
自然学院 & 社会科学
办公室 SHF205
323 343 2150


I was born in Taipei Taiwan, where I got my BS degree in 数学. 在那待了两年之后 中国科学院数学研究所 in Taiwan as a research assistant, I came to the US for my Ph.D. 在 南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校 在…的监督下 杰瑞Griggs.

Ever since joined the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 faculty in 1991, I have been pursuing both my teaching and research goals. I am extremely honored to be the recipient of the 2015 MAA (数学ematical Association of America) Southern California and Nevada Sectional Distinguished Teaching Award,同时也是 足彩外围网站杰出教授奖 (2003), and Distinguished Women Award (2016) and 校长杰出教授奖 (2018).


教书是一份充实而有回报的工作! 看我的学生学习, 对这个主题感兴趣, and make achievements is the best rewards for a teacher.

在过去的几年里, I have taught more than two dozen math courses ranging from collage algebra to graduate courses. 几年前,我创建了一个高级部门 图论 课程,现在每年提供一次. 除了, I have taught several graduate seminar courses on special topics, and mentored many student research projects for both undergraduate and graduate students.

I am also interested in incorporating effective teaching strategies into my classes to enhance student learning. 目前, I am working on a flipped classroom grant (jointly with faculty from several Cal State campuses) funded by the US Department of Education.


My research interests are in 图论 and combinatorics. I have been working on the following topics:

  1. Graph coloring parameters of distance graphs and relations to number theory problems:相关色数, 分数色数, and circular chromatic number of distance graphs to the "density of integral sets with missing differences" and the parameter involved in the so called "lonely runner conjecture," and applying these connections to solving open problems in respective areas.
  2. Graph labelings motivated by the channel assignment problem: Radio labeling, backbone coloring, distance two labeling, circular distance two labeling, etc.
  3. 应用拓扑(塔克引理), Ky Fan引理, Borsuk-Ulam Theorem etc) to study graph coloring problems.
  4. 图着色:顶点着色, 圆形的着色, 部分颜色, list-coloring, 强edge-coloring, 以及图形的在线上色.

目前, my research is partially supported by the 国家科学基金会 (NSF)下的一项拨款 图着色和可选择性" (2016-2019), and I am a faulty mentor for the NASA CSULA直接干 格兰特(2015 - 2020).





Ph.D. 数学. 1991

  • 南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校.
  • 指导老师:Jerrold R. Griggs. Dissertation Title: Graph Homomorphism and the Channel Assignment Problem.

B.S. 数学. 1985

  • 台湾国立中央大学.