Apply to EEP



  • 包括大学水平的课程在内,速成课程是否能满足学生的教育需求
  • 表现出尝试具有挑战性的教育项目的强烈愿望
  • Possesses adequate self-motivation, self-regulation, and appropriate behavior in a professional setting
  • 是否有强大的支持网络来实施激进的教育加速计划.
  • Between the ages of 11-15 years old. (Must be 11 yrs. old by March 1st, and under 16 yrs. by June 1st)

EEP Application Guidance

Dear EEP Applicant: 


Please be advised: 

  • 在打开链接之前,请仔细阅读以下应用说明. EEP申请由申请学者以个人身份完成. 
  • 你将没有机会在申请之外发送任何文件, except for in the case of ACT/SAT assessment scores.  


  • Essays
  • Transcripts
  • Contact Information (Recommender)
  • Photo/Headshot
  • URL Link (optional)

You will not be able to save your work and return. You are required to complete the application in one setting. 

Complete this step before you open the EEP application link. 

  • 创建你的打字(大小12字体,Times Roman)的文章回应作为一个单词的文档.  
  • Once complete, save your 3 essay responses as one pdf.  
  • Save As: Lastname_Firstname_EEPESSAY24 


Personal Reflection Prompts  

仔细阅读提示,以确保你包括个人的例子. Limit your answers to 500-words for each prompt.  

Label each response using the following bold headings:  

  • Personal Statement/Program Interest 
  • Present School Experience  
  • Self-Concept  

Personal Statement/Program Interest 

  • What would you like the Early Entrance Program to know about you, 您对EEP感兴趣的原因以及为什么EEP适合您? For example, mention values, aspirations, activities, or interests which pique your curiosity, 详细说明你支持加速上大学的动机,以及为什么在你的学术旅程中,EEP是一个合适的选择.   

Present School Experience 

  • Describe your current school experience. For example, discuss your degree of satisfaction (satisfied, neutral, unsatisfied) with your current learning environment, 以及你可能用来保持学术投入的详细策略.  


  • 你从生活中具有挑战性的事件或时间中学到了什么? For example, briefly describe the occurrence, 详细介绍你所学到的经验教训,并讨论你作为一名参加EEP的学者如何应用这些经验教训.  

  • Include 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years. 

  • The only documents which can be submitted by email. 
  • Assessment scores are due by email to [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm (PST) on April 5, 2024. 

  • 信函必须从申请人当前(2023-2024)和/或上一学年(2022-2023)的教师中选择.  
  • 来自朋友或家人的推荐表格将不被接受, regardless of professional background. 提供的表格模板必须用于申请推荐信. 
  • 如果不使用在线表格请求,EEP将不接受推荐信.  
  • All letters of recommendation must be received by March 1, 2024.  
  • 申请人有责任通知推荐人即将收到的申请. 


  • 学生可以提交一份代表其主要兴趣的数字作品,展示其独特的技能或才能. Examples include but are not limited to:  
  • a piece of creative writing, art, photography, a student created video or movie, short video of a musical or theatrical performance, a scientific poster or presentation, a musical composition, documentation of a technical invention or app, a YouTube page, evidence of participation in a civic organization.  
  • Include a typed explanation of the item and significance along with the artifact. 

  • Gather your required documents. 
  • Set aside ample time to complete the application in one sitting. 
  • 一旦打开EEP应用程序链接,就无法保存进度. 
  • Y我们对细节的关注和对所有指示的遵守将有助于成功和无压力的申请过程.  

学者,我们期待着收到你的申请,并指导你度过这段激动人心的旅程. 感谢您考虑足彩外围网站的提前入学计划. 如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时与我们联系 [email protected]

Application Process


Contact EEP

提交一份在线申请,包括三篇由学生申请人撰写的短文. Upon completing the application, 一个链接将提供给学生与他们的(3)推荐人分享. All submitted documents will be returned directly to EEP Staff. Recommendation forms should be received by  March 1, 2024.  申请人将收到每份提交的推荐表格的确认电子邮件.

在申请之前,请仔细阅读上面的“申请指南”部分. 特别要注意的是,你应该准备在一个在线会话中提交你的申请——你将无法保存你的进度并返回到申请. 如果您的会话被中断,您将需要重新开始在线申请.

Click Here to Apply

Take a qualifying exam (ACT or SAT ).

成功的申请者在ACT考试中英语成绩最低为22分,数学成绩最低为23分, SAT的循证阅读和写作(EBRW) 550分,数学570分. Interested students may take the in-house, 2月24日,足彩外围网站在当地获得ACT分数(结果未在全国发布), 或在EEP申请截止日期之前参加任何国家SAT或ACT考试,EEP办公室必须在4月5日之前收到合格的考试成绩, 2024.


Information about the national testing dates is available on the ACT Website.
RSVP for the ACT at Cal State LA

对于已经确认参加加州州立大学ACT考试的个人, Los Angeles, kindly refer to the information provided below:

Test Taking Location: King Hall (Room D2071)

Parent Waiting Room Location: King Hall (Room 1076)

Check-in: 8:30 a.m. (Doors close at 9:00 a.m.)

Click Here to see what you should bring on test day
More ACT Information

Based on the application, interview, 在暑期荣誉学院开始之前,被选中的学生将被邀请参加申请人介绍会(在5月举行), 2024.

Based on a preliminary review of the application and the test scores, students will be invited to participate in the EEP Honors Academy.

After participating in the Honors Academy, 学生将由招生委员会进行评估,学生将在荣誉学院结束后不迟于两周内收到录取通知.

*Please note, students are applying to attend the EEP Honors Academy in Summer 2024, not university admission for Fall 2024. EEP荣誉学院是一个为期数周的体验,提供大学水平的研讨会和小组活动. EEP荣誉学院的出勤率需要考虑2024年秋季入学. Upon completion of the EEP Honors Academy, 入选的学生将被邀请通过EEP途径进入足彩外围网站.

Learn more about the EEP Honors Academy

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Federal, state and other grants, 与足彩外围网站的所有学生一样,EEP学生也可以获得奖学金和贷款.
