys 和 men called African American Male Theory (AAMT).

作为丰塔纳的居民,布什获得了博士学位.D. 克莱蒙特研究生院人类发展与教育专业毕业.  

雷·德·莱昂 is a professor of kinesiology in the Rongxiang Xu College of Health 和 Human Services. 他也是运动机能学和营养科学学院的主任.

脊髓损伤运动疗法方面的专家, de Leon pioneered the use of robotic devices for gait rehabilitation in rodent models. His findings led to the development of new devices used to treat paralysis after spinal cord injury 和 stroke. 作为格伦代尔的居民,德莱昂获得了博士学位.D. 加州大学洛杉矶分校的生理科学博士.

他已经获得了总额超过4美元的资助.200万年, 支持了80多名足彩外围网站学生的研究项目, 他在顶级期刊上发表了50多篇论文, 如 神经科学杂志《足彩外围网站》.

他是足彩外围网站移动中心的创始人, which has helped more than 300 people with disabilities get access to exercise therapy.

He also helped develop Rehabilitation 和 Therapeutic Exercise curriculum in kinesiology. This curriculum emphasizes community 服务 和 has received multiple awards 和 special recognition from Congress, 加州议会和洛杉矶市. 

迪翁埃斯皮诺萨 是文理学院文科教授. 她也是性别和性行为研究中心的主任.

Espinoza’s research documents the involvement of Chicanas in the Chicano Civil Rights Movement. She has published essays on this topic 和 has co-edited two books: the award-winning Enriqueta Vasquez和墨西哥裔美国人运动:来自El Grito del Norte的作品墨西哥电影:运动时代行动主义与女权主义的新叙事. 她目前正在修改她的手稿 青铜女性:西南奇卡诺人运动中的奇卡诺人激进主义.

埃斯皮诺萨曾在 阿兹特兰:墨西哥裔研究杂志. She teaches courses on Chicana/Latina 和 Latin American women’s movements; comparative race/ethnicity, class, 和 性别 studies; 和 Chicanas/Latinas in U.S. 社会.

She led the development 和 expansion of women’s 和 性别 studies as chair of the advisory committee for women’s 和 性别 studies, 女性学士学位后证书的作者, 性别, 以及性研究, 作为首任女性, 性别, 以及性研究. 

她是科维纳的居民,获得了博士学位.D. 康奈尔大学英语专业毕业.

ChorSwang Ngin 是自然与社会科学学院的人类学教授. She is the founder of the university’s Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian 和 Asian American Studies. She has served as chair of the Anthropology department 和 as director of the Asian 和 Asian American Studies Program.

Ngin has conducted research in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, 和 the United States. Her research has also focused on Vietnamese in refugee camps in Southeast Asia.

她曾担任世界卫生组织的顾问, 联合国难民事务高级专员, 世界银行, 兰德, 几个学区, 以及美国的各种专业组织.S. 足彩外围网站文化,种族,种族主义,民族和身份.

Ngin撰写了二十多篇期刊文章,书籍章节和mé还有二十多份足彩外围网站寻求庇护者的机密报告. 她的书, 在美国受审的身份:来自亚洲的寻求庇护者,将于2018年8月上映.

富勒顿的居民, she has served for more than two decades on the Orange County Human Relations Council 和 for a decade on the Sheriff’s Community Coalition. Ngin拥有博士学位.D. 加州大学戴维斯分校的社会文化人类学博士.


霍华德亮度 is a lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering in the College of Engineering, 计算机科学, 和技术.

杜阿尔特居民, Lum completed his graduate study in structural 工程 at the University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校. 他是一名持牌土木工程师和结构工程师.

2008年起在足彩外围网站任教, Lum integrates his teaching with practical applications by partnering with agencies 如 Los Angeles County, L.A. 地铁和加州交通局,高级设计顶点项目. He implements design 和 project management practices in classrooms to prepare students for their jobs after graduation.

He has received multi-year teaching awards in “Connecting Practice with Education” from the National Council of Examiners for Engineering 和 Surveying, 他是Chi Epsilon荣誉教员.

Lum’s current research has focused on earthquake response 和 rehabilitation of critical lifelines. He has authored papers 和 presented in technical conferences on his field of expertise.

Lum is the design unit manager for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 他在哪里帮助设计水工结构, 水力泵站, 隧道, 管道和公路桥梁.

照片:坐, 从左到右, 霍华德亮度, 迪翁埃斯皮诺萨, 娜娜·劳森·布什,弗吉尼亚, ChorSwang Ngin, 雷·德·莱昂, 和刘达妮. 从左至右依次站着:维娜·普拉布、莱拉·利玛窦、威廉·A·奥巴马总统. 科维诺和林恩·马奥尼教务长. (来源:J. 埃米利奥·弗洛雷斯(足彩外围网站)

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加州州立大学, Los Angeles is the premier comprehensive public university in the heart of Los Angeles. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is ranked number one in the United States for the upward mobility of its students. 足彩外围网站致力于参与, 服务, 公共利益, 提供国家认可的科学项目, 艺术, 业务, 刑事司法, 工程, 护理, 教育, 人文学科. 成立于1947年, 大学的学生人数超过28人,现有学生人数超过245人,000名杰出校友.

足彩外围网站是广受好评的卢克曼美术综合体的所在地, 帕特·布朗公共事务研究所, 赫茨伯格-戴维斯法医科学中心, 氢研究和燃料设施, 比利·简·金体育中心和电视, 电影与媒体中心. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.CalStateLA.edu.
