

Below are recommendations faculty members should make before each semester: 

Include a Disability Access Statement in your course syllabi:  

“If you have a disability 和 need accommodations, please register with the Office for 学生 with Disabilities. OSD办公室位于学生服务大楼1320,电话:323-343-3140. If you would like to discuss your need for accommodations, please email me to schedule an appointment.” 


教师有责任确保所有学生都能获得所有的课程材料. 教师们被鼓励学习如何利用资源和协助创建无障碍的材料 它的可访问性.  ITS和OSD建议如下,以确保学生在学期开始前配备. 

  • Complete textbook orders as soon as possible.  
  • 确保 教学材料 are created in an accessible format. ATI可以帮助教师提供文字说明和口头描述视觉媒体的策略. 
  • Review training guides 和 other ATI accessibility resources. 

教师 members visit the 新 F无障碍页面 for additional information 和 training opportunities on accessibility. 



学生将通过OSD在线门户向您发送学院学术支持服务通知电子邮件. 这封电子邮件验证学生是否有资格获得住宿以及学生需要什么类型的住宿.  教师 that have questions regarding the accommodations are encouraged to discuss them directly with the student; in the event questions remain, faculty should contact OSD at 323-343-3140 for further clarification.  

学院没有义务为没有OSD办公室住宿证明的学生提供住宿. 把那个学生带到OSD办公室,这样残疾管理专家和学生, 在一起, can determine eligibility for support services through the interactive process.  


Confidentiality in the accommodation process must be maintained by all parties. OSD cannot provide specific information about a student's disability. 重要的是,教职员工要保密,不要与其他教职员工或学生讨论学生的残疾或住宿要求, including any discussions in a classroom setting. 

While some students may be more comfortable disclosing the nature of their disability, many choose to keep their disability private.  


根据法律规定,学生有权不分享有关其残疾性质的任何信息. 只要学生向您出示OSD的学术支持服务通知, you are required to implement the accommodations. 如果教师对本文件中列出的住宿安排的实施有疑问,鼓励与学生交谈,并在需要时联系OSD. 

However, some students may choose to share disability information with you. Be supportive 和 keep the information in confidence. Do not disclose the information given.  Listen, validate, 和 refer them to OSD. 

No. 通过服务验证的学生将收到OSD的书面确认. If a student does not have written confirmation 和 is not registered, please refer them to our office in the Student Services Building, 1320. If you choose to provide a student with reasonable accommodations, you may do so at your own discretion, 然而, we do encourage accommodations to be facilitated by our office.

是的,但我们办公室的截止日期是第13周,这是他们最晚可以要求住宿的时间. There could be numerous reasons why a student makes a late request. Perhaps the student could not get documentation of their disability any earlier, 和, 因此, could not initiate accommodations earlier.  However, accommodations are not retroactive. Consult with OSD if you have questions. 

教师应该明白,虽然他们被要求为残疾学生提供合理的便利, 他们不需要容忍对他们的教学能力和其他学生的学习能力造成严重破坏的行为. 教师应该对所有学生,包括那些在OSD注册的学生,保持同样的态度 行为准则. 教师 are welcome to consult with the OSD as needed. If a student's disruptive behavior cannot be contained, contact the University Police Department 寻求即时援助. 教师 may also benefit from contacting the 教务长 for additional non-emergency support. 

口译员的作用是促进手语和口语之间的交流. Interpreters sign everything that is spoken 和 voice everything that is signed. 

Working with an Interpreter: Some Tips 

  • 向口译员提供一份课程大纲和/或其他印刷材料,以便他们在课堂上复习和跟进. 
  • Provide a location for the interpreter.  
    • The Deaf student needs to have a line of sight to view the professor or lecturer, overhead or PowerPoint presentations, 口译员. 
  • Speak directly to the Deaf student, not the interpreter. For example, say, "Do you have your homework?" rather than "Does the student have their homework?" 
  • Direct contact is valued particularly in one-to-one interactions, direct eye contact on the part of the Deaf individual is not always possible, as the Deaf student will need to look at the interpreter.
  • Repeat other students' questions.  
    • This will allow the interpreter to ensure he/she does not miss the questions. 
  • When there are audio-visual presentations, allow the Deaf student time to follow along with the presentation; the student will need time to look at the instructor, as well as to look at what is being displayed. 如果可能的话,在演讲前给聋哑学生提供一份视觉演讲的副本. 
  • Give the Deaf student sufficient time to read any written materials before you speak.  
    • Deaf students receive their information visually. 如果你在他们阅读的时候说话,他们就不能同时看着口译员和阅读. 
  • Provide good lighting for the interpreter.  
    • If during the lecture you need to darken the room to view slides, 录像带, 电影, 或管理费用, auxiliary lighting is necessary so that the Deaf person can see the interpreter. If a small lamp or spotlight cannot be obtained, check whether room lights can be dimmed, 或者可以打开门或窗帘,以提供足够的光线来看到口译员. 

车, also known as Communication Access Real-Time Translation, 语音转文本服务是否使用专业字幕提供用于听觉的文本格式. 编码器将使用麦克风的音频来捕捉所有的口头信息,并近乎实时地输入,这样学生就可以在笔记本电脑上阅读讲座或课堂讨论. 

Working with a real-time captioner: Some Tips 

  • 向服务提供者提供课程大纲和/或其他打印材料的副本,以便在课程进行时进行复习和跟踪. 
  • When setting up at the beginning of the class, 服务提供商和使用车的个人将与您合作,找出各自的最佳定位, to ensure effective 和 comfortable communication. 
  • Speak directly to the Deaf or hard-of-hearing student, not the service provider. For example, say, "Do you have anything you would like to add?" rather than "Does he/she have anything to add?" 
  • 直接的目光接触. While direct contact is valued particularly in one-to-one interactions, 对于聋人或听力障碍者来说,直接的目光接触并不总是可能的, as the deaf or hard-of-hearing individual will need to watch the captioning screen. 
  • Try to face the class when you speak. 一些聋哑和听力障碍的学生喜欢通过唇读来跟随讲座,当他们听不懂时使用车作为备用. 
  • Ensure the Deaf or hard-of-hearing student's participation. Remember that the service provider is a few words behind the speaker. 因此, 给聋人或听障学生时间去获取所有的信息并提出问题. 
  • 如果可能的话, 在演讲前,为失聪或有听力障碍的学生提供视觉演讲的“预先副本”. 
  • 在你说话之前,要给失聪或听障学生足够的时间阅读书面材料. Deaf 和 hard-of-hearing students receive their information visually. If you speak while they are reading, they will not be able to watch the captioning screen 和 read simultaneously.