
All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master's degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser.

Classified graduate standing is required for admission to all 5000 level courses.

Presentation and discussion of selected topics relating to civil engineering practice and research presented by invited speakers.

CE 5540土木工程高级专题(3)
土木工程高级专题. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 units as subject matter changes. 

CE 5550 Reinforced Concrete Design with FRP Reinforcement (3)
前提条件:CE 4620(钢筋混凝土设计I).
Design of Concrete Structures with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement. 讲座将讨论新设计, and rehabilitation and strengthening of existing reinforced 混凝土 structures. The design, and design review will be conducted during the laboratory section of the course. (授课3小时,实验3小时).

CE 5560建筑法律与风险管理(3)
An overview of how the legal system affects the design and construction process, 关注合同类型, 不同交付系统中的合同关系, 风险评估, 管理, 缓解过程.

CE 5600结构力学III (3)
前提条件:CE 4600(结构力学II).
列的类比, 矩分布应用于非圆柱构件, 应用于拱和弯构件的弹性能法, influence lines for indeterminate structures and secondary stresses. 

CE 5610高级钢结构设计(3)
Prerequisites: CE 4600 (Structural Mechanics II), CE 4610 (Design of Steel Structures).
重点介绍LRFD方法, 梁的不对称弯曲和扭转, 复合梁, nonprismatic梁, 板梁, 梁柱, 框架和连接. 

CE 5620钢筋混凝土设计II (3)
前提条件:CE 4620(钢筋混凝土设计I).
混凝土的徐变和塑性流动.  极限强度设计理论与实践.  预应力混凝土结构. 

CE 5640结构分析中的有限元方法(3)
前提条件:CE 4600(结构力学II) or 4020 (Strength of Materials II).
结构的有限元法:桁架, frame, 二维平面, and shell elements; isoparametric formulation; static and dynamic analysis.

CE 5650结构动力学(3)
前提条件:CE 4600(结构力学II).
自由振动, forced vibrations and transient response of structures and structural components having one and many degrees of freedom; damping and inelastic action, earthquakes and nuclear blasts; dynamic resistance of structures; limit design; design for dynamic loads. 

CE 5660岩土工程II (3)
前提条件:CE 4670(基础I).
先进的现场和实验室测试方法, 无黏性和粘性土的抗剪强度, 边坡稳定性及修复方法.

CE 5670二级岩土工程设计(3)
前提条件:CE 4670(基础I).
地下勘探方法, 浅基础和深基础的高级主题, 桩动力分析, 群承载力和桩侧荷载, 桩基无损检测, 挡土结构和回接.

CE 5690土方结构(3)
前提条件:CE 4670(基础I).
影响设计的因素, 基础和施工工艺的探索, 件, 稳定性分析, 防渗, 地球大坝. 

CE 5700岩土地震工程(3)
前提条件:CE 4670(基础I).
基本的地震学, 地震地面运动, 确定性和概率地震灾害分析, 动态土壤特性, 现场反应分析, 液化和横向扩散, 地震边坡稳定性, 挡土结构抗震设计.

前提条件:CE 4710(公路工程).
Practical application of American Association of State Highway and 运输 Officials (AASHTO) policy on design controls; capacity analysis for uninterrupted 流, weaving section and ramps; functional design procedures in development of an interchange. 

CE 5720板壳(3)
Prerequisites: CE 4020 (Strength of Materials II), CE 4600 (Structural Mechanics II).
弹性薄板的弯曲方程, energy method; approximate and numerical methods; theory of shells with application to tanks, 屋顶, 压力容器.

CE 5740交通流量分析(3)
前提条件:CE 3700(运输工程).
Measurements and analysis of traffic 流 characteristics: speed, 密度, 流, headway; statistical data analysis, 时空图, 交通流模型, 排队论, 冲击波分析, 流量模型及应用. 

前提条件:CE 3700(运输工程).
旅游预测, 数据需求, 收集方法, trip generation and distribution models; modal split analysis, 旅行的任务, 计划方案, 评估方法.

Prerequisites: CE 4610 (Design of Steel Structures), CE 4620 (Reinforced Concrete Design I).
钢材设计, 混凝土, 还有木桥, 皮尔斯, and abutments; American Association of State Highway and 运输 Officials (AASHTO) specifications; criteria for earthquake resistant design of bridges; geometry, 安全, 经济学, 和美学.

CE 5790环境传质(3)
先决条件: CE 3840(环境工程II)或同等学历.
研究环境中污染物的去向. Emphasis on the fundamentals of mass transfer including: sorption/desorption, 污染物阻滞, vaporization and dissolution of Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL), 还有其他现象.

CE 5800高级环境建模(3)
前提条件:CE 4800(环境建模).
Numerical methods are used in this course to solve complex environmental transport equations. The emphasis is on finite difference and finite element methods. Topics include derivation of mass-balance-based transport equations, algorithm development for models that range from simple steady-state homogeneous isotropic condition to complex transient heterogeneous anisotropic condition, 并将其实现为计算机程序.

前提条件:CE/ME 3030 (流体力学I).
量纲分析:与水力相似规律, 沿海, and estuarine models; mathematical models. 

CE 5820统计水文学(3)
先决条件:CE 4830 (水文我), ce / me 2120 (矩阵代数与工程统计(英文版).
水文过程的统计和概率分析.  极端水文事件的频率分析.  Application of correlation and regression method to hydrologic variables.  水文资料的初步时间序列分析. 不确定性和风险分析.

CE 5830水文II (3)
前提条件:CE 4830 (水文我).
Space-time characteristics and mechanics of rainfall, surface run-off and infiltration.  流域动力学理论.  低流量. 

CE 5840高级环境工程设计(3)
前提条件:CE 4840 (环境工程设计.
Design of environmental quality and pollution control for water and/or wastewater treatment plants, 堆填区和焚化炉, 地下水修复, 空气污染控制系统, 以及其他相关的环境制度. Lectures will address the design process, optimization, and policy and legal issues. The design and design review will be conducted during the laboratory section.

CE 5850环境运输(3)
先决条件:CE 3840(环境工程II) 
Transport in water and air emphasizing exchanges across boundaries such as sediment-water and air-water; particles, 滴, and bubbles; effect of reactions on transport; linkages between physical, 化学, 生物过程.

CE 5860明渠液压(3)
先决条件:数学2150 (微分方程), CE 3870[液压] 或ce3860 [水资源系统的设计).
Flow types, 流 profile computations; design of channels and transition structures; unsteady 流.

CE 5870液压II (3)
前提条件:CE 3870(液压).
Unsteady 流 in pipes, wave motion, sediment transportation, and 沿海 engineering. 

CE 5880水工建筑物(3)
前提条件:CE 3870(液压).
蓄水用水工设施, 输送, and controlling water; dam engineering; energy dissipation design on spillways and outlets; river engineering; numerical modeling  of sediment transport and open channel 流.

CE 5890海岸工程(3)
前提条件:CE 3870(液压).
水波的基本原理及其影响.  衍射, 反射, and refraction; impulsively generated waves; effect of waves on 沿海 structures. 

CE 5960综合考试(0)
CE 4960 (Civil Engineering Design Project I) and CE 4970 (Civil Engineering Design Project II (or ABET accredited undergraduate degree in civil engineering). 部门许可.
学生 who select the comprehensive examination (CE 5960) should expect to take it the quarter they complete all course work on their program, 并且必须符合学院和院系的要求.

CE 5970研究生研究(1-3)
Prerequisites: Instructor consent to act as sponsor and departmental approval of project prior to registration.
在教师的指导下进行独立研究. 是否可以重复学习,最多可获得5个学分. 分级CR/ NC.

CE 5980研究生指导学习(1-3)
Prerequisites: Instructor consent to act as sponsor and departmental approval.
Independent, directed study of advanced topics in the field, regular conferences with the sponsor. 可以重复学分吗.

CE 5990论文(1-3)
先决条件:晋升为候选人, instructor consent to act as a sponsor and college approval of the topic prior to registration.
论文的独立研究. 必须重复到最多3个单位. 分级CR /数控.