Do's & Don'ts of Interviews

面试的注意事项:Goober Pile vs Sheena Sharpe

Goober 他把床单扔在地上,睡眼惺忪地盯着时钟,现在是上午8:05,而他上午9点有一个面试.  如果他没有在聚会上呆到凌晨两点,他就会清醒得多, and wouldn’t have forgotten to set his clock.  意识到没有时间洗澡,他匆匆穿上西装,跑出了门.  He doesn’t notice the dog hair and lint clinging to his jacket, which by-the-way, 是用和裤子不同的材料做的因为他把钱花在了iphone上, so when it came to buying an interview suit, he instead had to borrow a jacket from a friend.  And it is not tailored for him and doesn’t fit.  他的衬衫也没有熨过,他已经穿过好几次了——这是另一个面试大忌.   Moreover, 他穿着他去俱乐部穿的那双胶底鞋, instead of a pair of quality dress shoes with leather soles.  In general, 他给人的印象更像是一名保安,而不是他希望有朝一日成为的财务高管.

Goober arrives at the interview about 20 minutes late, 他的背包在手,因为他打算之后直接去上课.  因为他没有刷牙和刷舌头,接待员听到他的呼吸畏缩了一下.   他还试图与年轻女子调情,并问她晚上是否有空.  这些都不能塑造出最好的形象,尤其是当她向老板提出来的时候. Moody.  When he finally sits down in the reception area, 而不是回顾他的面试笔记(因为他没有),goober没有花时间去研究这个职位或公司, or write down any questions), 他开始给前一天晚上和他吵架的女友发短信.  He then tries to engage Sheena in a conversation; but Sheena politely ignores him, she is reviewing her notes, 尽量在面试中给人留下最好的印象.

When Goober is invited into Mr. Moody’s office, 他会自动把背包放在一张椅子上,然后扑通一声坐在另一张椅子上, before Mr. Moody has invited him to sit.  He only reaches to shake Mr. Moody’s hand after Mr. 穆迪对Goober过于熟悉的行为感到有点不安,于是伸出手来.  Mr. 面试开始时,穆迪要了一份Goober的简历.  Now, Goober didn’t bring a copy because he had provided one earlier, and assumed his interviewer would already have it; another breach of etiquette, you always bring a resume.  After a delay, in which Mr. Moody has his receptionist make a copy, 他向Goober询问所列出的项目以及与Goober的课程相关的几个基本问题.  But Goober never liked to study!  他的惯常做法是抄别人的作业,当作自己的交上去.  In group projects, he let everyone else do the work.  How he got through school has baffled most of his classmates; but now he has to answer for it, or at least, 足彩外围网站他作为金融专业学生应该理解的材料的问题.  See, what Goober didn’t realize is that it is not about the degree, or even grades, 这是足彩外围网站他应该擅长的知识和擅长的.  And at this moment, Goober looks like a dunce.

Rather disappointed, Mr. 穆迪决定尽快结束对Goober的采访,并问Goober是否有什么问题.  Goober没有花时间考虑这些问题,只是询问休假时间和薪水.  None of this creates a positive impression; these are two questions you do not ask about in a first interview.  Mr. 穆迪握了握Goobers的手,告诉他很高兴,然后让他走了.  After Goober leaves, Mr. Moody tosses his resume in the circular file. 

Goober因为和女友吵架而心烦意乱,她不回他的短信.  他太专注了,以至于忘了寄一封感谢信给史密斯先生. Moody.  It would have only taken a short email.  Little did he know that Mr. Moody thought about Goober later that day, and retrieved the resume; Goober reminded Mr. Moody of himself when he was younger.  他想给Goober一些建议,再给他一次面试的机会.  然而,几天之后,甚至连一封感谢信都没有,Mr. 穆迪认为Goober太糊涂了,于是把简历扔进了垃圾桶.

Sheena, in contrast, arose at 7:15AM that morning, giving herself plenty of time to prepare for her 9:30 interview.  知道她要去表演,尽管开了晚会,她还是早早上床睡觉了.  Earlier that month, not familiar with women’s professional clothing, 她向一家大百货公司一位知识渊博的销售人员征求意见.  It was there she picked up a business suit, and spent the extra dollars to ensure it was properly tailored.  The suit is now a perfect fit.  同样,在她离开家之前,她会用胶带把猫身上的绒毛和毛发清除掉.  她的卫生当然是完美的,她看起来像一个潜在的高管.

她比预定时间提前15分钟到达面试地点,早得很.  When she did enter, she notified the receptionist, 然后马上坐下来复习她前一天晚上写的问题清单.  Sheena may not have time to ask all of them, and some she even has the answers too, but if the interview loses momentum, 她知道在口袋里准备一些问题可能会让面试官重新对她产生兴趣.  当Goober到达时,她已经坐下了,注意到他看起来像是穿着西装睡过的.

After interviewing Goober, Mr. 穆迪很高兴有候选人主动与他握手打招呼.  Likewise, he appreciates Sheena awaiting an invitation to sit, before taking a seat, and then, proactively offering to give him a resume.  虽然希娜可能不会问问题,但她打算控制采访. 

Sheena has not only researched the firm, 她曾与参加过类似面试的同学交谈,以了解面试官都问了哪些问题.  She has also reviewed some of the basic material from her coursework that she figures might be asked to test her competence; she knows she has nothing to lose by putting in this extra effort.  她还选择提及可能展示她技能的金融课程, and she mentions that she took Securities Analysis, 准备好更全面地描述她的能力.  When given the opportunity, she asks several questions about the position, her responsibilities, her growth path, and businesses or projects the firm is involved in.  She steers clear of questions about Salary and Vacation Time, knowing that the latter, in-particular, raises red flags.

When the interview is approaching its end, she reads Mr. Moody’s behavior correctly, asks when they might have a decision, allows him to terminate the interview and thanks him.  And as soon as she arrives home that evening, she emails Mr. Moody a thank you note (after checking her grammar and spelling), indicating her continued interest in the position.  This is particularly crucial, 因为公司在面试后往往不确定求职者是否仍然感兴趣, 一封写得好的便条也能显示你对职业礼仪的了解.  Then she goes to work on the locating the next interview, knowing she has done her best—the decision is up to them.

Now, who are you going to be, Sheena or Goober?