加州大学洛杉矶分校 Dep艺术ment of 哲学 M.A. 学位

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哲学系提供攻读哲学硕士学位的课程. 的 程序 aims at the acquisition of a broad background in philosophy. 它是为那些准备继续研究生学习或社区大学教学的人设计的, and for self-enrichment. Although the dep艺术ment is analytically oriented, it encourages work in other traditions, 例如, continental European philosophy and feminist philosophy. 该系包括具有不同背景和兴趣的教师,积极从事广泛的哲学专业. Classes and seminars are small with a friendly, informal atmosphere that facilitates student-faculty interaction. 哲学 students edit a journal, 哲学 in Practice, which publishes student essays.

Incoming and Current 学生

M.A. 程序 包括至少30个学期的批准课程单位,并以一套 comprehensive examinations 或者一个 论文. At least 50% of the units in the M.A. 程序 must be at the 5000-level. Incoming students should consult with a graduate advisor 一旦他们被录取,讨论课程选择,最终项目的选择(比较 or 论文), and additional graduation requirements. 重要的是: before contacting an advisor, please review the following information:

For general information on Graduate 程序s, please consult the Graduate Student Handbook (produced by the Office of Graduate Studies) and the University Catalog.

Admission Requirements and Procedures

If you would like to join our M.A. 程序 in Fall 2024, please apply by May 31, 2024.
For full consideration, please apply directly to the university through Cal State Apply.

Applicants to the M.A. 哲学课程必须同时满足大学研究生入学要求和哲学系的额外要求. 在此查找有关大学入学要求和程序的信息:

All applicants must complete the Cal State Apply online application. 在线申请过程包括适当的文件,如官方成绩单, 对于国际学生,这还包括经济宣誓书和/或托福或雅思成绩. Check here f或者一个pplication deadlines.

Dep艺术mental Requirements:

除了大学要求外,哲学系还要求2分.75 grade point average in the last 60 semester units, official transcripts, a writing sample, and one letter of recommendation, 所有这些都要在大学申请过程中上传. A philosophy paper is preferred as the writing sample, but a statement of interest and purpose is also acceptable. GRE scores are not required. 申请人必须具有哲学学士学位或在哲学以外的领域主修学士学位,并辅以哲学副修(或其同等课程)。. 没有完成相当于哲学辅修课程(21个学期单位)的学生可以在申请或作为有条件学生被录取之前在任何认可的机构学习哲学辅修课程,并在CSULA学习必修课程. (这门课程的安排必须与哲学系研究生主任协商,以确保它将, together with any courses taken prior to admission, be equivalent to the general minor (PHIL 1510 or 1520 is not required f或者一个dmission).)

Under exceptional circumstances, 平均成绩未达到标准2的学生可获特别录取.75 GPA标准. While the 程序 maintains modest admission standards, 在这个项目中取得成功的学生通常在哲学或相关领域做了很好的本科工作.

For further information, contact Dr. Michael Shim in the philosophy dep艺术ment at (323) 343-5942. 电子邮件: [email protected].

Financial 援助/Assistantships

牛津大学提供多种形式的助学金、奖学金和贷款. 希望了解更多信息的学生可以联系财政援助办公室. 该系有几个研究生助学金,信誉良好的研究生有资格申请. In addition, internships with nearby community colleges may be available. 有关助学金的信息可从研究生研究主任.

Expected Learning Outcomes for the M.A. 程序

哲学研究生课程旨在使学生参与哲学探究. 在这, students build upon their undergraduate foundation to study noteworthy contributions by philosophers to intellectual traditions; to explore various philosophical issues, 问题, and questions; to gain facility with principles of inquiry and evaluation relevant to the many areas of human activity, 比如科学, 法律, 宗教, 教育, 政府, 艺术, and the humanities; to develop more expertise in the skills of interpretation, 分析, 批评, and syn论文 needed for doctoral work in philosophy 或者一个dvanced work in other fields; to refine their skills and attitudes leading to self-reflection and life-long learning.

硕士课程学生的知识和能力成果与本科课程学生的相似. 然而, 研究生应该对哲学文本和探究方法有更深入的了解, a more advanced knowledge of and facility in 逻辑, 在哲学入门课程中为学生解释哲学思想的能力,以及完成论文或综合考试所需的技能和知识.

Knowledge Outcomes:

  • 了解西方哲学史上一些主要的哲学文本.
  • Knowledge of contemporary philosophical methods.
  • 例如,了解当代哲学的一些主流和问题, 在形而上学, 认识论, 逻辑, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of 科学, philosophy of 法律, 道德, political philosophy and aesthetics. 了解当代哲学的一些主流和问题, including an understanding of their historical and philosophical precursors; at least two of three areas below must be included:
    1. metaphysics and theory of knowledge
    2. 逻辑, philosophy of language and 科学
    3. 道德, social and political philosophy, and aesthetics
  • Knowledge of propositional and predicate 逻辑.

Ability Outcomes:

  • 的 ability to understand, analyze and critically evaluate complex arguments and theories, 包括区分论点或理论中什么是最重要的,什么是次要的,以及预测反对意见的能力.
  • 识别和批判性地评估方法的基本前提的能力, theories and arguments in various areas, e.g., 科学, 法律, 宗教 and public policy, and to form reasoned opinions of their own about such matters.
  • 在理论和实践问题上为观点提供合理支持的能力.
  • 能够解释和解释来自不同文化和智力背景的文本.
  • 的 ability to 艺术iculate and defend, both orally and in writing, 通知, coherent and cogent positions on philosophical issues, 以及在哲学入门课程中以适当的水平解释哲学思想的能力.
  • 进行独立的哲学研究和创造性思考的能力.
  • 的 ability to apply the above philosophical skills in new contexts.
  • 将上面列出的一些哲学技巧运用到自己生活中的能力, in self-reflection and life-long learning.