Faculty Research Labs

Faculty Advisors: Charles Liu, Airs Lin, Mo Zhang

student wears device testing robotic vehicle The Embedded Architecture Lab was a spin-off of the former Structures, Propulsion, and Control Engineering (SPACE) Center, NASA University Research Center (URC) at California State University, Los Angeles. 嵌入式架构实验室寻求将创新技术转移到基于异构计算的物联网(IoT)的发展中, machine learning, robotics, wireless sensor network, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), and System-on-Chip (SoC). 嵌入式建筑实验室积极参与开放日和外展活动,以提高科技素养和推广STEM教育. 指导教师主持高级设计项目10余项,硕士论文研究项目25项. The industry sponsors of the Lab include Intel, Boeing, Xilinx, 塞娅, Cypress Semiconductor, and NXP Semiconductors.

students smile in lab with project  

Faculty Advisor: Deborah Won

robotic hand

智能医学实验室(intellied Lab)旨在开发通过传感器反馈智能控制的医疗设备疗法和技术.  智能研究的核心是与人体接口的设备,用于应用治疗或获取和分析来自人体的信号,以最终保护或改善人的健康. intellied的工作汇集了涉及计算分析的跨学科合作, machine learning, sensors and instrumentation, and human and animal experimentation, 最终目标是改善患有帕金森病等疾病的人的健康状况, spinal cord injury, stroke, and autism spectrum disorder.

Faculty Advisors: Drs. Masood Shahverdi and Arash Jamehbozorg

ece project samples

电力和能源实验室主要研究以下领域:微电网控制和能源管理系统, Renewable Energy Sources (Solar PV and Wind), Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage Systems, Power Systems Optimization, Power Systems Dynamics and Stability, 电力系统和电动汽车中的深度学习和机器学习.

Faculty Advisor: Curtis Wang

生物启发计算实验室利用来自生物学的灵感,为控制网络物理系统创造新的计算范式.  我们研究的应用范围从基于机器学习的生物医学治疗控制, 到用于控制从哺乳动物脊髓中收集高通量数据的仪器的嵌入式系统, 到高性能计算(超级计算),用于处理来自哺乳动物脊髓的微纳米级计算机断层扫描的tb级成像.  Ultimately, the mammalian spinal cord is much smarter than a bundle of cords; the spinal cord has its own memory and fast local computation of complex motions that serve as a strong inspiration for computing architectures of the future.  我们的实验室与工程师和生理学家合作开发硬件和软件系统,共同发现更多足彩外围网站脊髓的信息,这样我们就可以利用大自然优雅、简单而复杂的设计来创造更安全的脊髓, more efficient, and more powerful computing systems.  该技术的主要应用是为脊髓损伤患者提供潜在的治疗方法, ranging from pain modulation to full control of the extremities.

bio inspired computing diagram


  1. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and quantum information science: The focus of the efforts in this area is information reconciliation for both Discrete Variable (DV) and Continuous Variable (CV) QKD; semiconductor nanowire single-photon detectors, and quantum metrology.
  2. Autonomous robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems: R&D focus in this area is path planning and indoor autonomous navigation using Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM); obstacle avoidance and object detection and classification using deep convolutional neural network AI techniques; sensor fusion (LiDAR, 雷达, 声纳, Stereo camera, 等.); robot to robot and robot to infrastructure and cloud communications; and system integration including control boards, motor drives, and safety systems.
  3. 基于人工智能技术的地下交通基础设施自主监测与故障检测与分类.

Wireless communications and 6G systems R&D with emphasis on Drone to Ground communication system, interference cancellation, and beamforming in the mm-Wave regime.

examples of QISP projects

Faculty Advisors: Marina Mondin, Harry Theman, Seth Linker

LVC optics equipment

LVC (LIGO - Virgo合作)是一个多国合作组织,由科学家组成,他们用LIGO和Virgo干涉仪探测引力波,并研究提高灵敏度和进入宇宙的方法(LIGO是激光干涉仪引力波天文台)。. Here at CSULA, 我们专注于改进作为探测器测试质量反射表面的光学涂层. 引力波很难被探测到,需要有史以来最精确的光学设备. 我们的目标是开发具有最低热噪声和最少嵌入散射体的介质(布拉格反射)镜的新材料,同时保持最高的反射率和最低的热吸收. Our research involves a collaboration with the University of Sannio in Italy, where we (two of our graduates continuing into a Ph.D.) manufacture the coatings, as well as Caltech and the University of Utah, where we measure their mechanical Q factors. The contribution of CSULA is important, we study the crystallization temperature threshold during annealing. 这项研究是与犹他大学联合进行的,并经常进行交流. 在我们小组工作的学生目前正在积累x射线衍射技术和分析的经验, Microscope analysis, automation of complex machines, 信号处理,并与优秀大学的科学家密切合作. Importantly, 花费大量时间致力于这项研究的学生成为LIGO合作的成员,并共同撰写了他们著名的天体物理学合作论文.

LVC optics diagram
  Coater at University of Sannio
LVC group present and past students advisors

(Photos L to R) LVC Optics Lab diagram, Coater at the University of Sannio, Automated microscope, LVC group present and past students advisors

ET building with tree shade



Department Contact

Electrical & Computer Engineering
[email protected] | E&T, A-342 | Tel (323) 343-4470 | Fax (323) 343-4547