Exito! 邀请建议书及申请

请拨打Exito! 全纳教学研究员
Tenure-track faculty and lecturer faculty are invited to apply.
截止日期: 2023年5月24日,星期三

With generous funding from the US Department of Education's Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions grant program, 足彩外围网站已经成立 Exito! 提高足彩外围网站和教师素质; 一个旨在提高学生成功的项目, 保留, 毕业和缩小学生之间的平等差距.

We are seeking a faculty fellow for the 2023-24 AY to be part of a team that collaborates and dreams together. Working with the DHSI project team and with one another, faculty fellows will develop an integrated vision and establish implementation processes that connect project priorities.
问题? 联系米歇尔·霍利


概述: This faculty fellow facilitates the Inclusive Teaching program. 由足彩外围网站的教师开发, this 15-week online program is hosted on Canvas and features seven modules, each dedicated to a specific inclusive topic including teaching identity, 第一代学习者, 残疾学生, 学生退伍军人, 艰难的讨论, 内隐偏见, 以及教师的自我照顾. The faculty fellow recruits and facilitates one online cohort of up to 25 instructors each term to participate in this course. Priority will be given to instructors who participated in and completed the Inclusive Teaching program previously.


  • Work with CETL e-learning specialist and Inclusive Teaching contributor; Arcadia Le Vias Chukwudifu in June to be trained with the goal of facilitating a Fall 2023 cohort (5 full days of training).
  • 促进 全纳教学计划的一部分 F所有2023年包括: 
    • Monitor and give feedback for discussion forums and encourage participation.
    • Grading module deliverables on a weekly basis within 5-7 days from the assignment due dates.
      • Provide assignment feedback to comment on participant narratives, 讨论解决方案, and promote the implementation of inclusive teaching practices. 
      • Recommend additional articles or scholarship and available resources on and off campus when appropriate.
    • 在11月举办一个现场(在线)研讨会.
    • Track participation to identify opportunities for motivation and outreach to help participants successfully earn the 包容性教学计划 Certification.
    • Provide reminders and support through weekly announcements.
    • Hold weekly office hours for faculty; provide one-on-one consultation to motivate and mentor participants throughout the course.
    • 每两个月与CETL总监(C)会面一次. Haras); meet bi-weekly with the Exito faculty fellows' team; collaborate informally and as needed with other team members.


  • 促进工作报告 that includes suggestions about how to strengthen community participation in the program and improve content and feedback to participants.
  • 与CETL人员协商编辑和修改材料.

The faculty fellow for inclusive teaching will receive up to $2,500 dollars total additional pay for summer; 3 units reimbursed time or up to $6,054.**

* Both tenure-track faculty and lecturer faculty are encouraged to apply for these fellowships. 因为这是基金资助的, tenure track faculty are eligible for assigned time and/or additional pay; lecturer faculty are eligible for additional pay or consultant pay only.
**Continuation of appointment from fall to spring is contingent upon successful completion or deliverables and continued alignment with project goals.  

做一个Exito! 教师的

Complete the application and upload a short (2 page) CV.  注意,这是 在线申请. 您将需要通过登录 MyCalStateLA 要访问此链接. 一旦你登录,它会提示你这些提示:

  1. 姓名和联系方式
  2. Why are you interested in facilitating the 包容性教学计划? 如果你以前参加过这个项目, describe one or two key experiences that have impacted your teaching. (250字)

  3. How would you ensure learners remain on task and successfully progresses through course content and assessments?  你如何让员工保持积极性?  讨论一个你会使用的促进策略. 
  4.  附上简短的个人简历(最多2页). On CV, please indicate any experience or training in facilitation or inclusive excellence.

如有疑问,请联系 猫hara .

We welcome faculty fellows from all disciplines who have a strong understanding of best practices for teaching first generation and students of color, 尤其是墨西哥语/拉丁语, 亚裔美国人, 美国印第安人, 黑人学生. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 faculty who have taught in any of the Ethnic Studies departments, or who have taught courses focused on social justice and diversity are especially encouraged to apply.

  • Application that provides strong rationale for interest in this position;
  • Familiarity with CETL's resources for teaching and learning;
  • 完成 包容性教学计划;
  • Experience or training in facilitation with an emphasis in inclusive excellence;
  • 有在社区组织工作的经验, 学校, or other place-based projects that serve first-generation students of color, 最好在洛杉矶;
  • Experience taking an asset-based approach to working with students and building on the cultural wealth of bilingual and bicultural communities;
  • Experience teaching social justice and/or ethnic studies; experience implementing culturally relevant and culturally responsive approaches in and out of the classroom;
  • Experience applying best-practices for teaching first-gen and Pell-eligible students;
  • 有在线课程指导经验, 包括咨询和课程重新设计, 实施及评估, and how to develop these in ways that are inclusive and participatory;
  • Facility with academic technology, including Canvas, the campus Learning Management Software (LMS)
  • Experience facilitating inclusive and culturally responsive conversations and in creating spaces that support discovery and learning;
  • High level of initiative and ability to work independently and in a team setting; time sensitivity