加州大学洛杉矶分校 researchers use data visualization, AI in fight against COVID-19



加州大学洛杉矶分校 researchers are joining the fight against COVID-19, developing tools that government officials and health care workers can use to make decisions during the global pandemic.

在过去的一个月中, 因为冠状病毒病例在美国各地不断升级, 足彩外围网站的教师团队, 学生 and staff have focused their academic research on areas that can help with the response to the pandemic.

Researchers in the College of Business and Economics created an 交互式数据可视化仪表板 that forecasts the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths by region in the U.S. 在世界各地. A faculty-student team 工程、计算机科学与技术学院 developed a 预测模型 using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning that determines COVID-19 patient health risks and predicts mortality risk to help hospitals and medical facilities.

“我赞扬我们的教员, 学生, and staff for their continued dedication to engagement and 服务 for the public good during this difficult and uncertain period,足彩外围网站校长威廉. Covino.

执行副校长兼教务长Jose A. Gomez added: “These research contributions exemplify the commitment of our entire University community as we work together to fulfill 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s mission amid this pandemic.”

Dalya (Manatova) Dauletbak, a 2019 graduate of the Master of Science in Information Systems program in the College of Business and Economics, 是受到 约翰霍普金斯大学的COVID-19地图 and wanted to develop a simple tool to help people better understand the COVID-19 situation in their regions, while also making it easier to make comparisons with other geographical areas.

仪表板, 采用Tableau数据可视化软件开发, allows users to filter by state or region of interest and to see the trends of confirmed and forecasted new cases as well as deaths over time, 哪些对资源规划有帮助, Dauletbak说.

The tool sources data from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University and is updated automatically daily.

“I believe that help can be found on different scales and from different domains, and even a small opportunity to help during this outbreak means a lot to me,道莱特巴克说, who works as an information security data analyst at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. “Keeping people informed with the correct data is one of the keys to flattening the curve.”

Dauletbak是 大数据人工智能中心, which is housed in the Department of Information Systems in the College of Business and Economics. Dauletbak worked on the project under the direction of Professor Jongwook Woo, a faculty member in the department and director of the 大数据人工智能中心.

“Technology has developed to make the lives of human beings easier and safer,” Woo said. “I am proud that the 大数据人工智能中心 can use big data to contribute to the community quickly with the knowledge that people need now in this crisis.”

The rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world and lack of sufficient medical resources prompted College of Engineering, 计算机科学, and Technology Professor Mohammad Pourhomayoun and graduate student Mahdi Shakibi to focus their research on using AI and predictive analytics to help medical decision-making and support doctors and caregivers.

Pourhomayoun, 计算机科学助理教授, and Shakibi used AI and machine learning algorithms to develop a 预测模型 to determine the health risks and predict the mortality risk of patients with COVID-19 based on symptoms, 生理信息, 人口统计数据.

使用117的数据,全球有000名实验室确诊的COVID-19患者, the model results have demonstrated an overall 93% prediction accuracy, Pourhomayoun和Shakibi在一份报告中说 文章在网上公开发布. They posted the article so medical facilities and other researchers can access the research while it undergoes peer review. 这篇文章已提交给杂志, IEEE生物医学工程学报.

The model can help hospitals and medical facilities decide who needs to get attention first, 哪些病人更需要住院治疗, 哪些病人可以待在家里, 说Pourhomayoun, 谁还兼任董事 人工智能与数据科学研究实验室 工程、计算机科学与技术学院.

The model can also help medical workers and caregivers triage patients if the healthcare system becomes overwhelmed and eliminate delays in providing necessary care, 他说.

Pourhomayoun said he has begun discussions with health officials and local government about the potential use of the model.

“We have to remember that the main players and the real heroes are our doctors, 护士, and all health care workers risking their lives to save people on the front lines of the coronavirus fight,Pourhomayoun说. “但我认为每个有专业知识的人都可以尽力提供帮助. Every researcher in every field of research—whether it is medicine or biology or computer science or 工程 or social science—can contribute to help address the COVID-19 crisis.”

Photo: The California view of the 交互式数据可视化仪表板 that displays and forecasts confirmed and predicted COVID-19 cases and deaths by geographic region. (资料来源:Dalya (Manatova) Dauletbak)

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加州州立大学,洛杉矶 is the premier comprehensive public university in the heart of Los Angeles. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is ranked number one in the United States for the upward mobility of its 学生. 足彩外围网站致力于参与, 服务, 公共利益, 提供国家认可的科学项目, 艺术, 业务, 刑事司法, 工程, 护理, 教育, 人文学科. 成立于1947年, 大学的学生人数超过26人,有超过250名学生,000名杰出校友.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 is home to the critically-acclaimed Luckman Fine Arts Complex, 帕特·布朗公共事务研究所, 赫茨伯格-戴维斯法医科学中心, 氢研究和燃料设施, 比利·简·金体育中心和电视, 电影与媒体中心. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.CalStateLA.edu.
