加州州立大学路易斯·斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟(CSU-LSAMP)是一个综合性的, statewide program dedicated to broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. 它是由国家科学基金会(NSF)和CSU校长办公室资助的. 科罗拉多州立大学lsamp联盟成立于1993-94年,目前由科罗拉多州立大学的所有23个校区组成. 为支持每个目标而提供的活动类型(如下所列)一直被证明有助于STEM中代表性不足的少数民族(URM)学生的保留和进步, and represent a set of well-established "best practices." In the current Phase (internally known as SPaRA I), 重点放在让学生参与研究活动和旨在加强研究生院准备的活动上. CSU, 洛杉矶(足彩外围网站)目前有一个较大的LSAMP项目,预计今年将有150名学生参加. 足彩外围网站的lsamp也得到了自然与社会科学学院和工程学院的大量资助, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State LA as well as the University. 该计划向所有主修STEM学科的本科生开放,并计划及时毕业于STEM学科,然后进入STEM劳动力或进入STEM领域的研究生课程.

LSAMP Informational Videos

LSAMP: Aiming High and Making a Difference 

这段视频讲述了路易斯·斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟项目的故事, including the program's history, theoretical underpinnings, programmatic structure, and outcomes. The story is told primarily by LSAMP administrators, faculty, staff, current students, and alumni who were interviewed for the production. Although this video is suitable for student audiences, 它主要面向包括大学领导在内的读者, STEM educators, policy makers, 以及其他能够促进和支持满足国家对多样化和有能力的STEM劳动力需求的努力的人.

Becoming a Scientist or Engineer: Your pathway to the Future with LSAMP

您的未来之路与LSAMP主要面向高中和低年级的大学生,这些学生来自历史上在STEM领域代表性不足的种族/民族. 这个视频的目的是激励这些学生追求STEM专业和职业, 并鼓励他们寻求LSAMP或其他提供支持和丰富经验的计划,以帮助他们取得成功.

这些影片是加州州立大学路易斯·斯托克斯少数族裔参与联盟(CSU-LSAMP)的一个项目。, supported by HRD-0802628. Principal Investigator/Executive Producer: Juanita C. Barrena, Ph.D.,萨克拉门托加州州立大学生物科学荣誉退休教授. Co-Producer/Project Director: Michaeline J. Veden, M.A., Assistant Director, Academic Technology and Creative Services, California State University, Sacramento. Co-Producer/Director/Writer: Keith Rogers, Special Consultant, Academic Technology and Creative Services, California State University, Sacramento. 通过学术技术和创意服务设施制作, California State University, Sacramento.

Overall Program Objectives

  • 支持学生学习STEM领域的“看门人”课程,以提高学生在STEM领域的表现和坚持度.
  • To support students as they transition into STEM disciplines (e.g. as first-time freshmen, transfer students, or newly declared majors) with the goal of improving persistence in STEM.
  • 为学生提供参与研究项目和实习的机会,以鼓励继续研究生院和STEM专业的职业生涯.
  • 提供额外的专业发展和研究生院准备活动,目标是增加进入STEM研究生课程和专业职业的学生人数.
  • 继续为LSAMP学生提供支持,并让他们获得STEM领域的职业和研究机会,以提高他们对STEM的坚持度,并提高他们在STEM领域攻读研究生和职业生涯的兴趣
  • To document, disseminate, and replicate, undergraduate intervention models that increase access to, and success in, STEM领域的学士学位生产,并促进本科入学STEM研究生课程.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Be pursuing your first baccalaureate degree
  • 就读于STEM学科的本科专业或预科专业(见下一节符合条件的专业)
  • 在STEM职业生涯中遇到或面临社会、教育或经济障碍的个人
  • Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors at Cal State LA can apply
  • 每年完成适当的申请(新的或继续的),并在您第一次加入CSU-LSAMP @足彩外围网站时拍摄数码照片

Eligible Majors

Program Activities

Image show three people at a LSAMP poster session talking
  • LSAMP Essentials Meetings
  • Orientation Programs for New LSAMP Students
  • Year-Round Data Science Project
  • Interdisciplinary Summer Research Training Program
  • Academic Year, Summer, and Year-round Internships
  • Presentations and Publications of Research
  • Travel Funds to Present and/or Attend Conferences
  • Graduate School Preparation Activities
  • Other Networking Activities
  • 资助促进、指导或培训LSAMP学生的领导技能或促进工作坊
  • LSAMP Academic and Career Advisement
  • Transfer Support Activities
  • Peer Mentoring Program
  • Material Support (e.g. scantrons)
  • Communications
  • Attendance and Evaluation of Research Seminars On and off Campus
  • Personal Statement Workshop
  • Early Registration for Fall, Spring and Summer Terms
  • CSU-LSAMP Statewide Recognitions

Undergraduate Application Procedure

Program Benefits
  • 提前注册-如果你符合标准并回复LSAMP的电子邮件信息,你可以提前注册你的课程.
  • Career tailored advisement.
  • 对转校生进行同侪辅导——学员会产生归属感, increase their self-confidence, and connect better with their majors; the peer mentors will develop leadership skills and receive a small stipend.
  • 早在大一就开始基础研究培训,这样你就可以最终加入校园内外的STEM研究小组.
  • 为已经在研究实验室工作的学生提供跨学科的暑期研究培训.
  • Travel funds, stipends & reimbursement of other costs (i.e., travel to present or attend local, regional and national conferences, graduation application fees; some tests; graduate school application fees) – the amount of stipends and funding is dependent on the level of participation, specific program activity, and academic performance
  • Workshops to help you successfully get into graduate school
  • Facilitating internships that can lead to permanent STEM jobs
  • 申请参加LSAMP博士衔接项目的资格-为期两年的硕士研究生奖学金,包括学费和杂费, and provides funds for a stipend, supplies, and travel. 

科罗拉多州立大学LSAMP由国家科学基金会(Grant # HRD-1826490)和科罗拉多州立大学校长办公室资助,并得到自然与社会科学学院的支持, College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology, and the University