
The 梅隆梅斯大学本科生奖学金 program is the centerpiece of 安德鲁·W. 梅隆基金会的 initiatives to increase diversity in the faculty ranks of institutions of higher learning. 该计划包括48所成员学校和财团, 包括三所南非大学和一个由黑人联合学院基金成员组成的历史悠久的黑人学院和大学组成的财团.

截至2021年, 6000多名学生被选为研究员, 其中1000多人获得了博士学位.D. and over 190 of whom are now tenured faculty members. The great majority of those who have completed the Ph.D. 在学院任职或曾在学院任职.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 is proud to be one of five CSU campuses—including CSU Dominguez Hills, 基社盟富勒顿, CSU长滩, and CSU San Bernardino—that houses the 梅隆梅斯大学本科生奖学金 program.



During the academic year, students will attend bi-weekly 会议 这将支持研究员个人和职业发展的各个方面,并将扩展在CSU MMUF联盟暑期体验和足彩外围网站人文暑期学者计划中引入的主题, 包括“申请研究生院”,“有效的公共演讲。,“审查研究生院的申请程序。.” Bi-weekly 会议 would also address the research project process.

在夏季,学生将参加一个联合项目与五个CSU MMUF校区.  该项目将向新研究员介绍学术人文学科,并帮助他们在教师导师的支持下开展研究项目. 

  • $4000 term stipends for each year in the program (2 years)
  • $4500 summer stipends to conduct research with a faculty mentor (2 years)
  • $600 travel stipends for travel-related expenses (2 years)
  • 400美元的研究津贴,用于研究相关费用
  • GRE准备
  • Up to $10,000 repayment in undergraduate/graduate student loans, once entered into a Ph.D. program
  • Guest lectures and social/cultural activities throughout the year
  • 持续的专业建议和道德支持MMUF的学员从与其他朝着相似目标前进的学生一起继续学习中获益最多, 包括其他机构的MMUF研究员, 创建本地, 区域, 国家队列和支持系统.


  1. 至少3.申请时的GPA为2, 在第二学年/第四学期结束时完成48-60个学期的课程.
  2. 大二或大三



  • 学术承诺(e).g.(GPA、推荐信、论文);
  • 在学术界担任教职的潜力 核心梅隆场 of study, particularly in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences;
  • Contribution to diversity in their designated fields of study;
  • Demonstrated commitment to understanding the barriers faced by underrepresented minorities, 打破刻板印象, and increasing understanding across racial and ethnic groups;
  • Willingness to consider graduate school in MMUF-approved humanities-based disciplines;
  • Commitment to participating fully and enthusiastically in all aspects of the MMUF program, 包括出席会议, 会议, and activities; and
  • 美国公民身份, 永久居民, as well as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or undocumented status.

  1. 一篇500字的个人短文,描述对mmuf批准的学科之一的兴趣,潜力
    history and academic goals, and what they hope to achieve in the program. This essay can be submitted through the "马上申请" tab below.
  2. One letter of recommendation from a college or university faculty member who can document
    学术潜力. The letter-writer should send their recommendation directly to (电子邮件保护).

The application portal for the 2024-25 academic year is 现在关闭了.  谢谢你!.


Information sessions will be held on the following dates on zoom:


会议编号:863 8405 6213


会议编号:879 0624 0690


会议编号:883 3310 0551


会议编号:812 6633 9799


不能参加这些会议吗? 博士联系. Wild ((电子邮件保护))讨论



MMUF的学生从与其他朝着相似目标前进的学生一起继续学习中获益最多, 包括其他机构的MMUF研究员, 创建本地, 区域, 国家队列和支持系统.  All students are welcome to apply to the MMUF Program.  Applications are particularly encouraged from African Americans, 女奇卡诺人/ os,/拉丁/操作系统, 印第安人, 太平洋岛民, 以及人文科学和人文社会科学中其他代表性不足的群体的成员.


每年选出四名新的MMUF研究员.  这些新入选的研究员加入了之前入选的即将和即将毕业的资深研究员的行列, 在那里,他们将获得指导和经济支持,为进入Ph.D. programs and eventual careers as scholars and faculty members.

Jarenni Ambriz is an Asian/Asian American Studies major with an 人类学 minor. Her experience living in Mexico sparked an interest in cross-national studies, 特别是在跨帝国的权力动态中. 她对音乐的热爱, 特别是金属, has welded her research interests in media imperialism, 音乐产业, 及金属研究奖学金. 她的MMUF项目通过对南加州当地金属乐队的分析,探讨了音乐产业中的权力关系,试图确定金属音乐家在行业层次结构的低端的经历. 她计划获得博士学位,并将目前的研究扩展到跨国背景,以探索当代帝国主义的做法.

乔凡娜·卡尔德隆(乔凡娜卡尔德隆)是第一代学生,主修墨西哥裔和拉丁裔研究. She is the daughter of Mexican immigrants and grew up in Boyle Heights. Her research examines how organizations have boosted businesses as an avenue to community. After graduating from 加州大学洛杉矶分校, Giovanna plans to pursue a doctorate. 接收Ph值.D. will further her goal of building inclusive academic institutions.


珍妮特·卡尔德隆 was raised in Boyle Heights for most of her life. She is currently pursuing a major 在历史上 and a minor in Asian American Studies. 她的学术追求与她在探索双语教育及其对20世纪70年代至90年代在加利福尼亚的墨西哥裔美国人社区的影响的兴趣一致. 在观察到她所在社区的个人使用他们的传统语言的多方面方式后,她对这个话题产生了兴趣. 珍妮特希望帮助记录她所在社区的历史斗争,并渴望帮助像她这样的第一代学生. 


哈利城堡是一位自豪的通勤者, 转移, 她是第一代大学生,完成了她在墨西哥(o)和拉丁(o)研究的辅修课程,并将获得B.A. 在历史上. 她利用自己的跨学科技能和交叉性,为她在圣盖博谷的梅隆梅斯项目,特别是鲍德温公园的城市进行研究. Drawing on her experiences with displacement and eviction,  她因被驱逐而流离失所的生活, 她批判现代性, 资本主义, and colonialism in the suburbs while centering ethnic community healing and resistance. 她的研究探讨了这些对话, 的态度, and emotions of daily-life residents from the 19th century onward, through close reading of archival material to dissect contemporary gentrification. Haley has experience in union leadership, grassroots organizing, and teaching. 她计划成为一名社区大学教授,在那里她希望打破传统的学术标准,并将非殖民健康纳入她的教学中.  


金伯利康德 is a first-generation student and a political science major. 她在足彩外围网站暑期桥项目的经历激发了她对第一代学生如何在高等教育中使用导航资本工具的兴趣. 她的研究是各种同伴指导模式对第一代拉丁裔学生成功的影响. 金伯利希望她的奖学金和学术培训能够阐明影响第一代拉丁裔学生的社会学术问题.

Woman with dark brown hair wearing glasses and a white sweater

塔尼亚Galvez is an 人类学 major with a minor in Woman, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.  她的研究重点是妇女健康, 特别是在获得医疗保健方面, 在跨文化背景下.  她对这个话题的兴趣是在去萨莫拉的母亲家探亲时引起的, 米却肯州, Mexico where medical facilities in the small town are limited. 最近, she has undertaken a research project that explores the temporal aspect of women’s health.  Utilizing pre-Columbian pelvises from several dozen individuals recovered from a Maya cave, 塔尼亚将在9世纪和10世纪的样本中确定女性患骨质疏松症的风险是否比男性更大.


卡琳娜古铁雷斯目前主修历史,辅修墨西哥(0)和拉丁美洲(0)研究. As a first-generation Mexican American college student, she wants to understand how immigration law and policies between the U.墨西哥影响社区. 她目前的研究探索了不同的组织是如何在内陆帝国倡导移民权利的. 在她空闲的时候, 她为她所在社区的人们提供资源和指导,帮助他们获得公民身份. 在未来, she hopes to become a professor to not only mentor other Latinx students, but to also combine academic work with organizing to give back to her community.


贝托·埃尔南德斯·门德斯 is a 社会学 and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Major. 他们的研究项目侧重于ICE拘留对无证变性人的影响. 贝托对这个话题的兴趣是在他们亲身经历了ICE拘留的有害影响之后产生的,因为他们是有色人种的酷儿. They approach their work through an abolitionist lens, 通过惩罚性制度,以人性和被拘留者的尊严为中心. Berto is an organizer and advocate with the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance, 与目前被拘留在ICE设施的人合作,为他们和他们的家人提供资源,以实现他们的解放. They work with various communities to build solidarity and collective power.



  • 黑兹尔·卡里亚斯-乌尔比纳(档案管理员,南加州图书馆)
  • Mary Jay Villaciencio (城市年度学生成功教练)
  • Shahar Wakan (加州州立大学人类学学士学位)
  • 达纳·亚辛(M.A. Program in Comparative Politics, London School of Economics)


  • Crisdel·阿古里亚· (华特迪士尼公司股权实习生)
  • 麦奇多明戈 足彩外围网站.传播学(A)


  • 劳拉·皮 (M.A. 加州浸会大学心理咨询专业)


  • 阿比盖尔卡尔德隆 (Ph.D. (耶鲁大学历史系)
  • 亚迪拉·伊内兹·特勒切亚 (M.A. Program in Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and Graduate Student Coordinator, 足彩外围网站


  • Joselin卡斯蒂略 (Ph.D. Program in 拉丁美洲研究 at University of New Mexico)
  • 米歇尔Ceja (M.A. 足彩外围网站人类学课程
  • 珍妮吉尔 (中山大学护理课程. 圣玛丽大学)
  • 南希·弗洛雷斯 (Ph.D. 新墨西哥大学社会学专业

