

Committed to diversity and inclusion, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 and 档案 offers a range of learning opportunities in 数字化, 档案处理, and exhibition curation and installation.

A collection of images featuring student assistants performing various tasks as members of the SC&一个团队.


加州大学洛杉矶分校’s 特殊的集合 and 档案 Student Assistant Program provides opportunities for 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students interested in the library science, archival and museum fields. Student assistants are paired with collections and projects related to their area of interest and field of study.

The program provides hands-on training in processing, 数字化, 参考, 指令, programming/outreach and curation. Student assistants work closely with 特殊的集合 and 档案 personnel to develop projects that align with their academic goals and interests. The program is centered on the department's commitment to student success and fostering curiosity in the archival profession. In addition to learning fundamental library tasks such as scanning, retrieving and re-shelving, 数据输入, 和排序, it is designed to allow students to participate in the department's broader strategic goals in the areas of collection development, 指令, 和推广.

Past and current assistants come from a range of interdisciplinary academic backgrounds: Art and Graphic Design, 艺术历史, 计算机科学, 英语, 历史, 人类学, 通信, 拉丁美洲研究, and Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies, 等. 他们成功了, taken courses or interned at a range of local and national museums, 库, and cultural heritage institutions, 包括:

  • The Getty Research Institute
  • The 图书馆 of Congress
  • The Los Angeles County Museum of Arts (LACMA)
  • 奥特里博物馆
  • The Museum of Social Justice
  • The Heritage Square Museum
  • The Southwest Museum of the American Indian
  • The University of Chicago 图书馆, Preservation Department
  • California 罕见的 Book School (CalRBS)
  • The 罕见的 Book School (RBS)
  • The Natural 历史 Museum of Los Angeles
  • 格特档案 & 特殊的集合, California State University, Dominguez Hills
  • Henry Madden 图书馆, 特殊的集合 Research Center, california State University, Fresno


All applications must be submitted directly through 握手. The position title is “特殊的集合 Assistant.被考虑, you must include a cover letter indicating your interest and resume in addition to your application.

PCC interns helping to complete 数字化 projects of theses, newspapers and bookplates.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 and 档案 offers students an opportunity to work with rare and unique materials, 过程集合, 开发寻找辅助工具, curate digital exhibitions, and work on digital collections. We have partnered with Pasadena City College (PCC) for their Digitization Skills 实习, UCLA for their MLIS program, and USC for their MMLIS program to provide in-person and remote internship opportunities to students interested in the field of information.

Past Projects have included:

  • Digitization of College/University Times Newspapers, 藏书票集合, and Yearbooks from scanning materials using an overhead scanner to create a preservation and access file, creating metadata and uploading files to our repository.
  • 转录, 索引, and metdata creation for the Chinese American 口述历史 Project and Pandemic Diaries
  • Cataloging and physical processing of the Mervyn M. Dymally Photograph Collection
  • Curation of digital exhibits


加州大学洛杉矶分校 图书馆 Prize for Research Excellence

The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 图书馆 Prize for Research Excellence recognizes and supports the scholarship of undergraduate and graduate students through the use of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 and 档案 research collections and services. The awards program is currently on hiatus until further notice. If you have any questions please contact Azalea Camacho, Archivist and 特殊的集合 Librarian, (电子邮件保护)
