Open University

Cal State LA University sign on Paseo Rancho Casilla Rd.

由专业与全球教育学院(PaGE)管理, 开放大学允许社区成员获得足彩外围网站的高质量大学教学,而无需正式注册大学作为学位授予计划的一部分.



  • 有兴趣参加不同科目的课程,以追求个人兴趣领域或扩展其专业技能的社区成员 
  • 离校的学生需要提高GPA才能被考虑复学 
  • 计划进入学士后或研究生课程的学生需要完成先决条件课程或提高他们的GPA
  • Returned U.S. 有兴趣在开始学术生涯时申请他们的福利的退伍军人 


Registration Procedures

  1. Complete and submit the Open University Intent to Enroll Form*. If you are interested in additional courses, email 足彩外围网站的专业和全球教育学院(PaGE)学生服务与课程名称, number, and section after submitting the Intent to Enroll Form. Include your full name in all emails.
  2. After submitting the form, 请预留2-3个工作日收到导师的联系信息和您的校园识别号码(CIN)。.
  3. 学生将需要联系每个教练,要求在GET(金鹰地区)颁发许可证。, the Cal State LA Student Portal, for their course(s). A permit is also required for labs and activities. If you have been issued a permit, email PaGE Student Services with the list of the approved course(s). 专业与全球教育学院(PaGE)将为教师提供联系信息.
  4. Once the permit is in place (see the above steps), a payment link will be forwarded to submit your payment. The cost per unit is $320.
  • Paying with a debit/credit card will incur a Non-Refundable 2.65% service fee.
  • If paying with a check, please make checks payable to Cal State LA. Submit payment through Cal State LA's One-Stop Financial ServicesIt is important to include your CIN on your check.

      5. Once payment is received, PaGE will proceed with enrollment.

*Enrollment is processed based on seat availability.

How to Apply Credit to a Degree



  • Students may take up to 18 credits per semester. They may not enroll in directed or independent study, research, thesis, fieldwork, cooperative education courses, or courses with the suffix "R."
  • 计划参加研究生课程(5000级)的学生必须从适当的系主任那里获得批准入学的备忘录,并将其提交给 PaGE Enrollment Services.
  • 正式被大学录取的学生必须在进入开放大学之前至少一个学期处于非活动状态. 这一要求适用于不合格的、州外的、国际的和本地的学生.
  • 开放大学的学生还必须遵守大学和院系足彩外围网站先决条件的规定, withdrawals, grading, and student conduct.



The Petition Withdrawal Request (drop form) can be obtained here. 适当的教师和系主任(如需要)签名是必需的. Once approvals are obtained, please forward that information to PaGE Enrollment Services.

学期开始后退课或退学的学生将按比例退还注册费. 按比例退款以在PaGE办公室收到课程/项目退出和退款申请表格的日期为基础.

10美元的行政费用将从所有退款中扣除,除非退学是校园规定的结果, compulsory military service, disability, death of the student, 或由专业与全球教育学院(PaGE)取消课程.

退款支票将邮寄到课程/课程退出和退款申请表格上注明的地址. 退款支票在PaGE收到请求后大约4-6周寄出. See the Open University Registration Form for refund deadline dates. For Daily Refund Proration Table details, please visit Cal State LA's One-Stop Financial Services.


Please note add/drop deadlines.

For established programs, 学生必须在上课的第一天之前退课或退学,以获得100%的注册费退款,减去10美元.00 administrative fee. 在上课第一天之前签署的课程/课程退出和退款申请表格必须通过电子邮件发送到 PaGE Enrollment Services in order to obtain a 100% refund.

学期开始后,退课或退学的学生将按比例退还注册费. 按比例退款是基于在PaGE办公室收到课程/项目退出和退款申请表格的日期.

A $10.00美元的行政费用将从所有退款中扣除,除非退学是学校规定的结果, compulsory military service, disability, death of the student, 或由专业与全球教育学院取消课程.

退款支票将邮寄到课程/课程退出和退款申请表格上注明的地址. 退款支票在学院收到申请后大约四到六周寄出. Visit the University Scheduling Office webpage for Important Dates and Deadlines. For Daily Refund Proration, The One-Stop Financial Service Website has a Daily Refund Proration Table for your use.

To purchase Open University course materials, please visit the University Bookstore.

For information about parking on campus, please visit Cal State LA Parking Information.

Please visit the University Records Office webpage for all transcript requests or call (323) 343-3873.

1. Can international students take Open University classes and get an I-20?
An international student can take Open University classes, 但前提是当前的I-20是由其他学院或大学签发的. i -20不符合通过开放大学注册的资格. 申请开放大学正常注册规则(每班需获得导师签名和院系批准章).

2. How do I audit Open University courses?
Obtain approval in the Enrollment Services Center for (PaGE), University Student Union, Room 105, before paying fees and no later than the add deadline of any term. Regular attendance is expected, 但审核员不允许完成作业或参加考试.

3. How do I take a traditional graded course for credit/non-credit?  
在招生服务中心填写“非传统评分申请”表格(PaGE)。, University Student Union, Room 105. 接下来,获得足彩外围网站注册服务办公室409的批准. Then pay your fees at the Cashier's Office at Administration 128. Class attendance and participation in exams are required.

For more information, 访问专业和全球教育学院的学生服务, located in the University-Student Union,1st floor, Room 105, or call (323) 343-4900.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday:  8 a.m. to 5 p.m.