


  1. 高中毕业了吗, have earned a Certificate of General Education Development (GED) or have passed the California High School Proficiency Examination; and
  2. 有一个合格的最低资格指数(见资格指数部分),并且
  3. Have completed 成绩在C或C以上 each of the courses in the comprehensive pattern of 大学 preparatory subject requirements (see 主题要求).


资格指数是高中平均成绩和ACT或SAT成绩的组合. 平均绩点(GPA)是基于高中最后三年所修课程的成绩. GPA的计算包括在所有大学预科“a-g”科目要求中获得的成绩, 获得认可的荣誉课程还有加分.

在高中最后三年学习最多八个学期的荣誉课程, 包括最多两门批准的课程在十年级可以接受. Each unit of A in an honors course will receive a total of 5 points; B, 4 points; and C, 3 points.

A CSU 资格指数 (EI) can be calculated by multiplying a grade point average by 800 and adding your total score on the 数学 and critical reading scores of the SAT. 参加ACT考试的学生, 把你的平均成绩乘以200,再加上10倍的ACT综合分数. 加州高中毕业生(或因学费原因在加州居住), SAT需要最低2900分,ACT需要最低694分. 资格指数表说明了要求的考试成绩和平均成绩的几种组合.

适用于2007-2008学年的入学, the university has no plans to include the writing scores from either of the admissions tests in the computation of the CSU 资格指数.

既不是从加州高中毕业,也不是因学费目的而在加州居住的人, 需要3502 (SAT)或842 (ACT)的最低指数. 研究生s of secondary schools in foreign countries must be judged to have academic preparation and abilities equivalent to applicants eligible under this section.

平均绩点为3分的申请人.00以上(3.61(非居民)不需要提交考试成绩. 然而, all applicants for admission are urged to take the SAT or ACT and provide the scores of such tests to each CSU to whjch they seek admission. Campuses use these test results for advising and placement purposes and may require them for admission to impacted majors or programs. 受影响的科罗拉多州立大学要求所有申请者的SAT或ACT分数才能申请新生入学.

科罗拉多州立大学在其录取资格公式中只使用SAT数学和批判性阅读分数. 科罗拉多州立大学目前不使用SAT或ACT写作成绩.


加州州立大学要求首次申请的新生填写完整, 成绩在C或C以上, 大学预科学习的综合模式,共15个单元. “单位”是指高中一年的学习.

  • 2年社会科学,包括1年美国科学.S. 历史,或U.S. 历史与政府.
  • 4年英语.
  • 3年数学(代数、几何和中级代数).
  • 2年实验室科学(1年生物和1年物理,都有实验室).
  • 2年同一语言外语学习(如申请人证明具有同等能力,可获豁免).
  • 1年的视觉和表演艺术认可课程:艺术, 跳舞, 戏剧/剧院, 或音乐.
  • 1年选修课:英语选修课, 高等数学社会科学, 历史, 实验室科学, 外语, 视觉和表演艺术或其他被批准并列入UC/CSU“a-g”名单的课程.


学生 who have completed fewer than 60 transferable semester 大学 units (fewer than 90 quarter units) are considered lower division transfer students. 学生 who have completed 60 or more transferable semester 大学 units (90 or more quarter units) are considered upper division transfer students. 学生 who complete 大学 units during high school or through the summer immediately following high school graduation are considered first-time freshmen and must meet those admission requirements. Transferable courses are those designated for baccalaureate credit by the 大学 or university offering the courses and accepted as such by the campus to which the applicant seeks admission.


一般, 如果申请人的平均成绩为2分,则有资格作为低年级转学生入学.0 (C或以上)在所有可转让单位尝试, 在最后就读的学院或大学中表现良好吗, 并符合下列任何一项标准:

  • Will meet the freshman admission requirements in effect for the term to which you are applying (see "Freshman 需求" section); or
  • 在高中毕业时,除了科目要求外,是否有资格成为一年级新生, 高中毕业后一直在一所认可的大学就读, 并补足了缺失的科目.

Applicants who graduated from high school prior to 1988 should contact the 招生 Office to inquire about alternative admission programs.

对于秋季和春季入学,加州州立大学L.A. requires an official final transcript prior to enrollment to verify successful completion of English composition and 大学 level 数学 if either or both courses are "in progress" or "planned" at the time of application. 对于冬季和夏季入学,加州州立大学L.A. requires unofficial grade reports prior to enrollment to verify successful completion of English composition and 大学 level 数学 if either or both courses are "in progress" or "planned" at the time of application. 更多信息请参考你的录取通知书.



  1. 他们的平均成绩是2分.0 (C或以上)在所有可转让单位尝试; (nonresidents must have a 2.平均绩点4分或以上),以及
  2. They 在最后就读的学院或大学中表现良好吗; and they have completed at least 60 transferable semester units of 大学 coursework with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and a grade of C or better in each course used to meet the CSU general education requirements in written communication, 口头交流, 批判性思维和定量推理, e.g. 数学. The 60 units must include all of the general education requirements in communication in the English language ( both oral and written) and critical thinking and the requirement in 数学/quantitative reasoning (usually 3 semester units) OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer 课程 (IGETC) requirements in English communication and mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.

对于秋季和春季入学,加州州立大学L.A. requires an official final transcript prior to enrollment to verify successful completion of both the 84 quarter unit requirement and the requirements in English, 口头交流, 批判性思维和数学,如果这些要求在申请时“正在进行”或“计划”. 对于冬季和夏季入学,加州州立大学L.A requires unofficial grade reports prior to enrollment of successful completion of both the 84 quarter unit requirement and the requirements in English, 口头交流, 批判性思维和数学,如果这些要求在申请时“正在进行”或“计划”. 更多信息请参考你的录取通知书.


科罗拉多州立大学必须评估国际(签证)学生的学术准备. 为此,“国际学生”包括持有美国护照的学生.S. 学生签证、交流访问者签证或其他非移民签证.

The California State University uses separate requirements and application filing dates in the admission of foreign students. 英语水平证明(见本科申请者的托福要求部分), 金融资源, 学习成绩都是录取的重要考虑因素. 外国院校的学习成绩必须在第一学期注册前至少60天存档, 如果不是英语, 必须附有经认证的英文翻译件吗.

加州居民可优先入学. 非居民申请者的可能性很小, 包括国际学生, 被受影响的专业录取,或者被那些名额有限的专业或项目录取.

外国申请人和所有其他非美国永久居民.S. 居民将被加州州立大学录取.A. 只有当他们符合下列要求之一:

  • 完成两年可接受的大学课程(90个学分或同等学历),至少2分.大学评估的平均成绩为4分(A=4).0), 可接受的英语写作课程, 演讲, 批判性思维和数学,每门课程最低成绩为C, 最少500份纸质文件, 173年计算机, 61 internet-based score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or
  • 毕业于非英语授课的外国高中(至少3分).大学评估的平均成绩为0),最低2分.参加过的所有大学课程平均绩点为4分(由学校评估), 最少500份纸质文件, 173年计算机, 或托福网考61分. 学历资格要求与加州以外高中毕业生相同, 虽然不需要提交ACT或SAT成绩, 除非大学特别要求. Foreign high school equivalencies are determined by the University; or
  • 毕业于非英语授课的外国高中(至少3分).大学评估的平均成绩为0分)和至少500分的论文, 173年计算机 , 或托福网考61分. 学历资格要求与加州以外高中毕业生相同, 虽然不需要提交ACT或SAT成绩, 除非大学特别要求. 该大学确定外国高中的等价物.

全日制本科申请者, 至少三年, 要么是经过认证的.S. 学院或大学或外国高中, 大学, 以英语为主要教学语言的大学免交托福成绩.

The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) requires that F-1 visa undergraduate students carry a minimum study load of 12 quarter units. 签证学生必须提前提供足够的经济资源证明, 身体健康, 并遵守所有加州州立大学的法律.A. 和BCIS法规. 咨询国际项目和服务, (323) 343-3170, 有关签证的资料, 住房, 以及相关事项. 国际学生可以在网上申请 www.csumentor.edu.


在国外学习的申请人须提交学业成绩的正式复印件, 并附上经过认证的英文翻译. Academic records should include: secondary school records; yearly records from each 大学 or university attended that indicate the number of hours per semester or year devoted to each course and the grades received; and official documents that confirm the awarding of the degree that include the title and date.

所有提交的正式文件将成为学校的财产. 大学将决定是否接受任何外国作品.


8月1日生效, 1995, 作为收到I-20或DS2019表格的条件, all F-1 and J-1 visa applicants must agree to obtain and maintain health insurance as a condition of registration and continued enrollment in The California State University. Such insurance must be in amounts as specified by the United States Information Agency (USIA) and NAFSA Association of International Educators. 校园校长或指定人员应确定哪些保险政策符合这些标准. 更多信息可以从国际项目和服务办公室获得, 管理127, (323) 343-3170.