Leave of Absences


California State University, Los Angeles has a variety of paid and unpaid leaves of absence for employees. If you need to take a leave of absence and have additional questions, please contact the Benefits Office at extension x3651.

注意:员工应结合集体谈判协议的语言阅读以下信息. Contact the Benefits Office with any questions.


Jorge Cardenas

HR Generalist
Phone/Ext: 3-3694
[email protected]

Leave Requests Procedures

An employee should provide at least a 30-day notice to the campus before commencement of any paid or unpaid leave; however, if the leave must begin in less than 30 days, the employee must provide as much notice as possible. An employee should complete a Leave of Absence Request Form. After all department signatures are acquired, the form is submitted to Human Resources Management for approval. 建议员工在休病假/残疾假之前与福利部门会面, and physician certification of disability is required.

如果雇员在休假前的12个月内已受雇至少12个月,则有权请家庭和医疗假. FML is provided to employees in accordance with state and federal laws, 在12个月期间,哪项准许最多12周的假期照顾自己, children, spouses, or parents with a serious medical condition. Medical certification is required.

FML runs concurrently with all paid leaves used during the FML period. FML ensures that, 如果雇员碰巧没有足够的带薪休假时间来弥补FML的缺席, the employer continues to pay the benefits premiums for the FML period. Additionally, FML使雇员有权恢复到相同或相当的职位,并享有同等的福利, 雇员在劳动劳动期限结束后重返工作岗位时的工资和雇佣条件.

非工业伤残保险(NDI)是一项由国家支付的工资延续计划. There are no employee contributions, enrollment fees or medical examinations required in order to be eligible. NDI为由于包括怀孕在内的与工作无关的疾病或伤害而无法工作的合格雇员提供长达26周的福利. 该计划代替国家残疾保险(SDI)福利,后者也由就业发展部管理.

Before applying for NDI benefits, eligible employees should first apply for and receive an approved leave of absence. To apply for NDI, employees must contact the Benefits Office.


  • A full-time permanent or probationary CSU employee, or
  • 在紧接致残的工资期之前的18个月内,拥有至少相当于6个月的有偿服务工资的兼职或小时工, or
  • 在一年或一学年或一学年以上的工作岗位上担任半天或更多的带薪职位.

在NDI支付开始之前,员工必须首先用完所有累积的病假积分. 如果使用了任何假期,在NDI福利可以支付之前,所有累积的假期必须用完. While on NDI employees will not receive PERS service credit, and no retirement contributions will be deducted from NDI benefits. Additionally employees will not accrue sick or vacation leave.

就业发展部确定资格期限并批准索赔. Once the Payroll Department receives authorization from the Benefits Office, the request for payment is made to the State Controller. 然后每月通过工资办公室准备付款,并由员工所在部门分发.

雇员福利计划的自愿扣除,包括健康/牙科/视力保险, credit union, parking fees, 等. will be automatically deducted from the NDI benefits. However, an employee may cancel voluntary deductions.

任何累积假期或病假学分的CSU员工都可以自愿将这些学分中的任何一种捐赠给同一校园内的任何其他CSU员工(请参阅适用的集体谈判协议,了解您可以捐赠的最大时间). The recipient employee must have exhausted all accrued leave credits, i.e., sick leave, vacation and CTO due to a catastrophic illness or injury. For further information, please contact the Benefits Office.

带薪产假/陪产假/领养假福利支付给某些雇员群体, subject to restrictions. This leave runs concurrently with Family and Medical Leave.

California Pregnancy Disability Leave (CPDL)

该法案规定,如果女性员工因怀孕而致残,则可享受最多四个月的假期. 这是一项独立于CSU FML的权利,在员工被安置在CSU FML之前就已经用尽了.

Pregnancy Disability Leave Fact Sheet

Your Rights and Obligation as a Pregnant Employee

Education Code 89519 Maternity Leave (ECML)

This is a leave of absence without pay for the purposes of pregnancy, 由女雇员决定的女雇员的生育或康复, but not to exceed one year. ECML tracks with CPDL and FML so, for a normal pregnancy, 女雇员将有6周的CPDL假期和最多12周的FML假期,总共有4个半月的假期,符合这三个假期规定的法律要求. 受CPDL约束的长期雇员的最长休假(包括无薪休假和休假积分的使用), CSU FML, and ECML is one year.

在直系亲属或根据大学政策和集体谈判协议定义的“重要近亲”死亡时,授予丧亲假. 法定丧亲日数以集体协议为准.

Employees are granted time to serve on jury duty. 员工在缺席履行陪审员职责期间将获得全额工资,前提是大学可以报销员工担任陪审员的费用. (Unlimited days allowed).

Emergency, 临时和无限期军假是按照联邦和州条例以及集体谈判条款提供的.

如果选民在工作时间之外没有足够的时间在全州选举中投票, the voter may, without loss of pay, 抽出足够的工作时间,加上工作时间以外可用的投票时间,将使选民能够投票. 不超过两小时的投票休息时间不得扣发工资.

符合条件的雇员可获得全假或部分无薪假. 正式的无薪休假由员工以书面形式向相应的管理员提出申请,并可能在令人满意的理由下获得批准. (Forms for this purpose may be obtained in Human Resources.) Leaves of absence provide two primary protections for employees:

  • 他们保证雇员有权在不失去福利的情况下回到相同的分类.
  • They protect coverage on group insurance plans. 大多数团体保险计划可以在员工休假期间继续执行. 雇员必须直接支付保费以继续投保. Arrangement for these payments may be made in Human Resources.